Hey footbag world!

It’s been a while – How are you? 

Me? Oh, I am ok I guess.

In Denmark where the summers are short and mild and the winters long and dark, it has become a bit of a tradition to mark the last day of good weather with a big session. This is probably inspired by the amazing Finnish season ender videos. 

Here is a previous season ender video from me:

Yesterday was probably the last day of summer, so we dug out the bags and the lavers and had a bit of a showdown. In attendance were: Nis, Jasper, Jan, Mads Hole, Jon and Frederik. 

I haven’t played since April and before that since January, but I think I played okay and I am looking forward to hopefully getting into a much more regular kicking schedule.

After playing we had some beers and Jasper took out the projector so Mads could show some unreleased videos.  

Here are some photos from Frederik: 

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