Putting bags on the board

I haven’t played lately since I have been down and out with a crazy flu. I thought I was gonna practice my routine for Danish Champs this past weekend, but all I managed to do was hit Far Symple Swirl with a sock.

But yesterday I had to crawl out of my cave, since we had a meeting of the board and then a footbag session after. We were Kim, Nis, Mathias and I and we discussed the upcoming Danish Champs, our facebook page, and FootbagDenmark as a political organization.

After the meeting, we were worried that we had to cancel the session since there was going to be a knitting festival in the room where we play. Yes, at knitting festival… They even have a hashtag – #knitworks. Luckily, none of the knitters was around, so we sneaked in and played anyways.

I played surprisingly well for having been sick and not playing for 2-3 weeks. I had some runs I was really feeling but no real highlights. Not as worried about Danish Champs now as I were before the session.
Nis wasn’t playing very well. He started going to a fitness center and now wants to become the Danish Alês Zelinka. Apparently, it is already hurting his game. Haha.
Mathias was playing well. He has this amazing ability to not drop, even when he tries to drop he doesn’t. The greatest example of this happened when he went for a Spinning Ducking Whirl and cleared the dex but somehow managed to stall the bag on his planted foot. That was crazy.
Kim looked pretty good. He got close to Whirr after some tips from Mathias. He should hit that soon.

We played with a new Macro bag from Marco Hartig that Nis bought. It was already super good. I will definitely by bags from him next time.

Here is a stupid song we played to:

Danish Champs is October 14th. It’s gonna be a small one this year, but I hope that means more Danes will dare to compete. I am competing in everything like always, except in request which I am doing the combos for this year.

I am also very seriously considering going to the German Footbag Championships in Berlin. That is November 18th. I hope I can convince my little brother to come along – I am sure that it will be the perfect first international tournament for him to go.The Berliners know how to throw a good footbag tournament!

Foosball VS Footbag


On Saturday I went to the Danish Foosball Championship with Mathias Blau. We went to support former Danish champion in footbag and Mathias’ mentor Nikolai Lorenzen and my friend and former colleague Nermin.

Nikolai & Mathias

We have a good relationship with the CPH foosball club – some of them come out to our tournaments and we come out to theirs. A lot of them are weird and crazy like footbaggers. I also  think we could learn a lot from them. They have 300+ members in Copenhagen alone.

Nermin was already out of the tournament. His team had been disqualified when his teammate had a small heart attack during one of their games. Pretty crazy. His teammate was back and well when we got there luckily.

Nikolai and his teammate was just about to start a game, when we got there, so it was perfect timing. It was a great game and we had great seats. Unfortunately Nikolai lost. If I remember correctly that meant they got 7th in the tournament. That is pretty good.

Here is a video from the round after: Nikolai’s banes losing to the favorites and final champions.

OD, semifinal, winner's bracket, The Open Danish Championships…

The final matches at The Open Danish Championships 2017 are fast approaching. Watch the B-final of the winner's bracket in Open doubles; Henk Habets(NLD) & Minyoung Bai(DEU) vs. Sven Wonsyld & Niels Wonsyld (DEN).

Hovedstadens Bordfodbold Forening 发布于 2017年9月2日

They are so damn good!

After Nikolai’s loss we kicked up the pace of downing G&Ts and Beers. Mathias and I talked a bit about starting to practice some foosball. It would be cool to at least be able to hold your own and not look like a complete newbie.


Classic Thursday session yesterday at the usual indoor spot. It was me and Nis 1 on 1 for the first 50 minutes. Then birthday boy Andreas showed up. Happy birthday Drezzy D! We managed to play well over an hour.

I had a hard time adjusting to playing inside in a hot room with shitty air and maybe also playing later, than usually (20:30). But I still feel like I played at a decent level. No real highlights though – just a bunch of good solid runs.

There was rumors that Milan Benda would also show up. Apparently he is back in CPH working. I should probably shoot him a message. He is the homie.