selling yoyos to play banjos (louder).
yeah... i feel bad. im selling some of my sweet ass collectable yoyos to get some sweet ass banjo stuff... the yoyos are collecting dust, and the have passed their prime in the market for such yoyos... the euro 888, and shadow 888. they both kick ass, but i only play my anti yo's anymore, so it makes sense to sell em.
but atleast im working towards getting somthing ill enjoy, instead of collecting for the intent of having shinys and a potential resale.
the amp is real neat. played one today. has spots for 2 mics, and 1 or two instrument jacks... real true to acoustic sound, plus has effects (the only ones i care for are the reverbs and the effects loops ((running a graphic equalizer in there, to shape the banjo tone even further)). 2x8, 100w. kinda loud. could be louder (i want a banjo half stack!)
a new song i about have dialed at this time...
might have to up your volume for that one.
i look mean in the vid bc im trying hard.. just learned that song that night! its much cleaner now, promise. part of the reason i want the amp is because you have to pick real hard to get a banjo as loud as i like.and then the banjo may or may not sound the same, when you attack differently. the other reason why i want the amp is because banjo is so fulfilling loud as hell. spankin the ol 5 string in the holler loud enuff for the folks on the ridge to hear!
sigh. its like search for a holy grail for every hobby i take up... atleast i can afford these items... i was spending weeks playing 6k$ banjos, and i didnt really care for them. and you have to alter your banjo to get a different sound from it... with the amp, i can model the tone/timbre and adjust it on the fly, instead of having a luthier tinker with it or myself do it and possibly fuck it up.