Yesterday we had a little Christmas ball/footbag session to end the year right. A bit disappointed that no legends showed up but it was still a lot of fun. In attendance were: Frederik, Jan, Mathias, Nis, Kim and I.
The first half of the session I played with Jan and Frederik and for the second half, we all just fooled around in one big circle. Had a couple of decent runs in the first half. Mathias was playing well. I filmed a little bit, but I will sit on the footage for now. I think I will try to film a little every session and then compile it into something larger later on.
After shred, we had some beers and played foursquare. Mathias won and I got second. I was happy with how I handled Nis and Kim but I still didn’t take the cake. Next time.
After that, we headed over to the legendary footbag bar Bankerot and had some more beers and some very big Fernet Brancas. I probably haven’t been there for over a year. I was happy that the cute bartender was still there and that she remembered me. That’s always nice.
My goals for 2017 was:
– Play footbag 52 times (Once a week average)
– 30 Infinities
– 75 Tiltless
I have played footbag 37 times this year so far. I hope to get to 38. Last year I played 41 times so a bit less, but I also “lost” a month because of breakup life chaos. I will transfer that goal to next year.
I might have hit 30 infinities. I definitely got a lot better at infinities this year. In general, I think I had a small level up.
Did definitely not hit 75 tiltless so I will transfer that goal to next year as well.
My goals for 2018 will then be:
- Play footbag 52 times (Once a week average)
- 75 Titless
- 30 Guiltless
Merry Christmas and Hacky New Year yall!