well, i don't necessarily think the government is required to be releasing all the info about aliens,but i also don't think it would cause too much trouble if they did. afterall, i'm sure the alien home planet knows about our existence.Placebo wrote:Sorry for maybe going a bit off, I was just expressing my opinion on UFO/Alien Conspiricies, which just so happens to be the name of the topic.
UFO/Alien conpiracies?
- Blue_turnip
- Egyptian Footgod
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Yeah I often dream about a world with no conflict. Cos then everyone would just be working on making us pwn hard, instead of dicking around doing useless shite like fighting.habitat wrote:I watched this show about USOs yesterday. (Unidentified Submerged Objects) I couldn't believe the amount of resources and incredibly smart people that dedicated their life to finding out about these USOs.
Imagine if they spent their time facing and solving the ACTUAL problems we have on Earth instead of spending their time and funds trying to find metallic disc objects that pop out of the water and then disappear. Or even actually just exploring and mapping out the ocean. It kind of seemed silly as they didn't really find anything new out and still have not a shred of proof other than witness testimony.
Whatever floats your boat would apply here.
Back to the topic. I hope aliens do come check out our planet - that'd be so sick! It'd defs spice things up.
Oliver Adams
- bryan732
- Shredalicious
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- Location: Brick, New Jersey, United States
actually were aliens to the aliens. oh snap
Footbag... A Lifetime Of Training For Just 10 Seconds. Because You Always Need To Thrive To Be Better Than What You Already Are.
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Bryan Szablewski
bryans footbag log

Bryan Szablewski

It's not just you.Jeremy wrote:It took me about 2 minutes to understand your post. That missing apostrophe is killer. I am pretty exhausted though so maybe it's just me.
As far as the aliens/UFOs go, without solid proof or disproof of their existence, I ain't worried about it.
Old enough to know better, still too young to care.
- hrdcorethndr1
- Shredaholic
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- Joined: 02 Jun 2009 05:08
- Location: Rome, New York
...lets just say that as a fully polluting resident of the USA...why the f would an extra terrestrial come hee.... i bet you that if they have the capability to travel here that they would just go somewhere else where the air is clan and life is good. Wha tdoes a globally warmed, warfilled place like earth offer aliens.....? and nobody better say slaves because if they are smart enough to get to our effin palnet then they are smart enough to know tht we are stubbern to the 13-123-91203913-1-3823-1099023480th power... try to think like someone who is smarter than yourself and realize that no sel loving alien would come to this godforsaken planet unless his own planet and every other one out there was destroyed by intergalactic war.
Zachary Morgan
Aliens live directly underneath us. The Earth is hollow and they come up through certain holes (the Bermuda Triangle could be one?). They are far more advanced because of better living conditions with a constant central sun.
Sounds weird, but it sounds pretty plausible to me.
This radio interview is pretty interesting:
Sounds weird, but it sounds pretty plausible to me.
This radio interview is pretty interesting:
Officially it means that if you don't put smileys in a post, at least one person will mistake a parody of a religious fundamentalist with an actual fundamentalist. However it's come to mean that when somebody posts something crazy on the internet, it's impossible to truly be able to tell if they're serious or not.
The world is obviously not hollow. That's as plausible as suggesting that the moon is made from cheese. Our understanding of the internal structure of the Earth is based on mountains (pardon the pun) of scientific observations. Although it wasn't until the late 19th Century that scientists started getting fairly conclusive evidence of the contents of the inside of the Earth. I would think most basic geology text books have a chapter or two about the history of geology that would cover this topic.
The world is obviously not hollow. That's as plausible as suggesting that the moon is made from cheese. Our understanding of the internal structure of the Earth is based on mountains (pardon the pun) of scientific observations. Although it wasn't until the late 19th Century that scientists started getting fairly conclusive evidence of the contents of the inside of the Earth. I would think most basic geology text books have a chapter or two about the history of geology that would cover this topic.
How we know that the Earth is not hollow or expanding (I do like the fact that these two theories have merged together, by the way).
1. Density.
The Earth's density as a whole is about 4.5 times greater than the density of water. It's twice as dense as rocks like granite or basalt. So in fact the density of the Earth as a whole is significantly greater than the density of the surface rocks that we're exposed to. If the Earth were hollow it would not behave as if it's significantly heavier than the outside.
2. Shape.
Because we know that the inside is significantly more dense than the surface, the shape of the Earth gives us a good indication of how this density is distributed inside the Earth. If it were a gradual increase in density from the outside to the centre then most of the total mass of the Earth would be away from the centre and so because we know the speed the earth spins at, we can calculate that we'd expect the Earth to flatten out if this is the case. Because it doesn't, we know that there must be a large dense core in the middle. Calculations show that this core is about 13 times more dense than water.
3. Earthquakes.
When an Earthquake happens the vibrations travel the entire way through the Earth and is picked up by geologists all around the world. The speed of those vibrations changes depending on what substance it flows through. Through very careful analysis of global earthquake date (ie. comparing many readings of the same earthquakes at different places around the world), scientists have been able to calculate the exact density gradients of the entire Earth. We now know that there is a dense solid core, surrounded by a less dense (but still dense) liquid core, surrounded by much less dense mantle, covered by the rocky surface we tend to call the lithosphere. It's important to note that were the Earth hollow, these measurements would be completely different.
4. Pressure and temperature.
Easily made observations show that as you go deeper into the Earth both the pressure and temperature increase. This is consistent with the laws of physics regarding the relationship between pressure and temperature (ie. proportional). By extrapolating out those pressure and temperature gradients we can make predictions about where the rock will become molten. These predictions are matched by studies of earthquakes and other seismology (ie. the analysis of vibrations through the Earth). It's clearly incredibly unlikely that the predictions based on measuring vibrations would match the predictions based on measuring temperature and pressure down mines by coincidence, and consistent with the theory that the Earth is not hollow.
5. Volcanoes and subduction.
There are essentially two causes of volcanoes on Earth. 1 is when continents are moving apart, opening up big rifts - usually in the ocean, but there are a few on land as well, such as the East African rift system, which is very cool and worth checking out. Eventually in a few million years Africa will be separated by an ocean. However this is a digression. The second cause of volcanoes is when continents collide and one gets pushed under the other. This usually happens because there are two types of continent and one is more dense than the other. The lighter continents sit above the denser ones, and thus push the heavy ones down. As this happens the lighter continent begins to melt as it reaches the mantle, creating an increase in magma and pressure, which is released as a volcano. There are plenty of examples of subduction caused volcanoes where measurements clearly show a continent moving under another and volcanic material being released. For example Mt St. Helens is a subduction zone volcano. If the Earth is hollow and expanding, how can the slow disappearing continent be explained? Where is it going? What is stopping it from falling into the centre of the Earth? Why does its movement under the Earth create a volcano? These questions are easily answered on a solid Earth and the behaviour is consistent with what we'd predict in "solid Earth theory" but cannot be explained with an expanding, inhabited hollow Earth.
Of course this is just a start of the explanations for the ridiculousness of the hollow Earth theory. We haven't even began to address the question of the "mini sun" within the centre of the Earth, how it formed, and how it's managed to continue to burn for so long despite being so small, let alone the lack of radiation coming from it. We haven't addressed gravity and how that would work in such a system. We crucially haven't addressed atmospheric and aquatic systems and a permanently sunny world. We haven't really addressed the details of plate tectonics and how there are fossils of marine life in mountains. All I've really done is try to very simplistically explain how we know that the world is solid, and the nature of its internal structure.
My source for this entire post was my geology text book; Earth: Portrait of a Planet by Stephen Marshak from the University of Illinois, International Student Edition, Third Edition. Published by W.W. Norton & Company, 2001 (third edition 2008).
Of course I'm sure you're aware that buying those cans of soup was a joke, as I stated at the time, and indeed they were all eaten within a couple of months of buying them - had I been serious about the bet I obviously wouldn't have allowed that to happen as it was a breach of the conditions. Making fun of a joke as if it's serious is kind of funny I guess, but it does seem like you missed the point, which I guess, for somebody who believes that the Earth is hollow and filled with aliens, not particularly surprising. Personally I'm a science student who has studied a little geology at university and I'm willing to make whatever bet you like at whatever odds you choose that the Earth is not hollow. If you are still unconvinced please say so though, because there are really are so many issues that haven't been addressed (what about komatiites?!?).
1. Density.
The Earth's density as a whole is about 4.5 times greater than the density of water. It's twice as dense as rocks like granite or basalt. So in fact the density of the Earth as a whole is significantly greater than the density of the surface rocks that we're exposed to. If the Earth were hollow it would not behave as if it's significantly heavier than the outside.
2. Shape.
Because we know that the inside is significantly more dense than the surface, the shape of the Earth gives us a good indication of how this density is distributed inside the Earth. If it were a gradual increase in density from the outside to the centre then most of the total mass of the Earth would be away from the centre and so because we know the speed the earth spins at, we can calculate that we'd expect the Earth to flatten out if this is the case. Because it doesn't, we know that there must be a large dense core in the middle. Calculations show that this core is about 13 times more dense than water.
3. Earthquakes.
When an Earthquake happens the vibrations travel the entire way through the Earth and is picked up by geologists all around the world. The speed of those vibrations changes depending on what substance it flows through. Through very careful analysis of global earthquake date (ie. comparing many readings of the same earthquakes at different places around the world), scientists have been able to calculate the exact density gradients of the entire Earth. We now know that there is a dense solid core, surrounded by a less dense (but still dense) liquid core, surrounded by much less dense mantle, covered by the rocky surface we tend to call the lithosphere. It's important to note that were the Earth hollow, these measurements would be completely different.
4. Pressure and temperature.
Easily made observations show that as you go deeper into the Earth both the pressure and temperature increase. This is consistent with the laws of physics regarding the relationship between pressure and temperature (ie. proportional). By extrapolating out those pressure and temperature gradients we can make predictions about where the rock will become molten. These predictions are matched by studies of earthquakes and other seismology (ie. the analysis of vibrations through the Earth). It's clearly incredibly unlikely that the predictions based on measuring vibrations would match the predictions based on measuring temperature and pressure down mines by coincidence, and consistent with the theory that the Earth is not hollow.
5. Volcanoes and subduction.
There are essentially two causes of volcanoes on Earth. 1 is when continents are moving apart, opening up big rifts - usually in the ocean, but there are a few on land as well, such as the East African rift system, which is very cool and worth checking out. Eventually in a few million years Africa will be separated by an ocean. However this is a digression. The second cause of volcanoes is when continents collide and one gets pushed under the other. This usually happens because there are two types of continent and one is more dense than the other. The lighter continents sit above the denser ones, and thus push the heavy ones down. As this happens the lighter continent begins to melt as it reaches the mantle, creating an increase in magma and pressure, which is released as a volcano. There are plenty of examples of subduction caused volcanoes where measurements clearly show a continent moving under another and volcanic material being released. For example Mt St. Helens is a subduction zone volcano. If the Earth is hollow and expanding, how can the slow disappearing continent be explained? Where is it going? What is stopping it from falling into the centre of the Earth? Why does its movement under the Earth create a volcano? These questions are easily answered on a solid Earth and the behaviour is consistent with what we'd predict in "solid Earth theory" but cannot be explained with an expanding, inhabited hollow Earth.
Of course this is just a start of the explanations for the ridiculousness of the hollow Earth theory. We haven't even began to address the question of the "mini sun" within the centre of the Earth, how it formed, and how it's managed to continue to burn for so long despite being so small, let alone the lack of radiation coming from it. We haven't addressed gravity and how that would work in such a system. We crucially haven't addressed atmospheric and aquatic systems and a permanently sunny world. We haven't really addressed the details of plate tectonics and how there are fossils of marine life in mountains. All I've really done is try to very simplistically explain how we know that the world is solid, and the nature of its internal structure.
My source for this entire post was my geology text book; Earth: Portrait of a Planet by Stephen Marshak from the University of Illinois, International Student Edition, Third Edition. Published by W.W. Norton & Company, 2001 (third edition 2008).
Of course I'm sure you're aware that buying those cans of soup was a joke, as I stated at the time, and indeed they were all eaten within a couple of months of buying them - had I been serious about the bet I obviously wouldn't have allowed that to happen as it was a breach of the conditions. Making fun of a joke as if it's serious is kind of funny I guess, but it does seem like you missed the point, which I guess, for somebody who believes that the Earth is hollow and filled with aliens, not particularly surprising. Personally I'm a science student who has studied a little geology at university and I'm willing to make whatever bet you like at whatever odds you choose that the Earth is not hollow. If you are still unconvinced please say so though, because there are really are so many issues that haven't been addressed (what about komatiites?!?).
Ok, that last post was before I even decided I was going to read what you wrote. Of course I know the can thing was a joke and of course I'm sure hollow earth is a bunk theory. It would just be pretty wild if it were true. Although, I can't decipher half of what you posted. It seems you are pretty advanced and may be from Agartha, yourself.
- smokefree
- Atomsmashasaurus Dex
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- Location: Tijuana, Baja California MX
The earth is just a dang ol gas station man, water fuel for the aliens man. The moon is just a big ol shell sign sayin stop here for water 10,000 alien dollars a gallon. Last stop for 6 universes. The aliens are blackmailin the government for the water man, gonna kill us all if we dont let them do what they want. Hows that for a conspiracy?
- Shredalicious
- Posts: 81
- Joined: 21 Mar 2010 09:11
- Location: arlington texas
a bunch of ex high ranking officials in an interview with the national press conference. i haven't done any research to see if these peopel are frauds so i don't know
a bunch of ex high ranking officials in an interview with the national press conference. i haven't done any research to see if these peopel are frauds so i don't know
Just like P and NP, UFO =/= Aliens.
A UFO is just an object that you see in the air that you don't know what it is. I'm not talking about semantics here. What is the evidence when you here these stories that these things people are seeing are aliens, rather than ghosts, angels, demons, or indeed birds, weather balloons, technology artifacts, clouds, reflections on glass, hallucinations or something else natural?
The claims made in the above video are incredible, and completely unconvincing. Let me give an example, because I can't comment on the full 2 hours. One person claims there is a city on the dark side of the moon. He claims to have seen photos of it. No actual evidence is provided.
The whole thing is a massive example of using argumentum ad verecundium in fallacious manner. That is, the "evidence and proof" that we're told we'll get is just the testimony of a few people who have worked in the military or for NASA, but because of their qualifications we're expected to accept what they say as true. This is an argument from authority. In fact people who have qualifications can be wrong too. To conclude things we should examine the actual evidence rather than accepting that evidence exists and that it "proves" anything.
I'd like to really really highly recommend the book "The Demon-Haunted World" by Carl Sagan. It directly discusses the science and nature of UFO claims. Carl Sagan also worked for NASA and was part of the many NASA programs, as well as being a brilliant scientist and presenting shows like Cosmos.
A UFO is just an object that you see in the air that you don't know what it is. I'm not talking about semantics here. What is the evidence when you here these stories that these things people are seeing are aliens, rather than ghosts, angels, demons, or indeed birds, weather balloons, technology artifacts, clouds, reflections on glass, hallucinations or something else natural?
The claims made in the above video are incredible, and completely unconvincing. Let me give an example, because I can't comment on the full 2 hours. One person claims there is a city on the dark side of the moon. He claims to have seen photos of it. No actual evidence is provided.
The whole thing is a massive example of using argumentum ad verecundium in fallacious manner. That is, the "evidence and proof" that we're told we'll get is just the testimony of a few people who have worked in the military or for NASA, but because of their qualifications we're expected to accept what they say as true. This is an argument from authority. In fact people who have qualifications can be wrong too. To conclude things we should examine the actual evidence rather than accepting that evidence exists and that it "proves" anything.
I'd like to really really highly recommend the book "The Demon-Haunted World" by Carl Sagan. It directly discusses the science and nature of UFO claims. Carl Sagan also worked for NASA and was part of the many NASA programs, as well as being a brilliant scientist and presenting shows like Cosmos.