On the first day after my Christmas holiday, it was raining and storming like crazy. Halfway to work, my bike broke down and I had to drag it with me the rest of the way. I knew the bike was dying, but I had hoped I could wait until spring before buying a new one. Guess not. I did find a dope cheap bike, that I am hopefully picking up today.
I decided to install a stupid fitness app to get some exercise, while not biking every day. I have been doing fairly well at keeping with it and I hope to continue to do so moving forward.
You are supposed to use the app every day and I have completed 6 days since the 10th, so I am doing very well. I did do two days yesterday before playing.
I was visiting my mom so I played in my old room. It is always a bit nostalgic. I just drilled and managed to get the first 11 links in the novice challenge from December on both sides. I am not gonna get number 12 in the next 10 years, but I do plan to hit some more of them in the future.
Day | Novice |
1 | Mirage > Orbit |
2 | Illusion > pickup |
3 | Near Mirage > SS Mirage |
4 | Far Legover > ATW |
5 | Far Pickup > ATW |
6 | SS Butterfly > Butterfly |
7 | SS Legover > SS Osis |
8 | SS Pickup > SS Illusion |
9 | Osis > PDX Mirag |
10 | Butterfly > spinning clipper |
11 | Osis > Ducking Clipper |
12 | PDX Illusion > Eggbeater |
13 | Diving Clipper > Ducking Clipper |
14 | Gyro Clipper > Near DLO |
15 | Diving Clipper > Rev Swirl |
16 | osis > spinning osis |
17 | near eggbeater > smudge |
18 | spinning pickup > toe diving clipper |
19 | legbeater > ducking osis |
20 | spinning butterfly > ducking butterfly |
21 | drifter > torque |
22 | schmoe > dimwalk |
23 | barfly > stepping ss clipper |
24 | pdx whirl > pdx drifter |
This was my first session of the year, so I am already behind on playing once every week this year. I hope to get in two sessions this week.
I also hope to get some more “Throwback Thursday” posts up in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout for those.
Here is a video I did from our last session of last year:
That atomic blender was pretty awesome. Mr Blau makes things look very easy. Double blender, no worries. Nice finish to the video!
I would love to visit Denmark some time again and have a kick with all of you there.
Blau is so good it hurts. I love to play with him though.
You are more than welcome anytime buddy!