Footbag on Instagram – January 2019

New year, new you. Hopefully some old footbag players will be thinking about strapping on their shoes. Here’s a bit of a roundup of the latest on Instagram.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to make too many posts. I had my wisdom teeth out which put me out for a time, it’s also been very hot. Here’s something from earlier in the month.

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#footbag run out of the rain.

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Matt Cross on the comeback

Matt Cross is a legendary name on the footbag scene, but he’s been inactive for quite a while. He’s recently been posting some videos online doing some single tricks. A lot of the requests have been asking for longer sessions, so let’s check what comes of that.

Double Trouble, South American Style

Sebastian Ceballos from Colombia has really impressed in the past year, especially with the foot-juggling combinations. Here is some doubles action with Leimar from Venezuela.

Footbag Fun in Poland

Look at this group of kids having a great time in Poland. Awesome fun with Worlds coming up this year.

California Here We Come

With Michigan and similar areas snowed in, Ryan Morris was busting out by the beach in California.

You’re Never Alone

Some people wish the the hacky sack “trend” would come back, and maybe one day every school yard and park will be filled with kickers. You never know your luck – but platforms like Instagram give us the opportunity to see there are plenty of others out there doing the same thing.

Footbag in Vietnam

Jana Riisalo was recently in Vietnam and has shared some great images of her time there.  I had a great time visiting there a couple of years back and played some footbag of my own.

Strong Start to the Year

Pawel Nowak in action in the gym in Poland. He will be looking to make another finals appearance on home turf this year.


Climbing and Kicking

I remember when I first started kicking, people had said they used to kick while doing walks or other outdoor activities. Las Vegas recently held the US Open but people are still kicking around the area.

Redwoods Hack

Some more kicking in the great outdoors. Just don’t let your dog eat the bag!

Honza in Dubai

Honza Weber in action in Dubai. He has also put out a longer video of his freestyle activities there. He’s also made a longer video from the trip.

Footbag on Instagram – December 2018

The year is coming to an end, and for the past few months I have been taking a look at the footbag content on Instagram.

Here’s a little bit of what I’ve been up to. There’s been a couple of trips to Sydney recently and here’s a little run with some view of the beach.

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#footbag tricks with a beach view.

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We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Christmas time in the footbag world means time for the Joulukalenteri, which is an advent calendar of sorts. Rather than a chocolate, you get an awesome footbag video each day. There are a few behind the scenes shots, like this one from Sergio Garcia in Spain.

Pawel Nowak Goes Big and Bright

The bright lights flashing don’t put the 2017 World Champion off, hitting some big tricks in this one. He had a couple of appearances in the Joulukalenteri this year.


Footbag in Singapore

It’s always nice to see some freestyle football players not only incorporating tricks from footbag, like the clipper based tricks, but to see them actually playing footbag.

This is Matthew Mario in Singapore. I saw the background and knew it was familiar.

Big Bag Brian Bear

Brian Sherrill won the routines at the recent US Open in Las Vegas, though there has been very little footage of the event appear so far. Here is playing with a monster sized bag, still with that smooth style.

Kicking Fuchi Style

I always try and include a video of someone doing regular kicks in this lists of what’s around on Instagram. The beauty of the platform is that you can share something really simple and they may really strike people. The sport is known as “Fuchi” in Colombia, and here they are kicking at a skatepark somewhere in the USA.

Red Rocket Returns

This is a great sight to see, especially for us in the Southern Hemisphere, Phil Morrison flying back into action. I may be visiting New Zealand next year, so hopefully we can catch up for a kick.

Honza at Headis

This is a clip of Honza Weber performing at the European Cup for “Headis”, which combines the headers of the football world with a table tennis table.

Winner Wiktor

Aside from his work as the boss of the IFPA, and a long lived freestyle career, Wiktor Debski is moving up in the world of Footbag Net, winning both singles and doubles at the US Open. The competition was part of Skillcon is Las Vegas, which saw various skill sports in action. This meant some of the top Takraw players were also available to be involved.

Shuriken in Shibuya

Taishi Ishida ventured across the famous Shibuya crossing in Japan, and the results look quite awesome.

Paloma on the Phone

Here is Paloma going freestyle on the phone. She is not the only one risking a broken screen though, Honza Weber goes big in this clip, with an alpine food processor.

Thanks for checking out these little writeups of what’s happening with the footbag community on Instagram and please feel free to share your own clips on there too.

Footbag on Instagram – October 2018

The months fly by and here is another round up of what’s happening with footbag on Instagram. There are plenty of players sharing their tricks from all over the world.

Here’s something from me at the Melbourne Central YHA rooftop. I actually shared a similar clip from the same location about a year before.

Rafał Kaleta – Barraging SS Motion

This is someone who has featured a number of times in these monthly roundups.  This is a trick I’m not sure I have seen before. He is someone who has been on the scene a long time, but really keeps pushing the boundaries lately.

Austrian Championships

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Austrian Championships Warm Up

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This time of year there are plenty of competitions throughout Europe and the Austrian Championships had a great attendance. Here’s a clip from before the competition with Dominik Simku in fine form.

Blurry Drifter – In Pants

It’s most common for footbag players to be wearing short sports shorts in order to have room to move around the bag. Not everybody needs that though, and here’s a smooth Blurry Drifter from Japan.

Franck Remy Footbag

Franck Remy is renowned across various disciplines and here is a cool little run of hims playing some footbag in Portugal. Looking at his profile he has recently competed at the King’s Cup for Sepak Takraw in Thailand as well.

Honza in the Seychelles

Honza Weber recently treated us to a video of his time in the Seychelles, with some amazing backdrops. It was also the location of his wedding, so congrats to the new couple! Here is a clip at this side of a cliff with some big ocean views with some different swirl varieties.

Pawel Motorov in Russia

This memory post looks to be a throwback to the World Cup held in Russia earlier this year, with Pawel Motorov putting on a performance for the passing crowds.

Horse Chestnuts

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Mads Hole recently featured Vasek Klouda and Dominik Simku using horse chestnuts to kick with in one of his videos from the World Championships in Sofia, Bulgaria. Looking at the video, they work just fine, straight from the tree!

Shredding at the Louvre

I mentioned earlier it has been a busy time in Europe with regular competition, and Matt Kemmer has been to quite a few of them. I am always a fan of kicking in front of iconic buildings, so here is a clip from Paris.

Footbag Advertising

Footbag is part of an advertising campaign in Canada encourage more physical activity. Apparently doing so will have you “pooping better”! Camille Surovy is showing her skills in the video.

Muppet Footbag

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? “One fine afternoon, young princess Piggy took a walk in the forest in her bonnet, dirndl, and clogs. She carried with her a golden hacky sack, for hacking was her favorite hobby. For hours at a time she would bounce the little bean-filled bag from foot to foot. She had made an effort to play with it less, but alas, she couldn’t kick the habit…” 〰️〰️〰️ There’s more where that came from (sorry? ?) inside #Muppets “#FairyTales from the #BrothersGrimm,” out now and scientifically engineered to tickle every reader age 8 to 88. And best of all, it features amazing illustrations by ??? Find it on Amazon or at your local bookstore ? and we THANK YOU for the support ??

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Now this a new take on some classic stories, with a Muppet appearance as well, with Miss Piggy playing with her “Golden Hacky Sack”. It looks to be from a collection of Muppets-related takes on the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.


Footbag on Instagram – April 2018

I am planning to do a couple of segments that pick up some of the clips that go across the social media networks and might not get seen by the rest of the community. The first one of these will be from Instagram.

Some #footbag tricks on the runway. Canberra Airport open day.

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I’ve been trying to put up a clip daily on there and I find it a really good format. There are quite a few footbag players on there but there’s always room for more!

I’m just going to take about 10 clips from recent times that have impressed me.

It’ll be mainly freestyle footbag clips, as there is minimal footbag net on Instagram. However I’m opening up with this one, which is actually a set of pictures.

Footbag Medellin – Walt and Francois visit

Encuentro de #footbagnet #footbagMedellín #FootbagNetColombia #footbag

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The crew in Medellin, Colombia have had some high profile net players visiting. Walt Houston and Francois Pelletier have made the journey down to South America and seem to be having a great time. I have fond memories of my own visit to Medellin, so no surprises there.

Brayan “Bracho” Stiven

Sticking in Colombia, this one is from a couple of months ago, but shows a cool street show from Brayan Stiven. Hopefully one day we will see him compete at Worlds.

Por q esto es mi vida… 100% #footbag #freestyle

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Paloma in Spain

Keeping on the Spanish language theme, Paloma has been doing awesome things with both footbag and freestyle football. This particular post had more than 1000 views.

Honza Weber – Adidas Tango

We don’t see too much of Honza Weber on the competitive scene these days, but he is still doing a lot of performances and you see some of the behind the scenes vision on his Instagram.

While everyone is always looking for the ideal shoe, he has made use of the Adidas Tango 18.1 model – they seem to do the job!

Vasek in Lights

Here’s something from Vasek Klouda, all lit up. He is doing a performance in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It looks awesome.


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Nick Landes showing off

Nick Landes has recently been active on Instagram and his clips have not disappointed. This one is a gym clip using a really large orange show bag – he still shows great control.

Small string of #freestyle #footbag #hackysack #shred

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College Kicking

This one brings the level of shred down, but that’s what it’s all about – having fun kicking a bag around. I don’t know anything about these guys, but they look to be having a great time.

Grand Canyon Kicking

I am a big fan of kicking with awesome natural backdrops – so this one of the Grand Canyon impressed me.

Hacky sack in Arizona. #grandcanyon #arizona #hackysack #vacation #tomboyx #dirtbag

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Brian Bear – Morpheus bsos

I don’t think this is a recent clip, but big combo anyway.

Houdini Polini

This is just one trick, and Nick has many more advanced videos on Instagram, but the view behind the newest member of BAP is awesome.