Footbag on Instagram – February 2019

February is a shorter month and we are getting things done early this time around, taking a look at what footbag material people have been posting on Instagram

Unfortunately I haven’t had so much time to kick this month, but I did get a short clip in one of my favourite locations.

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Familiar #footbag location. #yhaoz

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Wedding Party Footbag

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I performed footbag at wedding party! ・ 【結婚式二次会でパフォーマンス!】 先日は高校の友人の結婚式二次会でフットバッグパフォーマンスを行わせて頂きました。 ・ 貴重な時間にフットバッグを使ってくれてありがとう! ・ 同年代の人達が多く、パフォーマンスの時間以外もとても楽しませてもらいました? ・ そして結婚おめでとう!末長くお幸せに。 ・ 今週末も結婚式でフットバッグパフォーマンスを控えています。 ・ とても大事な場。気持ちを込めてパフォーマンスしたいと思います。 ・ #footbag #フットバッグ #サッカー #フットサル #石田太志 #taishiishida #soccer #follow #世界一 #worldchampion #パフォーマンス #performance #performer #instagramer #結婚式二次会 #結婚式 #二次会 #ライブハウス #wedding #weddingparty

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There have been some great clips and photos of the years of different footbag involvement at weddings. I had a few fun tricks in my suit after the event, while plenty of footbagger weddings have ended with an impromptu shred session.

Here is Taishi Ishida performing at a wedding in Japan!

All in the catch

I enjoy finding videos of people just doing some casual hack on Instagram. It’s great to see all levels around. Here is one with a stylish ending on the handcatch.

Footbag in Qatar

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Some freestyle footbag fotos from #Qatar.

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Here is Pavel Motorov playing in Qatar. With the World Cup heading there in 2022, there could be more opportunities for foot sports over the coming years.

All sizes

Here is Sidharth from India going from the big ball to the small bag in India. Some nice flow to these tricks.

Speaking of India, Paloma Mayo has been doing some performances there in recent times too.

4 Square Manual

The Polish crew have put together this awesome guide to playing four square. Some top players showing how it’s done, but you don’t need to be a world level player to have a great time playing this game.

Beating Some Eggs

Here’s Cory Allen with a few eggbeaters in a row. Very nice style and I like the spiky bag. It’s a great idea to use bags with spikes or streamers for these kind of short clips.

Bag Brothers Cup 2

The turnout for the Bag Brothers Cup in Poland. Poland will be hosting the World Championships this year, so there will be big preparations happening throughout the year.


Vasek Skittles Flashback

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There has been a lot of older Vasek footage lately, this one is from a great Skittles advertisement. Like I mentioned, keep it colourful!

Eyes on the Prize

According to the Google Translate version of events, Pawel Nowak is the most popular athlete in his city in Poland. If he keeps pushing it with the big tricks, his popularity will continue. It’s great to have footbag recognised in these kind of sporting awards.

Footbag in Melbourne

Any footbag in Australia is always great for me to see, but it’s very exciting to see some solid improvements from Albert Hua since I first played with him in Melbourne a couple of years ago. Albert is from Vietnam and a great freestyle football player, nice to see a mix of the skills. Hope we can kick together this year.