Matt is leaving me

When I posted on Facebook about the 430 osis, I thought maybe it was a record. I was pretty sure that the 256 osis from Mariusz was the most that we had on video, but I didn't know that several non-verified records would come out of the woodwork: David Clavens with 444, and apparently Norek has done more than 1000?? I don't necessarily doubt the Norek claim, but until some can be clearer about it than "I heard Norek did more than 1000," then I'm reserving judgement on whether it's legit or not.
I want 1000. But for today, I'll settle for 518 (not re-counted):
Because I KNOW that you all are just chomping at the bit to see me do osis. Five Hundred. And Eighteen. Times. In a row. It's cutting edge stuff, I know

I'm also just saying 518 at the moment. I've not yet re-counted/verified it. Frankly, the thought of doing it seems awful at the moment, but I'll try to do it tonight.
A quick note regarding Steve is still plugging away at the transition framework and progress is being made. My own work kind of stalled out and while I've got a good amount done, I'm not comfortable showing it to anyone yet. And until Steve gets his ducks in a row, I won't likely have much more to report. It should be worth the wait...
EDIT: niiiiice top post