Was in the office today, which is unusual considering Wednesdays are when I work from home. We got two new clients at work this week, one small company and a huge player in the life insurance business. Looks like we'll be reworking the infrastructure of our main product to be able to handle millions of requests per minute. This is exciting because we're gonna be making bank, and I get to learn more stuff.
Decent session number 2. Ryan got Whirl BSOS I believe, which is massive. I continued my run of improving form on whirls, drifters and butterflies and it has been paying off.

Toe Whirl > PDX Mirage RPT (12 contacts)

Toe Whirl > PDX Illusion RPT ( 8 contacts)

Footed reactor, like 8 times

Whirl > Ripwalk RPT (5 contacts)

Blur > SS Butterfly > Blizzard > Butterfly RPT

Toe SS Drifter > PDX Illusion RPT

Midstring Whips BSOS, like I'm Ben Babyak

Spinning Mirage BS

Spinning Clipper BS

Fusion. Looked easy. Felt easy.
The past few sessions have been solid, mostly because I've started cutting some of the sloppiness out of my BOPs and basic tricks. Much of this is mental, as I started coming back into the game before I was 100% physically and mentally, but now I'm starting to dex whirls with authority and I'm finally landing on my toes. That was one of the things that I really enjoyed about my game before I got injured, was how quiet I could be during runs and that kinda slipped a bit in the past year. Still, it's coming back and I'm remembering how awesome the feeling is.
In other news, I've been on a trance music binge the past week. A lot of people don't really care for it, and I understand that it's pretty simple music (lyrically, structurally, ect) but I enjoy it. A lot of it is probably attributed to nostalgia, as I listened to it a lot in middle school. Off to shower and then eat things. All the things.