I played footbag yesterday. Exactly one year after I last did. That’s kinda wild.

First indoor session of the season and in attendance were just me and Kim “The Duke” Mortensen. It was rough. Control and feel were ok for both of us, but we definitely need to work on the endurance. Hopefully, that will happen. We played for maybe 45 minutes and were completely spent. Hopefully, a couple more people will join next Thursday. Yeah, I said it – Next Thursday! We are back!
Afterward, we had a couple of beers and shared where our lives are going. Kim is making some career moves and his third child is getting bigger, so there should be more room for footbag in his life.
I am living the freelancer artist/illustrator life (you can follow my blog/newsletter on that here) and I am moving in with my girlfriend soon.
Life is pretty good and it felt good to kick again.