Unhealthy to reuse water bottles?
It seems really hard to see how you could link something as relatively common as breast cancer with a specific cause. It's important to note that there are very few (if any) substances that always give people cancer. Most substances, and certainly the chemicals leaching from plastic bottles, just increase your risk of getting cancer. For many cancers there are lots of different causes (including oxygen, which is thought to be responsible for about 30% of cancers, making it the second leading cause of cancer after smoking).
dont shoot the messenger.lol thats just what i read sometime ago, when Crow talked about reusing bottle water. She is the one that metioned the doctor doing test and telling her about the certain matches.idk, i mean i do the same and i dont have breast cancer but i do have little man boobs.lol
Different types of plastics use different chemical compositions. I guess it can be possible that a plastic bottle lose some of its integrity if left in the sun too long, and maybe some of those chemicals can be released. Whether those chemicals are bad for you in such small amounts is what I would like to know.