BalinorNZ wrote:
"I have never seen two people on pot get in a fight"
You will also never see them(while they are on pot) get into a job, do well in school, have good relationships or achieve anything really.
okay I was just reading this whole thread for this first time and this statement made my blood boil. I smoke nearly everyday, and I can do pretty much everything I can do sober while high, if not better (footbag DEFINITELY included), and pot really helps me do... whatever I want to do.
If I smoke and need to study, I'll do that. If I smoke and need to go to work, I do it. I know my argument seems a bit scattered but my point is.. there are SO MANY functional stoners out there it will blow your mind. I don't want to brag, but I'm a junior in college and I've maintained close to a 3.9 GPA with a double-major and I'm in the honors program. I go to class high frequently (not all the time, don't get me wrong. I definitely don't feel I NEED to smoke to go to class, but at times that's what happens). I study, write papers, go to work, participate in protests (I'm an avid activist, specifically in labor rights currently), and FOOTBAG high
all the time. I also do these things sober all the time as well
I'm not arguing that smoking pot is for everyone because it most certainly is NOT, and it certainly is not a cheap habit. But making blanket statements about how people who smoke pot will not amount to anything not only pisses me off but also offends me personally
I doubt you'll even look at this, but if you do. check yourself.