Small update

Annual General Assembly

Last Thursday we had our Annual General Assembly in FootbagDenmark. Only Nis, Kim, Blau, Frederik, Rasmus and I came. Not impressive but what can you do. The most important things discussed were:

  • Our economy looks good even after paying back IFPA the money we borrowed for Worlds.
  • We decided to make to tiers for being a member. Active and inactive members. It is much cheaper to be inactive. You basically decide yourself, which you see you as.
  • I decided to step down as Vice Chairman. Mathias Blau got elected. Nis stays as the main guy in charge.

Afterward, we were supposed to play footbag, but I and Rasmus just played “Footanque” and drank beers. Mathias hit Gyro Butterfly > Ripstein [rpt] after I challenged him to hit it. I really like that drill.

I’ve been slacking lately. I didn’t play yesterday either. I have been feeling a bit down and I know footbag usually helps it just gets harder to get out there. I am pretty sure my bad mood is just the result of spring not showing it’s beautiful sunny face on time. Hopefully, that will change soon.


I just bought plane tickets to go to FC Footstars 20th Birthday 10-13th of May. Little brother is gonna tag along. The plan is that it is gonna be a long party with some footbag thrown in – just my kinda tournament. That’s gonna be fun.


Location and dates for Worlds are finally set – July 22-28 in Sofia, Bulgaria. I definitely hope to make it this year. I know Nis and Mathias do as well. Fingers crossed.

I gave a talk on my “artistic process” last Saturday. I wrote it out in article format afterward. You can read it here.