These are what I think the general rules for this topic should be and these are what I moderate the topic based around. I can't speak for the other mods but I have confidence that they will back me up!
1. Don't post directly offensive posts without backing them up. For example if you feel the need to say something like "u suk u stoopid mooron" - (sic) then at least say why you think that it is. This is the discussion forum and it's very hard to discuss someones opinions if you don't actually give any information to discuss.
2. Don't waste our time with posts that are marginally related to the topic unless you give enough information to allow them to be discussed. If we are discussing the use of drugs and hash cake gets mentioned and you really feel the need to say "I like caek (sic)" then at least say why you like cake or else you are not actually part of the discussion at all. It's not about staying on topic or not. Anybody who has been involved in a real discussion with other functioning human beings will know that the subject of discussion doesn't stay the same - it often goes off on tangents - so I don't mind if topics go off topic. However if the topic is if you think "Bob" is a legitimate terrorist threat or not and somebody makes a post to say "my Dad's name is Bob" - and doesn't add anything else - it doesn't help the discussion at all and is just a waste of time. I usually delete those kinds of posts.
So please use your brain when posting