Short & Slow

I implemented a calendar widget to track when I play footbag. I used to do this on my phone, but I thought it would make more sense doing it here. If you are checking the site on a computer, you should see it somewhere to the right.

The attentive reader will now have noticed that I played footbag yesterday. Mathias Blau and I played at Nørrebrohallen. I’ve had some back problems this week, but decided to play anyway. I think it actually helped more than it hurt. It was a short and pretty low energy session but it is always good to get out and shake ye olde footbag legs.

I got my new phone and wanted to test out the video functionality. It can both do 4k and 1060p60f. So that is pretty cool. Here is a little run from Mathias I filmed. Unfortunately, I fucked the quality up afterwards playing with it.

Mama and Boats

I visited my dear mama this weekend and since I was supposed to be in Berlin shredding it up with the homies I decided to have a little session in what used to be my teenage room. No highlights since I just drilled, worked on fixing a few small issues and so on.

Speaking of my teenage room: For some reason, this video of me saying goodbye to that room suddenly exploded with views (nearly 5k).

It wasn’t even that long ago I moved it to the FD youtube channel. It has something to do with the name of the video and related videos. Weird.

I recently got an awesome package sent all the way from PA from David Owen Beyers (Boats). I love getting stuff sent from footbaggers around the world. I should make more physical stuff to send to people.

It would be cool to do something like this but with footbag.



Great session with Mathias Blau, Nis Petersen, and Frederik Mens yester. I knew it was gonna be a good one from the very first trick – felt like a Hacky Sack Millionaire.

I got to play with everybody but mainly with Mathias.

Nis played well even though he was complaining about groin pain, headaches and what have you before the session. He has started hitting the gym and I have a feeling he wants to be the next Alês.

Mathias wasn’t having one of his best days, but there was still some good stuff. A run starting with Jani > Jani with a bunch of 5s was probably the highlight of the session from him.

I did not get to play a lot with Frede, but what I saw looked great. I think he is close to a level up.

I felt like a million bucks for a big part of the session. Mathias also complimented my recent progress. Always feels nice. Gotta remember to stay humble though. Had some good runs with less 2s than usually but the real highlights were three new tricks:

  • Terraging Muted Clipper
  • Blurry Reverse Whirling Rake bs

I footed the first one a bunch of times before hitting it. It honestly doesn’t feel hard. The other one I hit on my third attempt on my good side and first try on my flip. Boom!

Other stuff

My GoPro camera got stolen the night of Danish Champs. Luckily, my insurance got it covered. I am gonna spend the money on a new phone. Since I need a new phone and its camera should be good enough for filming shred action. It’s not like I am banging out footbag productions these days anyways.

I live in cooperative housing (Danish: andelsbolig) and every year we have an audit, where we decide what our finances are gonna go to. The annual audit is on Monday and one of the suggestions got me excited. The idea is to set up an activity room in one of the basements. The room should include ping pong, foosball and so on. I am instantly thinking a year-round 24-hour footbag spot in my building. It is not like we are lacking indoor spots here in Copenhagen, but it would still be cool to have one that close and accessible. Fingers crossed.

Khoa wrote a great article for BSOS about Freestyle Football and Freestyle Footbag that you should read. You can read it here.

I have started blogging a bit about my creative endeavors on my personal website. You can check that out here.

Session with The Dream Team

The dream team was in full effect yesterday. The weekly Thursday session had Kim, Mathias, Nis and I shredding it up and it was a pleasure.

I thought Mathias shredded it up. He had this long fairy run with Fairy DLOs, Fairy Same DLOs and Fairy Muted Swirl. He also hit close to 20 DSOs in a row first try. Nis came a bit late and I didn’t play much with him, but I liked what I saw. Kim and I didn’t play super well. I had two highlights worth mentioning:

  • A long run ending with XBD Rake > Inspinning Clipper
  • Pixie Ripwalk > FS Reverse Whirl > FS Reverse Whirl

Kim brought a new pair of shred shoes inspired Frederik. The shoe is Adidas PHARRELL WILLIAMS TENNIS HU.

I tried them and even though they were one and a half size too big I really liked them.


Very light. Maybe half the weight of Lavers.
Great inside
Cheaper than Lavers
Looks great


No toebox
Lack of support
Possible durability issues

I might have to get a pair.