- PegLegHolly
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if you filter weed smoke then you filter out a significant amount of thc...
the only thing i know that will get rid of most of the tar is vaporizer (like pretty much mosher said). although, vaporizors give you a different type of hight. i get more of a headache when i use a vaporizer... so i think im gonna try to get rid of mine.
the tar amount in one joint is equivilent to the tar amount of 5 cigs. here is why you shouldnt smoke cigs:
a. it doesnt get you high
b. you get a dependency on something that just wastes your money
c. lung cancer and throat cancer
d. joe camel
heres why you shouldnt smoke weed:
a. you spend a lot of money
b. its illegal (where i live) and could cause some serious drama in your life
i havent smoked (or done) weed in about a month. and the only reason is because i have to go to court for a dwi charge sept. 12th. (yeah im dumb so what) but if i dont get put on probation i know that the first thing im gonna do is smoke a bag of weed.
i do know that since ive stopped ive been more irritable... because im not all layed back all the time. but my pissy mood will be gone soon enough.
the only thing i know that will get rid of most of the tar is vaporizer (like pretty much mosher said). although, vaporizors give you a different type of hight. i get more of a headache when i use a vaporizer... so i think im gonna try to get rid of mine.
the tar amount in one joint is equivilent to the tar amount of 5 cigs. here is why you shouldnt smoke cigs:
a. it doesnt get you high
b. you get a dependency on something that just wastes your money
c. lung cancer and throat cancer
d. joe camel

heres why you shouldnt smoke weed:
a. you spend a lot of money
b. its illegal (where i live) and could cause some serious drama in your life
i havent smoked (or done) weed in about a month. and the only reason is because i have to go to court for a dwi charge sept. 12th. (yeah im dumb so what) but if i dont get put on probation i know that the first thing im gonna do is smoke a bag of weed.
i do know that since ive stopped ive been more irritable... because im not all layed back all the time. but my pissy mood will be gone soon enough.
Holly Mathews
- chris-
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yeah if you use a normal cigarette filter, but there gives in europe im not sure even in america, extra active coal filter.. and those filter dont filter any amount of thc, just the tobacco.PegLegHolly wrote:if you filter weed smoke then you filter out a significant amount of thc...
yeah, a vaporizer is the best way to smoke herb, because the buds dont burn and so there are no toxic stuffs.PegLegHolly wrote:the only thing i know that will get rid of most of the tar is vaporizer (like pretty much mosher said). although, vaporizors give you a different type of hight. i get more of a headache when i use a vaporizer... so i think im gonna try to get rid of mine.
I used only once a vaporizer in amsterdam, in the dolphins coffeeshop.. it was very cool, because the vaporizer was like a bong with water as cooling. But I cant tell much about the high, I smoked alot in amsterdam..

It's normaly in europe that we mix tobaco and herb in a joint. So its standard and every is used to it.PegLegHolly wrote:the tar amount in one joint is equivilent to the tar amount of 5 cigs. here is why you shouldnt smoke cigs:
a. it doesnt get you high
b. you get a dependency on something that just wastes your money
c. lung cancer and throat cancer
d. joe camel
I'm smoking herb since 3 years or something and in this 3 years I smoked alot tobaco in almost every joint. But I can defenitly say that im not addicted to tobaco and the last time I smoked a cigarette was maybe for 3 months or something. Sometimes I smoke a cigarette while im drinking.. stupid I know..
every thing cost its price, and If you dont smoke herb every day, you dont spend a lot of money. I smoke mostly at the weekend and so I spend maybe 30-40€ a month.. I dont think its a lot of money.PegLegHolly wrote:heres why you shouldnt smoke weed:
a. you spend a lot of money
b. its illegal (where i live) and could cause some serious drama in your life
And the argument only because your Governmont have prohibited it, is ridicolous.There are enough arguments why Cannabis should be legalized. Weed is less danger for your body than alcohol and tobaco. And I think Netherland is the best example that the legalization works good.
Christoph Alexander
Christoph Alexander
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Holly, perhaps you have a sucky vaporizer?
Anyone that passes judgement on a vaporizer needs to be informed on the subject first.
There are two main styles of them, conduction and convection.
The terms refer to the way the heat passes through the weed.
In conduction vaporizers (THE BAD STYLE) weed sits on a little metal plate, this plate is encased in a glass dome. The weed gets heated by the metal plate and then vapors come off and you breath them in. This method is REALLY inefficient and you wind up wasting alot of weed and not really getting high. The heat is "conducted" through the weed. This method often results in burnt weed that kills you just the same as smoked weed.
The GOOD style is convection.
Convection style vaporizers pass warm air through the weed.
You can set the temperature of the air really accurately with many of them (like mine) and you get a very efficient and tasty stream of air shooting out the tube.
My vaporizer (the Vapir One) needs only .3 of a gram to get three of us really high, really consistently and with no headaches.
My vaporizer has never given anyone a headache.
Before anyone judges vaporizers they should know what the heck they are talking about.
Anyone that passes judgement on a vaporizer needs to be informed on the subject first.
There are two main styles of them, conduction and convection.
The terms refer to the way the heat passes through the weed.
In conduction vaporizers (THE BAD STYLE) weed sits on a little metal plate, this plate is encased in a glass dome. The weed gets heated by the metal plate and then vapors come off and you breath them in. This method is REALLY inefficient and you wind up wasting alot of weed and not really getting high. The heat is "conducted" through the weed. This method often results in burnt weed that kills you just the same as smoked weed.
The GOOD style is convection.
Convection style vaporizers pass warm air through the weed.
You can set the temperature of the air really accurately with many of them (like mine) and you get a very efficient and tasty stream of air shooting out the tube.
My vaporizer (the Vapir One) needs only .3 of a gram to get three of us really high, really consistently and with no headaches.
My vaporizer has never given anyone a headache.
Before anyone judges vaporizers they should know what the heck they are talking about.
Tom Mosher
hate is a waste of passion!
hate is a waste of passion!
chris- wrote:yeah if you use a normal cigarette filter, but there gives in europe im not sure even in america, extra active coal filter.. and those filter dont filter any amount of thc, just the tobacco.PegLegHolly wrote:if you filter weed smoke then you filter out a significant amount of thc...

I think she meant that bongs filter out alot of the THC as well (which is true). Nothing to do with tobacco.
Also, the study that showed that marijuana contains more tar than cigz, was conducted in 1970 and they only tested cannabis leaves, not the buds, which contain 1/3 the amount of tar as a similar amount of tobacco.
It has also been shown that tobacco smoke contains polonium-210 and lead-210, radioactive substances that cause cancer.
- save.cullen
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It also deposits organic matter in your lungs, which will, over time, cause irreparable damage and reduce your lung capacity.heres why you shouldnt smoke weed:
a. you spend a lot of money
b. its illegal (where i live) and could cause some serious drama in your life
There are also risks to the chemical balance of your brain and it can be damaging to your mental health, however this may or may not be like an allergic reaction rather than simply a product of the drug itself.
Who wears short shorts?
Dylan Govender.
Dylan Govender.
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I recognise it.. I smoke.. I started when I was 14 and now I can't leave it.. is not as easy as looks like...
I'm trying to smoke less, since I started get footbag as something serious, and I have reduced the number of joints I smoke everyday...
I also gotta said that here in Spain, there's not too much weed so what we smoke is hash, that comes from Morroco ( is it spell like that?¿, sorry for my english)

I'm trying to smoke less, since I started get footbag as something serious, and I have reduced the number of joints I smoke everyday...
I also gotta said that here in Spain, there's not too much weed so what we smoke is hash, that comes from Morroco ( is it spell like that?¿, sorry for my english)

Mikel Oroz
- Why do you play footbag?
- Because every time I go to a session, I go home with just enough small success experiences for me to come back next time... "Rasmus Rendsvig (Denmark)"
- Why do you play footbag?
- Because every time I go to a session, I go home with just enough small success experiences for me to come back next time... "Rasmus Rendsvig (Denmark)"
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- Egyptian Footgod
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I really dont care as long as it doesnt affect other people, but I really hate hearing about smokin at tourneys an stuff. It gives us such a bad image.
example- I play at school everyday and someone in my class saw me playing. He asked me if I smoked and I said no. He's like, What you hacky sack but you dont smoke.
example- I play at school everyday and someone in my class saw me playing. He asked me if I smoked and I said no. He's like, What you hacky sack but you dont smoke.
- Egyptian Footgod
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The particular habits of some individual are none of your business. Lets try to stay out of libelous territory here please. Respect and discretion please!
Colin Kennedy
- Wu_
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damn i mean how much do vaporizers cost... when i used to smoke weed.. quit 6 months ago due to ..this and that
.. i would just get some really serious grown weed are right from holland preferably and mix like a ton of it with a lil bit of tabacco .. i put that shit in what we in germany call "Eimer" , that translates into bucket. its mainly a bucket of water with a bottle that has the bottom end cut out. Either u take some aluminum foil (the cheap ghetto way) or you get a nice bowl at any headshop and put that shit on the bottle. I think they are called, correct me if I'm wrong, gravity bongs.
It is probably THE most damaging way to smoke a bowl but damn does it fuck you up.. you pull the bottle up while lighting up the bowl.. once its filled up all the way you remove the bowl and get your mouth over the opening or put ur lips directly on it (careful!! if you pulled up the bottle too slowly, amateurs uselly do, than you might get burned) and push down on the bottle while inhaling... this way the smoke will push directly into your lungs and you will fill your lungs with so much smoke that if your not careful you might just blackout right after that.. i have ..few times.. ah who am i shitting.. alot ..especially when its early in the morning, right after sports, first bowl of the day, after long periods of not smoking.
The reason why this is the most damaging for your lungs is because there is no filter and the smoke heats up pretty high.
I used to get wasted this way for a fuckin long time.. i could smoke those bowls everyday all day long one every half an hour.. people that don't smoke that much probably smoke one and are fucked up pretty bad.. get sorta drunk first and u will probably be puking 30-60mins after that bowl if your not used to it.
Yeah! good times.. smoke a bowl and play ps2 all fuckin day.. im probably one of the sickest tekken gamers ever!
Disclaimer: Do not try this at home kids. Smoking this way will definitely fuck ur lungs up if not cause permanent damage.
Icebongs are too bad..
ps: for those of you that are sick of always having so much resin in your bongs add some oil in that sucker and the resin wont stick to your bong that quick.

It is probably THE most damaging way to smoke a bowl but damn does it fuck you up.. you pull the bottle up while lighting up the bowl.. once its filled up all the way you remove the bowl and get your mouth over the opening or put ur lips directly on it (careful!! if you pulled up the bottle too slowly, amateurs uselly do, than you might get burned) and push down on the bottle while inhaling... this way the smoke will push directly into your lungs and you will fill your lungs with so much smoke that if your not careful you might just blackout right after that.. i have ..few times.. ah who am i shitting.. alot ..especially when its early in the morning, right after sports, first bowl of the day, after long periods of not smoking.
The reason why this is the most damaging for your lungs is because there is no filter and the smoke heats up pretty high.
I used to get wasted this way for a fuckin long time.. i could smoke those bowls everyday all day long one every half an hour.. people that don't smoke that much probably smoke one and are fucked up pretty bad.. get sorta drunk first and u will probably be puking 30-60mins after that bowl if your not used to it.
Yeah! good times.. smoke a bowl and play ps2 all fuckin day.. im probably one of the sickest tekken gamers ever!
Disclaimer: Do not try this at home kids. Smoking this way will definitely fuck ur lungs up if not cause permanent damage.
Icebongs are too bad..
ps: for those of you that are sick of always having so much resin in your bongs add some oil in that sucker and the resin wont stick to your bong that quick.

*__* Marcus D. W-H. *__*
Was that meant for me?... Sure.. Didn't mean to judge anyone. Who said I don't have respect for "some individual". On the other hand, why read a forum named "smoke?" and get mad at ppl for askin if "some individual" smokes. Is this topic made for talking about cars...Colin wrote:The particular habits of some individual are none of your business. Lets try to stay out of libelous territory here please. Respect and discretion please!
I mean respect for his privacy, not him as a person.
Also, I read the thread and 'get mad' because it's part of my job as a forum moderator. To clarify though, I'm not at all mad, I'd just prefer that we stay clear of that line of discussion. Sorry I'm not very tactful.
Cars aren't illegal. Feel free to out someone as a car driver. Between you and me, I drive a Corolla.
Also, I read the thread and 'get mad' because it's part of my job as a forum moderator. To clarify though, I'm not at all mad, I'd just prefer that we stay clear of that line of discussion. Sorry I'm not very tactful.
Cars aren't illegal. Feel free to out someone as a car driver. Between you and me, I drive a Corolla.
Colin Kennedy
- Wu_
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*points his finger* ..."READER BEWARE, YOU'RE IN FOR A SCARE! This section is mostly serious non-footbag discussion and it can get ugly."
especially... that last one... "...and it can get ugly."
thought thats what this forum is all about.
say what you want about whatever you want anyway you want.
especially... that last one... "...and it can get ugly."
thought thats what this forum is all about.
say what you want about whatever you want anyway you want.

*__* Marcus D. W-H. *__*