I’ve played footbag three times since my last post. Two of them a while back (one of those sessions I finally hit that damn Moebius) and yesterday.
Yesterday we were Nis, Ole and I. Ole mainly played with himself and me and Nis got a good hour of intense two man shred in. Nis looked good considering all of his injury problems and I also played fairly well. I hit a bunch of random stuff I rarely do like Nuclear, Stepping Ducking and a run with Pixie DLO and both DLOs.
Here is a little combo that I haven’t done too many times:
I also got myself a new bag. It’s a Derek Littlefeld bag and I absolutely adore it. Shredable right out of the box.

Footbag in Denmark
Daniel Boyle is doing a little profile on each country. So I thought I would help out and share my answers and thoughts about Denmark here.
– How is the scene at the moment (early 2020)
I wouldn’t say we are going strong, but we are still going.
– where are people playing and who are the most regular players?
There is only players active in Copenhagen as far as I know. A couple of players are located in Aalborg and Svendborg and we even have a former player on Greenland at the moment.
– Is there any regular meeting
Yes, we play every Thursday. It’s rare that there are nobody there.
– Who are the pioneers of footbag in your country
The original pioneers are Allan Petersen and Torben Wigger.

The godfathers of the current generation are Mads Hole and Mads Neuhard.

– Who are the key organisers?
We are an officially recognized organisation in Denmark. The board consists of Nis Petersen, Mathias Blau, Kim Mortensen, Rasmus Rendsvig, Frederik Mens and me.
– Who is the “underground hero” – they may not have been to big events or in videos but are kind of legendary in their own way
There is a couple but I think recently the most prolific one is Frederik Mens – editor in chief of the club’s magazine “Pdx Talk”.
– What’s the most important footbag event in your country?
Danish Championships which has been running since 2003. We also have a yearly general assembly and christmas lunch.
– Are there any young players coming through the ranks?
There is not, but for the first time in a while we have a new player Ole Kuplikum. Not exactly a spring chicken, but it’s nice to have some new blood.
– When was the peak time for footbag in your country?
It must have been right after Euros in 2004.
– Who are the most successful players in terms of competition?
Mathias Blau and Allan Petersen
– How do you see the coming years for footbag in your country?
I don’t see us stopping any time soon, but I also don’t see a big renaissance coming.
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