real name in signature

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Post by dyalander » 10 Sep 2007 18:52

My experience has not been the same as yours. The majority of users who have expressed concern to me about having to put their real name in their signatures has been established users who don't want to be made to be held accountable for their posts.
All the new users who I have asked to put their real name in their signatures have done so.
The only users who have refused to do so, are users who had their real name in there but then changed it.
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Post by Muffinman » 10 Sep 2007 18:57

Oh, and about Jeremy's latest post, a possible solution (if the biggest issue is for new players feeling wary of revealing themselves to a whole bunch of people they don't know):
Perhaps the Getting Started thread could be open to anyone, including non-registered users. That way newbies could get a taste for the forums, test the waters and see how comfortable they feel, while not cluttering the rest of the forums of trollish nonsense until they get a feel and decide that real names are positive and important.

More thoughts.

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Post by Wu_ » 10 Sep 2007 19:49

I as a new user to this forum definitely feel uncomfortable revealing myself right from the start. This has nooooothing at all to do with being accountable for my posts. It's partly because i feel the inet has alot to do with anonymity and if you don't stay semi anonymous people can just find out wwwaaaay to much information on you that reveals yourself. Thats why I have mostly chosen fake names, fake addresses etc. Only when it comes to important things e.g. ebay account where you can't really get around it if you want to be serious about it.
I agree with Jeremy that once people feel comfortable with the forum, its users and moderators/admins they will definitely follow this guideline. But as i already said before ..If somebody doesnt want to be accountable for their posts because they are rude, disruptive or whatever they will make a troll account with a fake identity.
I have only been active on this forum for maybe 4 weeks and if i was forced right from the start to do the real name thing in my sig e.g. an email that came with my registration stating this I would probably of thought twice about posting and would of kept on just reading the forums instead of actually posting on it.

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Post by max » 10 Sep 2007 23:52

Erik Chan wrote:Oh, and about Jeremy's latest post, a possible solution (if the biggest issue is for new players feeling wary of revealing themselves to a whole bunch of people they don't know):
Perhaps the Getting Started thread could be open to anyone, including non-registered users. That way newbies could get a taste for the forums, test the waters and see how comfortable they feel, while not cluttering the rest of the forums of trollish nonsense until they get a feel and decide that real names are positive and important.

More thoughts.
Having admined several forums such as modified, let me tell you that as much as I agree with the principle you're describing, it's not feasible in practice. You can thank spam for that btw. Opening up any kind of forum to anonymous (non registered) posts will open the floodgates to spam.
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Post by dyalander » 12 Sep 2007 22:21

OK the mods have come to a decision - we will not be adding any penalty for users who do not place their real name in their signature. This means you are all free to remove your real names if you wish.

We will probably not completely remove the real name thing from the guidelines but simply reword it to make it clear that it is only a recommendation and the most that will happen is that a mod or a user will PM you to point out the recommendation.

So what that means is we (the mods) will continue to pm users particularly new users who do not put their real names in either their username or signature but that it is not compulsory.

I will also probably put an edit in the first post of this thread to point out that it no longer applies and will also merge the other real name threads into this one. But not now because i have to go.
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Post by Jeremy » 13 Sep 2007 05:37

Great decision. Thank you :)

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Post by Colin » 14 Sep 2007 10:08

Jeremy wrote:Great decision. Thank you :)
Too sassy. Ban him.
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Post by bryan732 » 12 Jan 2010 10:54

its just a common sense thing to do. after all that is why its called a signature
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