Footbag on Instagram – February 2019

February is a shorter month and we are getting things done early this time around, taking a look at what footbag material people have been posting on Instagram

Unfortunately I haven’t had so much time to kick this month, but I did get a short clip in one of my favourite locations.

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Familiar #footbag location. #yhaoz

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Wedding Party Footbag

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I performed footbag at wedding party! ・ 【結婚式二次会でパフォーマンス!】 先日は高校の友人の結婚式二次会でフットバッグパフォーマンスを行わせて頂きました。 ・ 貴重な時間にフットバッグを使ってくれてありがとう! ・ 同年代の人達が多く、パフォーマンスの時間以外もとても楽しませてもらいました? ・ そして結婚おめでとう!末長くお幸せに。 ・ 今週末も結婚式でフットバッグパフォーマンスを控えています。 ・ とても大事な場。気持ちを込めてパフォーマンスしたいと思います。 ・ #footbag #フットバッグ #サッカー #フットサル #石田太志 #taishiishida #soccer #follow #世界一 #worldchampion #パフォーマンス #performance #performer #instagramer #結婚式二次会 #結婚式 #二次会 #ライブハウス #wedding #weddingparty

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There have been some great clips and photos of the years of different footbag involvement at weddings. I had a few fun tricks in my suit after the event, while plenty of footbagger weddings have ended with an impromptu shred session.

Here is Taishi Ishida performing at a wedding in Japan!

All in the catch

I enjoy finding videos of people just doing some casual hack on Instagram. It’s great to see all levels around. Here is one with a stylish ending on the handcatch.

Footbag in Qatar

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Some freestyle footbag fotos from #Qatar.

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Here is Pavel Motorov playing in Qatar. With the World Cup heading there in 2022, there could be more opportunities for foot sports over the coming years.

All sizes

Here is Sidharth from India going from the big ball to the small bag in India. Some nice flow to these tricks.

Speaking of India, Paloma Mayo has been doing some performances there in recent times too.

4 Square Manual

The Polish crew have put together this awesome guide to playing four square. Some top players showing how it’s done, but you don’t need to be a world level player to have a great time playing this game.

Beating Some Eggs

Here’s Cory Allen with a few eggbeaters in a row. Very nice style and I like the spiky bag. It’s a great idea to use bags with spikes or streamers for these kind of short clips.

Bag Brothers Cup 2

The turnout for the Bag Brothers Cup in Poland. Poland will be hosting the World Championships this year, so there will be big preparations happening throughout the year.


Vasek Skittles Flashback

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There has been a lot of older Vasek footage lately, this one is from a great Skittles advertisement. Like I mentioned, keep it colourful!

Eyes on the Prize

According to the Google Translate version of events, Pawel Nowak is the most popular athlete in his city in Poland. If he keeps pushing it with the big tricks, his popularity will continue. It’s great to have footbag recognised in these kind of sporting awards.

Footbag in Melbourne

Any footbag in Australia is always great for me to see, but it’s very exciting to see some solid improvements from Albert Hua since I first played with him in Melbourne a couple of years ago. Albert is from Vietnam and a great freestyle football player, nice to see a mix of the skills. Hope we can kick together this year.

Footbag on Instagram – January 2019

New year, new you. Hopefully some old footbag players will be thinking about strapping on their shoes. Here’s a bit of a roundup of the latest on Instagram.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to make too many posts. I had my wisdom teeth out which put me out for a time, it’s also been very hot. Here’s something from earlier in the month.

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#footbag run out of the rain.

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Matt Cross on the comeback

Matt Cross is a legendary name on the footbag scene, but he’s been inactive for quite a while. He’s recently been posting some videos online doing some single tricks. A lot of the requests have been asking for longer sessions, so let’s check what comes of that.

Double Trouble, South American Style

Sebastian Ceballos from Colombia has really impressed in the past year, especially with the foot-juggling combinations. Here is some doubles action with Leimar from Venezuela.

Footbag Fun in Poland

Look at this group of kids having a great time in Poland. Awesome fun with Worlds coming up this year.

California Here We Come

With Michigan and similar areas snowed in, Ryan Morris was busting out by the beach in California.

You’re Never Alone

Some people wish the the hacky sack “trend” would come back, and maybe one day every school yard and park will be filled with kickers. You never know your luck – but platforms like Instagram give us the opportunity to see there are plenty of others out there doing the same thing.

Footbag in Vietnam

Jana Riisalo was recently in Vietnam and has shared some great images of her time there.  I had a great time visiting there a couple of years back and played some footbag of my own.

Strong Start to the Year

Pawel Nowak in action in the gym in Poland. He will be looking to make another finals appearance on home turf this year.


Climbing and Kicking

I remember when I first started kicking, people had said they used to kick while doing walks or other outdoor activities. Las Vegas recently held the US Open but people are still kicking around the area.

Redwoods Hack

Some more kicking in the great outdoors. Just don’t let your dog eat the bag!

Honza in Dubai

Honza Weber in action in Dubai. He has also put out a longer video of his freestyle activities there. He’s also made a longer video from the trip.

Footbag on Instagram – December 2018

The year is coming to an end, and for the past few months I have been taking a look at the footbag content on Instagram.

Here’s a little bit of what I’ve been up to. There’s been a couple of trips to Sydney recently and here’s a little run with some view of the beach.

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#footbag tricks with a beach view.

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We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Christmas time in the footbag world means time for the Joulukalenteri, which is an advent calendar of sorts. Rather than a chocolate, you get an awesome footbag video each day. There are a few behind the scenes shots, like this one from Sergio Garcia in Spain.

Pawel Nowak Goes Big and Bright

The bright lights flashing don’t put the 2017 World Champion off, hitting some big tricks in this one. He had a couple of appearances in the Joulukalenteri this year.


Footbag in Singapore

It’s always nice to see some freestyle football players not only incorporating tricks from footbag, like the clipper based tricks, but to see them actually playing footbag.

This is Matthew Mario in Singapore. I saw the background and knew it was familiar.

Big Bag Brian Bear

Brian Sherrill won the routines at the recent US Open in Las Vegas, though there has been very little footage of the event appear so far. Here is playing with a monster sized bag, still with that smooth style.

Kicking Fuchi Style

I always try and include a video of someone doing regular kicks in this lists of what’s around on Instagram. The beauty of the platform is that you can share something really simple and they may really strike people. The sport is known as “Fuchi” in Colombia, and here they are kicking at a skatepark somewhere in the USA.

Red Rocket Returns

This is a great sight to see, especially for us in the Southern Hemisphere, Phil Morrison flying back into action. I may be visiting New Zealand next year, so hopefully we can catch up for a kick.

Honza at Headis

This is a clip of Honza Weber performing at the European Cup for “Headis”, which combines the headers of the football world with a table tennis table.

Winner Wiktor

Aside from his work as the boss of the IFPA, and a long lived freestyle career, Wiktor Debski is moving up in the world of Footbag Net, winning both singles and doubles at the US Open. The competition was part of Skillcon is Las Vegas, which saw various skill sports in action. This meant some of the top Takraw players were also available to be involved.

Shuriken in Shibuya

Taishi Ishida ventured across the famous Shibuya crossing in Japan, and the results look quite awesome.

Paloma on the Phone

Here is Paloma going freestyle on the phone. She is not the only one risking a broken screen though, Honza Weber goes big in this clip, with an alpine food processor.

Thanks for checking out these little writeups of what’s happening with the footbag community on Instagram and please feel free to share your own clips on there too.

Footbag on Instagram – November 2018

Another month of the happenings in the footbag community on Instagram. I have been running this monthly segment for a while now so some of the faces are going to be familiar.

As for myself, I have actually been fairly limited in my kicking. I just got out for the first proper session in some time today.

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Back on court #footbag

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December is exciting as it is the month of the Joulukalenteri. Here’s an extra bit from me, from a day I spent filming for my own effort.

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#footbag tricks by the river earlier today.

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This is a long running tradition in the footbag community, and this year Ryan Morris will be behind the wheel.

Fire up the Joulukalenteri

Ryan has been in this segment a few times but he has a very important task coming up. His game is really improving too! Here’s some pixie shuffle.

Heavy Shred with Josh Gayhart

This guy is bringing out some big moves each time he posts a clip. I’ve featured him a few times before and that is definitely deserved. This one doesn’t disappoint.

Gary Zhong in China

I have had a few clips from Bruce Li in the past year who has brought his Jianzi skills into the footbag world. Even better, he is bringing some young recruits with him. The scene in China is increasing and hopefully we will see some competitions there in the future.

Boxing with Tuan Vu

It is the legendary “Disco Ninja” showing some footbag skills to some boxers. It is great to see other sports using footbag as a way of cross training. Tuan is quite involved in the martial arts scene, particularly Jiu Jitsu.

Sergio Slo-Mo

A great slow motion clip from Sergio Garcia in Spain. The bag works quite well against the background in this clip.

Making a Comeback

Sometimes people who haven’t played in quite some time will pop up with a video in the Instagram feed. Here is Mikel Oroz – in his words, a first proper training session since 2011. That year he took out the Intermediate Routines title at Euros.

The Champ

This one is only a photo, it’s from Euros in Kranj earlier in the year. I was thinking earlier in the month that despite being World Champ, we don’t see so much of Patrik Černý in videos.


California Games

Definitely not current, but the game California Games was an inspiration for many players. Footbag was included among other sports like skateboarding and surfing on early console systems.


Hacking Yosemite

I was looking for a “footbag in front of a nice background” video, and this one surpassed all expectations. That includes on the view count, after one day it has more than 50,000 views.  Aside from excellent views across the famous Yosemite National Park, these two both have quite good control. Hope to see some more of them in the future, and maybe footbag could use the publicity.  Also, I would love to visit Yosemite some day.

Double Pendulum


Scott Davidson has been playing every day since he turned 40, which is some years back now. He is very skilled at seamless juggles, although this one is a little bit different. He holds on to the bag after the juggle to do a pendulum with both bags.

Footbag on Instagram – October 2018

The months fly by and here is another round up of what’s happening with footbag on Instagram. There are plenty of players sharing their tricks from all over the world.

Here’s something from me at the Melbourne Central YHA rooftop. I actually shared a similar clip from the same location about a year before.

Rafał Kaleta – Barraging SS Motion

This is someone who has featured a number of times in these monthly roundups.  This is a trick I’m not sure I have seen before. He is someone who has been on the scene a long time, but really keeps pushing the boundaries lately.

Austrian Championships

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Austrian Championships Warm Up

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This time of year there are plenty of competitions throughout Europe and the Austrian Championships had a great attendance. Here’s a clip from before the competition with Dominik Simku in fine form.

Blurry Drifter – In Pants

It’s most common for footbag players to be wearing short sports shorts in order to have room to move around the bag. Not everybody needs that though, and here’s a smooth Blurry Drifter from Japan.

Franck Remy Footbag

Franck Remy is renowned across various disciplines and here is a cool little run of hims playing some footbag in Portugal. Looking at his profile he has recently competed at the King’s Cup for Sepak Takraw in Thailand as well.

Honza in the Seychelles

Honza Weber recently treated us to a video of his time in the Seychelles, with some amazing backdrops. It was also the location of his wedding, so congrats to the new couple! Here is a clip at this side of a cliff with some big ocean views with some different swirl varieties.

Pawel Motorov in Russia

This memory post looks to be a throwback to the World Cup held in Russia earlier this year, with Pawel Motorov putting on a performance for the passing crowds.

Horse Chestnuts

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Mads Hole recently featured Vasek Klouda and Dominik Simku using horse chestnuts to kick with in one of his videos from the World Championships in Sofia, Bulgaria. Looking at the video, they work just fine, straight from the tree!

Shredding at the Louvre

I mentioned earlier it has been a busy time in Europe with regular competition, and Matt Kemmer has been to quite a few of them. I am always a fan of kicking in front of iconic buildings, so here is a clip from Paris.

Footbag Advertising

Footbag is part of an advertising campaign in Canada encourage more physical activity. Apparently doing so will have you “pooping better”! Camille Surovy is showing her skills in the video.

Muppet Footbag

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? “One fine afternoon, young princess Piggy took a walk in the forest in her bonnet, dirndl, and clogs. She carried with her a golden hacky sack, for hacking was her favorite hobby. For hours at a time she would bounce the little bean-filled bag from foot to foot. She had made an effort to play with it less, but alas, she couldn’t kick the habit…” 〰️〰️〰️ There’s more where that came from (sorry? ?) inside #Muppets “#FairyTales from the #BrothersGrimm,” out now and scientifically engineered to tickle every reader age 8 to 88. And best of all, it features amazing illustrations by ??? Find it on Amazon or at your local bookstore ? and we THANK YOU for the support ??

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Now this a new take on some classic stories, with a Muppet appearance as well, with Miss Piggy playing with her “Golden Hacky Sack”. It looks to be from a collection of Muppets-related takes on the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.


Footbag on Instagram – September 2018

This is another monthly installment of a look at what’s happening with the footbag community on Instagram. This one is slightly late, though it’s still September in most of the world.

Personally, I haven’t been as active on the ‘Gram as in previous months, but I’ll try to return to more regular broadcasting in the near future.

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#footbag tricks in the Spring weather.

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Let’s have a look what else is happening around the footbag world.

Matt Kemmer in Europe

Matt Kemmer is showing off his smooth style all around Europe, he seems to pop up at any event happening lately. Here’s a drill from one of his sessions in Poland.

Furious Josh

Josh Gayhart has made a strong return to the scene in recent times and he certainly isn’t mucking around. Here is a great clip of him hitting Fury on both sides in the one string for the very first time.

Gyro Janiwalker

This is huge from Rafal Kaleta, with the Gyro Janiwalker. He makes it look too easy!

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Gyro JANIWALK #footbag #freestyle #sport #fun

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Pre 40 Bucket List

Filmmaker Jason Bolanis has been working on a “pre 40 bucket list” and it seems footbag is his next challenge. Doesn’t look like the vlog has come out yet but it does seem to be the next episode coming.

Vasek In Japan

Vasek Klouda was recently in attendance at the Japanese Footbag Championships. This clip shows a short performance which is the perfect size from the 1 minute limit on Instagram. There are plenty more photos and videos on his Instagram from the tournament.

Japanese Footbag Championships

Vasek was not the only international guest in Japan. China’s Bruce Li made the journey to the event and has posted some great photos.


Spinning Around

This is a really different style of spin from Ryan Thomas. It’s actually something I’ve been thinking of trying lately, bringing a bit of influence from skating. I haven’t been able to hit anything yet though so I will have to try again after seeing this.

Ruffkicks Bulgaria

Here is some net action from the Ruffkicks club in Bulgaria. Sofia hosted the World Championships this year. The host cities for the upcoming Worlds should be announced in the near future.

Juggling Inspiration

Kevin Hogan and Nick Polini were recently involved in the Boston Juggling Festival. You can see a lot of the different Flow Arts in the background of this video and Kevin taking a little inspiration.


Workout World

I find that gyms have a bit of a strange place in footbag. Some people will do extra training for footbag fitness, some people will be able to play their session in the gym, some other gyms will not let you play. It’s nice to see a gym encouraging footbag as a new sport to people there.






Footbag on Instagram – August 2018

We’re into August now, Worlds have been and gone and there have been some more cool footbag events. Here we go with another monthly wrap of what’s happening on Instragram in the footbag world.

Here’s something from me. to begin. I had a problem with one file failing to upload so I haven’t put up to many clips myself this month, but that’s resolved now.

Lunchtime #footbag session

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Happy Birthday Honza

It was multiple time World Champion Honza Weber’s birthday recently, and he celebrated by going to a dinosaur park. How fun! There is a dinosaur museum here in Canberra and I have kicked there a few times over the years.

Hacky Sack Chicks

I just came across this account recently and they look like they are having a lot of fun. That’s the whole point, isn’t it?

The mid-hack shoe tie! #freestylehack #hackychics #footbag #keepitup

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Revup Record

It’s no secret that Nick Polini is pretty good at reverse swirl based tricks. Here’s five toe revups (reverse swirling pickup) to prove it.

Bembel Cup

The German event celebrated ten years in Frankfurt.  It’s mainly a net event but always attracts a few freestylers as well. There’s not as much net action on Instagram, but there are plenty of clips from the event on the Frankfurt Footbag page.


I haven’t heard of this band before, but they play hack on tour and have released seven or so albums, so they must be doing something right. More bands should do this on tour.

The beast of Marcin

I don’t think Marcin Bujko is particularly active in footbag these days, but he’s definitely still got it. This clip starts off with a beast combo.

#boneym na rapie ??⚽ #footbag #hackysack

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In case you forgot about his style, here’s a longer video.

Salem Double Switch Jam

The Salem Double Switch Jam looked like an awesome time with cool prizes, international guests and some great shred. There are longer videos around from the event as well, I would love to visit sometime.


Rising Ryan

I have really enjoyed seeing the improvement this year from Ryan Morris, he is just getting better and better and sharing plenty of clips along the way.

Two Bags

Here’s Angelo Rendon with some fun two bag juggling tricks. Nice and stylish.

Not always so easy

For the last one of this month a drawing that I just came across. Sometimes kicking is not so easy, and that will often put some people off, especially looking to progress from beginning with kicks into getting onto the harder tricks.

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Footbag on Instagram – July 2018

The World Footbag Championships has been and gone, with Patrik Černýbecoming the new Routines champion and Taishi Ishida having a great tournament to take the Overall Freestyle title.

Here’s a little of what’s been happening in the footbag world according to Instagram this past month.

World Footbag Championships

シュレッド30部門を優勝し、更に全種目の総合優勝も果たして世界一になりました!!!! . 皆さんの応援とサポートによって「運」を引き寄せる事が出来ました。 本当にありがとうございます。 . これから日本に帰国し、多くの方にフットバッグを知って頂けるように活動します。 . イベントやメディア出演などご興味を持たれた方がいらっしゃればご連絡ください! . #footbag #フットバッグ #サッカー #フットサル #石田太志 #taishiishida #soccer #follow #世界一 #worldchampion #パフォーマンス #performanceart #performer #instalike #instamood #instagood #instadaily #instagramer #総合優勝 #overallchampion #bulgaria #sofia #表彰式 #ブルガリア #ソフィア#表彰台 #金メダル

A post shared by TAISHI ISHIDA (@taishiishida) on

順当に勝ち上がり、昨日はシュレッド30とサークルコンテストの決勝が行われ、僕が持っている力は出しきれました!結果は本当に微妙なところ! . 今日、最後の種目であるシングルルーチン」部門の決勝があり、その後に結果発表と表彰式があります。 . 苦手なリクエストコンテストは4位でした。 . まずは昨日の結果を気にせず、今日の最後の種目に集中したいと思います! . おかげさまで怪我もなく、こちらの環境にも慣れ、いつも通りのプレーができてきています。 . うまいプレイヤーでも本番になると足が震えていたりします。 . とにかくメンタル面が大切なのでイベントでのパフォーマンスだと思って臨みたいと思います! . #footbag #フットバッグ #サッカー #フットサル #石田太志 #taishiishida #soccer #follow #世界一 #worldchampion #パフォーマンス #performanceart #performer #instalike #instamood #instagood #instadaily #instagramer #世界大会 #ブルガリア #ソフィア #bulgaria #sofia #jump #competition

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Another year and another Worlds in the bag. This is a great shot of Taishi Ishida on the podium in Sofia, Bulgaria. He won the Shred 30 event as well as the Overall category after strong results in Routines (2nd) and Circle (4th).

Keep Kicking After Worlds

Hopefully Worlds will have inspired people to get kicking, whether they made it to the tournament or not. Jana Riisalo has been straight back into action after some silver medal performances in Bulgaria.

Team Poland

Poland had a strong showing at Worlds, in both net and freestyle.

Live Action from Worlds

I would have loved to see some more of this over the Worlds and I think we will in the future on the official social media channels, but here’s a clip from Rafał Kaleta, going big as per usual.

Mind:Blown in Detroit

The Michigan crew is really going from strength to strength. They also managed to capture a great piece of crowd reaction in this video.

Throw way back Thursday

Here is a great Throwback Thursday post made from Joseph Muscolino, doing a huge flying clipper in the Austrian Alps with a great story about the earlier days of the sport.

I have decided to occasionally do a “throw back thursday” #tbt with a more personal (less content-oriented post). – So here is my first ever tbt… ? This is 1985 in the Austrian Alps when I was lucky enough to be Eurailing through Europe (and living on $5 a day!) and I was playing “footbag” (brand name known as Hackeysack). – When I was in chiropractic school in Portland, Oregon, I was lucky enough to meet Johnny Stalberger, the fellow who invented the Hackysack footbag. And I became friends with all the best kickers in the world and I played a lot!! – Here I am doing a flying clipper kick where I hit the footbag with my right foot behind my left leg. If you look closely, you will see the footbag at my chest height. – It was SOOO much fun playing footbag when I was younger! #tbt #footbag #hackysack #austria #alps #eurail #joemuscolino

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Free-style with Chris Dean

Chris Dean is all dressed up for the occasion and still hitting some great tricks.

Chinsen Footbag

Christopher Schillem is one of the latest high level players to join Instagram and sharing a few of their tricks. He hasn’t been mucking around either, with huge combos like this one.

Rapa Nui Footbag

This is actually something I would love to do sometime. Having lived in Chile for a few years, I didn’t get the chance to make it to Easter Island, but this young player has got some shots of himself playing in front of the moai.

Into the sunset

What a way to enjoy the evening – drink a beer and going for a full hack on the beach.

So that’s enough from me. I can’t recommend Instagram enough as a channel for sharing short footbag videos. I was putting up a video most days this year but I have dropped off on that one in recent times. Here’s a clip from a few days ago.

Some #footbag tricks after a long day.

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Footbag on Instagram – June 2018

Here is another month of what’s going on around the footbag world of Instagram. It seems there are more and more players getting onboard and that’s great, I found it a wonderful way to share short clips as well as interact with the community around the world.

Here’s something from me to begin. The weather is getting colder now so I haven’t been playing as much as I would like.

Not much of a day but still getting in some #footbag tricks. #canberra

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Speaking of that community, a new addition has been an official Instagram account from the IFPA. Some great updates came from the European Footbag Championships in Kranj, Slovenia.

The event included action inside an empty swimming pool, which looks like a whole lot of fun.

In Poland, some of the younger generation were learning about the sport.

#footbag workshop for Kids. Golf ⛳ was the best game! Kick it!

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In the USA, Pete Bowler was impressing with big trials tricks off some impressive ledges.

Penn state footbag jam 2018 thanks for filming Pollini

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Looks like the World Cup fever had these guys out in the streets showing some skills with their circle kicking.

While the movie She’s All That brought some inspiration for this one.

Here’s a great run from Nick Polini.

There were trophies to be had at the East Coast Footbag Championship, and they looked awesome.

The World Cup in Russia has allowed the players there to do some big performances, such as this one.

And here we have a Japanese Joker in Mexico with a couple of tricks, just to make things a bit more worldly.



Footbag on Instagram – May 2018

This is the second edition in a monthly roundup of footbag clips from Instagram. You can see the previous round here.

I’ve been trying to put a clip up myself each day, though it’s not always possible, especially with a new baby.

I was happy to catch the autumn colours, as well as the weird statues of the Canberra city centre today with this clip.

Playing #footbag in downtown #canberra

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Here’s a few clips.

Endless Rhodes

First up we have some unique style from California’s Dustin Rhodes. A finalist at Worlds in 2013, we haven’t seen so much video of him lately, so it’s great to see him showing these tricks.

Boats Bags

Two strings #footbag #hackysack #freestylefootbag #freestyle #sport

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Sticking in the USA, and continuing with the unique style, is Mr “Boats”, another of the recent additions to the growing ranks of footbag players on Instagram.

As Matt Cross says in the comments: “My favorite thing about your style is that nearly every trick is a surprise.”

Double Trouble

The next trick is from Sergio Garcia and Paloma Mayo, I’m not sure I’ve seen this trick down before. A good chance to come to close for comfort on the Magellan trick there!

The Bruce Li of Footbag

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Bruce Li has been an exciting prospect in the footbag world, bringing his Jianzi skills from competing at the highest level in the freestyle shuttlecock events.

I haven’t seen his Instagram before so I’ve actually delved a little into the past to get this clip.

Hands and Feet

This clip is not essentially footbag, but it is impressive nonetheless. It’s from Erin Stephens, an awesome juggler. She has a number of these feet and hands combos on her Instagram page.

Camping Hacks

Introduce a #hackysack and suddenly it’s #1994 on this campsite. @perrytrinier

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A lot of people got into circle kicking and footbag through camping, hiking and adventure magazines. This clip shows someone bringing back their own memories through playing hack on the campsite. It also makes great use of the “Boomerang” style.


Once again, not strictly footbag, but just take a look at how many people are playing. I’ve been in Vietnam and this is a regular scene with people playing the sport of  đá cầu, another shuttlecock game.

And the crowd goes wild

Taishi Ishida has done so much great work for footbag in Japan. Here he is giving a live performance and getting a great reception from the crowd.

5月12日(土)六本木CUBEで行われた「SCRATCH」に出演しました! . 今回のイベントは理学療法士の方が主催しているイベントで会場には医療関係に従事している方々がほとんど。 . クラブイベントとしては新鮮な空気でした。 . みんな医療関係だからか雰囲気が温かかった! . フットバッグは医者が考案したリハビリトレーニングとして発祥したスポーツなので今後理学療法士さんらと一緒にその分野にアプローチしていければ良いなと思います。 . リハビリとしても活用されたい方はぜひお声がけください! . #footbag #フットバッグ #サッカー #フットサル #石田太志 #taishiishida #soccer #follow #世界一 #worldchampion #パフォーマンス #performanceart #performer #instalike #instamood #instagood #instadaily #instagramer #club #event #クラブ #イベント #クラブイベント #六本木 #cube #医療 #リハビリ #理学療法士 #作業療法士

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Road to Recovery

The road to recovery from ACL surgery was long and physio got repetitive. I picked up hacky sack to supplement my physio and work on balance and coordination! Feels pretty random, like I’m trying to relive a part of my youth that I missed or something ? but it is fun. Also makes for a good active homework break. . . I know I’m not remotely great but I came a long way from only being able to get 1-4 strikes! . . Don’t be afraid to mix things up and try something new! Hit me up if boxing is something you would like to try?? . . And thanks for the beginner friendly hacky sack @southpawsieben . . . #idontknowwhattodowothmyhands #imjusttryingtoshowoff #footbag #aclrecovery #balancetraining #coordination training #pft #traindifferent #hacksack #fitness #yegpft

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This post shows footbag as a piece in the road to recovery from an ACL injury. It also show great control and improvement.

Big Background

Here’s the regular clip of someone doing a footbag trick in front of an awesome natural landscape.