FuteBlaug (PSU)
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
FuteBlaug (PSU)
Hello. My name is Benjamin and I like kick.
I am a new(ish) member of PSU Footbag and ECFU.
I got into freestyle footbag when Marc Peralta invited me to attend a PSU Footbag session. Through that, I've met many freestylers and have built my current game and style based on tips, lessons, and drills given to me by everyone. I dig footbag and I dig the community that comes along with it. I've been to two jams, so far, that were sweet as hell. The first one was the PSU Jampionships III, the second being Nick Polini's college graduation party. Edit: 9/30/13: Just got back from East Coasts!Edit: April 5-6 was PSU Jamps 4. I placed 1st in intermediate circle!
I started a few weeks (two or three) before the Jampionships which were held on the weekend of 20 April 2013.
>>On to yesterday's session with Nick Polini, Mike Toolan, Jeremy Mellor, and Taylor Shramko. I had my two best strings yesterday which consisted of BSOS clipper, BSOS outside, BSOS inside, BSOS mirage, cloud kicks (for the first time). I also attempted paradox mirage from both sides, spinning, and ducking.. all of which need work. Other than the good strings I managed to put together, I also hit both sides knee stalls, forehead stall, strong side pincher, both sides front sole stall, strong side flapper, and strong side butterfly. There may or may not have been more but just the fact that I am starting to string together even just 1 adds and 2 adds with a tiny bit of newbie style makes me ready for my next solo drilling session.
>>Also Taylor Shramko hit outside>spinning>toe yesterday....his first time ever playing with Lavers.
I am a new(ish) member of PSU Footbag and ECFU.
I got into freestyle footbag when Marc Peralta invited me to attend a PSU Footbag session. Through that, I've met many freestylers and have built my current game and style based on tips, lessons, and drills given to me by everyone. I dig footbag and I dig the community that comes along with it. I've been to two jams, so far, that were sweet as hell. The first one was the PSU Jampionships III, the second being Nick Polini's college graduation party. Edit: 9/30/13: Just got back from East Coasts!Edit: April 5-6 was PSU Jamps 4. I placed 1st in intermediate circle!
I started a few weeks (two or three) before the Jampionships which were held on the weekend of 20 April 2013.
>>On to yesterday's session with Nick Polini, Mike Toolan, Jeremy Mellor, and Taylor Shramko. I had my two best strings yesterday which consisted of BSOS clipper, BSOS outside, BSOS inside, BSOS mirage, cloud kicks (for the first time). I also attempted paradox mirage from both sides, spinning, and ducking.. all of which need work. Other than the good strings I managed to put together, I also hit both sides knee stalls, forehead stall, strong side pincher, both sides front sole stall, strong side flapper, and strong side butterfly. There may or may not have been more but just the fact that I am starting to string together even just 1 adds and 2 adds with a tiny bit of newbie style makes me ready for my next solo drilling session.
>>Also Taylor Shramko hit outside>spinning>toe yesterday....his first time ever playing with Lavers.
Last edited by krustykrakk on 25 Jun 2014 08:27, edited 2 times in total.
- F[uns]tylin' Eclectic
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- Location: Drumore, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
This is what Modified needs man, some footbag new blood! Props on making your blog dude! You'll enjoy your footquest more this way because when you get really good, you can look back on this first post and be like "Well, I bsos'ed Blurry Torque today, that was cool, and my first post, I bsosed Mirage, wow I've come a long way!" Keep at it dude. We'll be shredding again soon.
You've got a gift for this game dude.
You've got a gift for this game dude.
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
word. Thanks for all of the showing me stuff and teaching dude, seriously. I am looking forward to shredding soon. B-)
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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Re: FuteBlaug
Yesterday, before work, I had a mini solo session. Only about a half hour. I finally BSOS'd butterfly and hit my first clean duck ever! I tried to get it flip but other than getting it close, I could not do it. New goal for next time.
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
Yesterday, before work, I had a mini solo session. Only about a half hour. I finally BSOS'd butterfly and hit my first clean duck ever! I tried to get it flip but other than getting it close, I could not do it. New goal for next time.
A little something else; I kicked on my break at work tonight. I hit butterfly strong side, front sole stall strong side and clipper. Not really counting that as a session because it was literally just a few contact with my friend from work.
A little something else; I kicked on my break at work tonight. I hit butterfly strong side, front sole stall strong side and clipper. Not really counting that as a session because it was literally just a few contact with my friend from work.
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
Just finished a sweaty solo session in this humidity. Hit a few butterflies, hit leg over on both sides... finally. The odd thing is that i can only hit leg over if I end it in inside... on both sides. After I figured this out I just ended everything in inside... around the world, mirage and leg over. I did manage a few b2b clippers and, after wrapping strong side outside to dragon, gave jon schneider's dragon swirl thingy a try, I failed but got closer than I thought. I figure I need to work on swirls and dragons to achieve this. I also his my first ever dragon out of a same side clipper. My next solo session is going to be all drills.
Re: FuteBlaug
Good shit, man. Make sure you're still working on legover ending on toe, it'll help a lot later. Foundation tricks are a lot more important than they seem. The more work you put in on them now, the less you'll have to do later on.
Mike Toolan
Penn State Footbag Club
Penn State Footbag Club
- F[uns]tylin' Eclectic
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Re: FuteBlaug
Yeah dude, your highlights sound awesome. I'm proud of you man. Fuck marc, he never started a footblog. So fuck him. Yeah! lol anyway, props man, you're getting real solid with the basics... pretty soon, you're gonna go tiltless. Just keep up with those fundunentals. Hit all those tricks 100 times bs as many times as you can... *waves magic footbag-teacher wand and vanishes*
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
little solo session today consisting mostly of toes and insides. Not very interesting. I did two of those front sole stall guys on both sides...don't really value them as important. I did experiment a lot with leg overs and mirages.
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
Nice session with corey corey corey and toolan. BSOS'd butterfly...finally. BSOS'd inside to front sole to inside... The weak side front sole to inside was very sloppy. Did some reverse guays, some legovers to inside and toe as well as some around the world type stuff. One flapper. Going to continue working on leg over/mirage-type stuff. Semi long term goals include a more consistent osis, flip osis, better stepping sets, more paradox stuff. Might give whirl a try soon... I only hope it's easier than it looks.
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
Crazy awesome session yesterday with ECFU! I finally hit weak side osis a bunch of times, was shown a disgusting new cranky stall (don't know the name of it) by Nick Polini and I was digging outside to same side clipper (the pivot makes for some style, I guess). Hit some legovers, mirages, etc. BSOS'd butterfly, osis, calf roll to front sole stall to same side inside. Still getting my ass kicked by swirl and dragon.
I would very much like to learn whirl. Not sure if this counts as a highlight but corey corey corey and I tried to race to see who could hit toe drifter first... there was no winner; both footed it but no one hit it.

Re: FuteBlaug
Sound like your making great progress. I know its been re-iterated many times, but don't neglect those basics like Switch (Legover) and Mirage. If the prospect of going out for a session and trying to hit 100 of them is making you yawn just to read it, don't be afraid to mix things up a little by coming up with drills. Stuff like:
Clipper > Near (or Far) Switch > Same Switch > Op Switch > rpt
Once you have a drill like that locked down to the point where you can pull it out of the bag first try, it gives you something you can rely on to turn those two or three bigger tricks into an instant string. There is still something to be said for following the "footbag curriculum" as it were, but there are ways of learning the basic without it being so.... tedious
Clipper > Near (or Far) Switch > Same Switch > Op Switch > rpt
Once you have a drill like that locked down to the point where you can pull it out of the bag first try, it gives you something you can rely on to turn those two or three bigger tricks into an instant string. There is still something to be said for following the "footbag curriculum" as it were, but there are ways of learning the basic without it being so.... tedious

- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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Re: FuteBlaug
Just finished an after-work solo session. What I mainly did was toes, insides, clippers and mirages. I tried for 50 b2b toes and ended up with 66, tried for 50 b2b insides ended up with 22. Not too happy about the insides drill; I'm going to have to try it next time, when I have fresh legs. I will also attempt 100 b2b toes. I did drill inside to hop-over to weak inside to hop-over rpt. I really want my clipper game to be on point. I BSOS'd mirage a few times, however, not as many as I would have liked. Legovers continue to piss me off... still waaay behind where I feel as though I should stand on that specific learning curve. Finally, with hopes of hitting dragons and eventually that disgusting, unnatural anchor stall, I delayed outsides on both sides and just set outside rpt (with emphasis on proper form) in order to gain the muscles I need for correct balance. Next session I will practice that and wrapping outsides to dragons and holding.
Thanks for the advice, Ian. It is much appreciated. I still get a little frustrated with how small, mechanical things are to drill. I don't undermine their importance, it just get's... well, as you said, tedious. I usually like to separate my solo sessions into one main objective, a secondary, and then just little bits of practice on other things. The secondary objectives help me divert my attention when the monotony or frustration of the primary objective gets too much and I need a break. The "little bits" help me when I need breaks from both lol.
Thanks for the advice, Ian. It is much appreciated. I still get a little frustrated with how small, mechanical things are to drill. I don't undermine their importance, it just get's... well, as you said, tedious. I usually like to separate my solo sessions into one main objective, a secondary, and then just little bits of practice on other things. The secondary objectives help me divert my attention when the monotony or frustration of the primary objective gets too much and I need a break. The "little bits" help me when I need breaks from both lol.
- krustykrakk
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Re: FuteBlaug
Holy shnibbens! I just had my most constructive drilling session... heh heh, drilling session.
25 strong side toe to strong side clipper
25 strong side toe to weak side clipper
25 weak side toe to strong side clipper
25 weak side toe to weak side clipper
25 strong side inside to strong side clipper
25 strong side inside to weak side clipper
25 weak side inside to strong side clipper
25 weak side inside to weak side clipper
All to hand catch.
Only acceptable, playable sets were counted... so I did a bunch more than 200.
Jon Schneider said that it's a good trick if you get a good set out of it. Getting a good set out of it means you're ready to move on to the next trick.
25 strong side toe to strong side clipper
25 strong side toe to weak side clipper
25 weak side toe to strong side clipper
25 weak side toe to weak side clipper
25 strong side inside to strong side clipper
25 strong side inside to weak side clipper
25 weak side inside to strong side clipper
25 weak side inside to weak side clipper
All to hand catch.
Only acceptable, playable sets were counted... so I did a bunch more than 200.
Jon Schneider said that it's a good trick if you get a good set out of it. Getting a good set out of it means you're ready to move on to the next trick.
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
Just finished a before bed solo session. Just drilled:
25 ss toe > ss clipper
25 ws toe > ws clipper
25 ss inside > ss clipper
25 ws inside > ws clipper
After that I did a few legovers, and a few strings consisting of toes, insides, clippers, and guays.
25 ss toe > ss clipper
25 ws toe > ws clipper
25 ss inside > ss clipper
25 ws inside > ws clipper
After that I did a few legovers, and a few strings consisting of toes, insides, clippers, and guays.
- F[uns]tylin' Eclectic
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Re: FuteBlaug
Someone is in a hurry to get really good!
Looks awesome though, great stuff.
Dude, I cant say it enough, you totally remind me of myself a few years ago. 2 sessions a day, totally drilling the shit out of my tricks in each session. Your game is going to look so crisp in a week's time if you continue this.
Really awesome job man. Hoping to shred again sometime this week.
Oh and I just had a "before bed drill session" too, inspired by your session earlier

Dude, I cant say it enough, you totally remind me of myself a few years ago. 2 sessions a day, totally drilling the shit out of my tricks in each session. Your game is going to look so crisp in a week's time if you continue this.
Really awesome job man. Hoping to shred again sometime this week.
Oh and I just had a "before bed drill session" too, inspired by your session earlier

- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
Thanks, Nick! You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Tonight's before bed session included 100 mirages-50 on each side, then 200 insides-100 on each side.
Tonight's before bed session included 100 mirages-50 on each side, then 200 insides-100 on each side.
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Joined: 14 Jun 2013 09:12
- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
I had a session last night with ECFU. It was a good time but I kept getting frustrated with my strings. A lot of my individual fundamentals felt better than past non-solo sessions but I got very annoyed with the lack of competence I had with stringing things together.
Other than my newbie frustrations, I tried whirl for the first time. It was awkward but I feel like I just need a little while to play with it before whatever needs to click clicks. I was told to keep my dexing knee pointed down but other things about the weird side dex throws me off.
Other than my newbie frustrations, I tried whirl for the first time. It was awkward but I feel like I just need a little while to play with it before whatever needs to click clicks. I was told to keep my dexing knee pointed down but other things about the weird side dex throws me off.
Re: FuteBlaug
Hey, I know its annoying when you can't hit tricks you have been practicing a lot and hitting when drilling them. There is something about the rhythm and timing when you are trying to string together random tricks that will throw you off. Don't worry about it - everyone has tough sessions - just fall back on the basics if this happens. Find a "cool down" trick that you do when you are frustrated. For me, it is either alternating toe stalls or inside kicks. I like to start my strings with them because it gets me calm and my feet moving in the right ways. Trust me, I spent my first year dropping strings on the second or third trick, even though I had drilled the hell out of it five minutes ago. I still have days when I can't get past the first mirage, but it will get better. The more drills you do (SS mirage>SS clipper rpt, mirage>legover rpt, legover>legover rpt, ect) the easier it will be for you to string tricks together as your legs will get used to the transitions between tricks, not just their main motions. In order to hit the drills in first place, you need to drill the concepts individually, which you have been doing quite well recently so your game will explode soon if you keep at it.
You may think you had a bad session yesterday, but after not seeing you play for a long time, I must say you have a improved A LOT this summer. String length will come with time (I really hope for my own sake as well). This was supposed to be a "quick reply" but I guess I wrote a bit of a paragraph. Oh well.
EDIT: also, don't forget to show some love to your illusions. They are just as awesome as mirages and look cool when you hit them in big tricks down the road.
You may think you had a bad session yesterday, but after not seeing you play for a long time, I must say you have a improved A LOT this summer. String length will come with time (I really hope for my own sake as well). This was supposed to be a "quick reply" but I guess I wrote a bit of a paragraph. Oh well.
EDIT: also, don't forget to show some love to your illusions. They are just as awesome as mirages and look cool when you hit them in big tricks down the road.
- krustykrakk
- BSOS Beast
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- Location: Bethlehem, PA/State College, PA
Re: FuteBlaug
Thanks Ivan. As soon as I get home from work, I'm doing work.., regarding footbag. I just modded the rectangle off of the puffy part of the inside of my lavers, so hopefully I'll get even more crank. I had a dream about drilling ss front sole> ss inside > hop over > flapper > rev. hop over rpt. both sides.
Def going to work on stringy things though
Def going to work on stringy things though