OK, next...
The day started out for me at 8:30. For some reason, nowadays when I didn't have to go to work any more, I'd actually wake sooner, and felt better... go figure.

But still, as Noah was still in bed, I decided to make a simple breakfast comprising of eggs and rice. I made some extra rice in case Noah wanted some. When he woke at about 10ish, he didn't want to eat (yet) so we began to pack our things and prepared to head out for the shred location.
That was when we received notifications on facebook that the shred place was changed to Rec Hall South gym because of the chilly weather. Me and Noah took the bus to school, chatting on the way.
When we arrived at Rec South gym, people had gradually begun to show up: Ivan, Ryan, Matt K., Nick P., Dan C., Kevin H. ... and others were there. Me and Noah once again moved into the corner to do some freestyle football and awaiting the start of the events. However, before anything could happen, we were told to move away from the area, and thus had to relocate (again!). Guess that comment about getting "kicked out" of freestyle areas by Noah the previous day was still exerting its effects...
After some decisions, we relocated to the basketball courts near South Halls. Me and Noah continued to do our thing while the others began to warm up. I immediately noticed that the wind was very strong, and was affecting our enjoyment a little bit, but fortunately it was not that bad. I introduced Noah to the Canadians, which he did not meet the other day.
After a while, Noah and I was tired, and as Noah was hungry, we decided to go to Pitta Pit. We texted Aidan on the way to come and meet us there, and he did. After getting some food and drinks for about 30 minutes, we got back to the shred place, and noticed that... we had missed 2 events: Mirage Racing and Last Man Standing. Darn it! But still, more are on the way, and I was particularly excited for Renegade and Routines, especially Routines as I got one lining up that I promised myself I would force Nick Landes to watch, since I did the same routine last New Year's Jam and he was not watching, even though I specifically asked him to... The nerve!
Next event was Requests, and as I'm not feeling confident to enter any event with my current footbag shoes (which is the same as my freestyle football shoes), I decided not to enter. Intermediately requests happened first. Nathan B. and Ivan were the ones qualifying for Open Requests. Nathan B. continued ripping it up during Open Request, and got to be one of the 5 (or 6) that was left standing at the end, which was very impressive. The last 2 contenders were unsurprisingly Nick Landes and Evan Gatesman, and both were impressive. Evan finally got out on Double Pick Up - Pixie Wauxpin, so Nick Landes ended up taking Requests as well. Combining with the 2 events he won previously, he was reaping a fortune!
Next event was Routines, and I realized that I had yet warmed up for it! I immediately tried to warm up, but my legs felt funky for some reason, and the wind was not contributing. I regretted immediately the decision to not get up and warm up right away after Requests ended. Realizing that I would not be able to do a perfect routine anyway, I watched Cass's routine on the sideline, and it was very impressive. I was next, and even as the music started I realized I would not be able to do the routine as best as I could, and the constant wind would not be helping. I made 3 drops overall, with some minor mistakes accompanying that as well. The only thing I was doing well was the 2nd half of it, when I was able to pull off a near perfect climax (with only 1 drop at the end). Oh well, I guess I would take this as a reminder to practice more outside and learn how to deal with environmental conditions, as well as warm up as soon as possible. There was something there to be learned, and I'd take it!
Nathan B. was next and he ripped it up with a crazy routine done to the Skyrim main theme. Funny thing was, I used to know that song by heart, so when he was doing it I remembered myself singing along in dragon tongue: "Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!...". It was a really nerd-out moment for me.
Last event of the day was renegade, and I invited Noah to come up with me. Nick L, Nick P., and Evan G. were also showing off their skills. In the midway through, I noticed that Noah did not really want to do it (he was never a showman my choice - even though he always had the skills to - and focused only on improving his skills rather than showing it) and I called myself stupid. Well, at least I would never make the mistake of inviting people to show their skills without asking their opinion first again.

Still, one of the highlights of renegade was Noah pulling off a hardcore lower combo perfectly 1st try, so I was still happy with that.
After a while, me and Noah decided to sit down and let the Nicks and Evan do their thing. From then on it was insane. I asked Nick L. for a Flipwalk - Doof - Swirling Dragon combo and he almost did it first try

. Nick P. landed Fairy far Revvup

and it was beautiful! Gatesman landed Barfly Swirl - Barfly Swirl and Whirling paradox Drifter

After the showcase was almost over, I had the opportunity to went on and present my thesis about my "allround flow" in footbag and it already was well received by the Nicks and Cass, so I was happy with that.
After that, the footbaggers and I decided to head to Big Bowl and get some Chinese food together. Noah and Aidan left for their house to train some more freestyle football. I encountered a random dude doing backflips and ended up gotten some tips from him about how to do backflips, which was an awesome bonus! After we ate and felt very good about ourselves, we headed back to shred haus. It turned out afterwards that the after party was going to be held at shred haus instead of Aidan's place, so we did not have to leave at all. We chat and all around had a fantastic time, even though everybody was tired. Me, Cass, and Nick L. had a yoga session down the basement, and I gotta say I was amazed by their flexibility and the gracefulness of their movements. I should really get into yoga.
More and more people began to get to shred haus, and it soon got crowded. I was afraid that the place would not be able to withstain hosting so many people, but it seemed to do pretty okay! As the festivities commenced, Drew, Alex, and then Nick P. got up and did a fantastic comedy show. It was awesome to see Nick dive more and more into the stand up comedy scene, and he looked like he was doing ok for himself!
Next up, me. I contemplated a great deal before deciding that I was going to do a singing performance for everyone. At first, I would make it so that there was a poll before my performance to see if anyone wanted me to do it or not, but apparently everyone wanted me to

so I got up and took the mic.
This was what followed:
Afterwards, I could not remember exactly what happened (partly because I was closing my eye and followed the song almost all the way through). This song (in Vietnamese) I specifically picked because it concerned the issue of identity and self - realization, which I would be able to relate to. And in fact I did.
After that, me and Noah went to the kitchen to get some of the scrambled eggs made by Nick L. (who turned out to be a great cook as well. Seriously, was there anything this guy couldn't do?), and something amazing happened. Noah, when asked by Drew on what his opinion on footbag was, answered: "It was so amazing man! I loved it!". Drew seemed to be greatly pleased by that, while I just stood by the fridge and smiled. That was my purpose bringing them all together all along, and that meant more to me than anything. Drew was always a bit apprehensive about football freestylers as he viewed them (us) as arrogant. I hope he would have a better perspective of us after this and realized that may be, some of us was worth making friends with after all!
Then, we all went downstairs to play 4 square. Nick L., Ianek, and Evan came down soon later, and revised the rule a bit: We were going to play 9 square (!) instead of 4 square, and man, did it got intense quickly. But it was also very fun at the same time.
Evan decided to shred a little bit more afterwards, so I was watching him doing some more crazy things. Eventually, however, I got tired (may be I should of woken up a bit later than 8:30 that day after all lol), and at 1:30 A.M Sunday, me and Noah said goodbye to everyone to go back to my place.
It was an awesome and one of the most eventful days I've ever had in my life.
Next: Sunday - the goodbyes.