A Short Session
Yesterday I played footbag with Nis. I didn’t play that well but even though he complained about hurting a bit and having heavy legs I think he played really well. I saw him hit Toe Blur b2b, which I don’t think I have seen him before.
In the middle of the session Kim showed up. He was jetlagged from traveling to Florida and Cuba with his family and he still had some problems with his ankle, so he only hung out. It was great to see him though.
When the session was ending the O.G. Mads Hole even showed up to juggle clubs. He challenged me to hit Gyro Symp Butterfly Swirl, which I obviously couldn’t. But I did manage to hit Gyro Symp Butterfly and Gyro Symple Legover.
A Shirt
I designed a shirt that you can buy from a company called Everpress. You have 28 days to order it from now on, then they will be printed, sent out and never return. All proceeds will go to going to footbag tournaments.
There is also a female model: