FuteBlaug (PSU)

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by C-Fan » 19 Dec 2014 08:41

krustykrakk wrote: Yes, Mr. S. I am planning on getting a teensy more footage then releasing a PSU video sometime after the Christmas Calendar.. I have some Pipenfootage from yesterday
Yay PSU video! It'll be great to see your progress since East Coasts, and it's always fun to see the Ultimate Harmonica Microphone shredding it up.


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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by krustykrakk » 22 Dec 2014 13:37

Heck yeah, Ken. But, but, but, what's with the harmonica? Anywhooo... Good news! I found an old SD card that I apparently cleared. This was clutch for today's session with Ryan, Nate, and Andrew. I captured a few good runs from Nate (which is what I set out for) and also ended up having a good session.

After watching Nate drill a bunch of ripwalks b2b, my brain finally registered what I think is the right way to step. After that, I hit ripwalk b2b for the first time ever. My pixie shuffle was also on today, despite it being my fifth day in a row. I haven't had the time or energy to kick like this in a while. Other good things include Nate saying he plans on playing a lot before NYJ! More watching/being amazed/learning/acquiring footage!

--Earlier this week:
-5 unique pixie shuffle (new record, smear > plo > magellan > plo > magellan > drop on smear)
-Higher reps on tiltless drills (random, low energy)
-Legbeater (new, only with left toe set)

-Ripwalk b2b
-Dimwalk > stepping far legover > string
-Stepping ss clipper BSOS (new?)
Benjamin J. Babyak

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by krustykrakk » 07 Jan 2015 17:16

Although I attended the event, I will not be doing a write-up of NYJ.

We got there, partied, ate, and kicked in that order. Oh, and I embarrassed myself in intermediate circle comp. I played just ok on the sidelines but only had a few really good strings. There; that's all you get.

I have been stalling on the footage of psu shred because I am lazy. My latest hobby is complete immersion into the star wars universe... sorry to all my friends who thought I was cool. Whatever.

I had the first session since Sunday in Ann arbor today which was bitchin. I played like butt hole and have completely lost my ability to pixie but whatever, I just ate a big burger.

Highlights from today:

-symple legover x8
-osis x29
--both are new records.

May the force be with you.
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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by isirc10 » 08 Jan 2015 00:13

krustykrakk wrote:Sup.
I have been stalling on the footage of psu shred because I am lazy.Whatever...

I had the first session since Sunday in Ann arbor today which was bitchin. I played like butt hole and have completely lost my ability to pixie but whatever, I just ate a big burger...

-osis x29
It warms my heart to hear that - so I'm not the only one.

Pixies are over rated anyway.

Serious props on the osis record, that's close to what I'm at right now as well. Looking forward to playing hacky with you more this semester.
Ivan Iakimenko

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by akprice » 08 Jan 2015 03:34

I enjoyed playing keepie upsies with you at NYJ!!
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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by Derek » 09 Jan 2015 14:54

Immersed in Star Wars, you are? What in particular? Wish I could get on that butthole level, 29 Osi is fudgin' swanky. Pixie's suck anyways, people who do them are pretty lame. Symple Leg*8 brought a smile to my face. Mad jealous of your Calf Roll ability, you'll have to show me the ways next time we congregate. Hope your midi-chlorian levels are on the high rise.
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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by krustykrakk » 09 Jan 2015 18:55

Derek and Paul: I am replaying Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, watching the movies/ fanmade edits of the movies, reading the entire (not in cannon anymore) comics, and just overall nerding out.

Aaron (and everyone else) I absolutely loved playing the hacky uppy kicky with everyone. I am so happy for the NYJ turnout and can only hope that the next jam I go to will be a fraction of the experience. The next jam I know I will be able to attend is JAMPS V!!! Which everyone should go to. Seriously. It shall be kewl. But, if I can miraculously pull some moneys together, I hope to go to Vegas Jam.

Ivan, come back to school so we can improve together. To be honest, osis is a low energy, low impact trick. We could both do a lot better ;)


Last year, I wrote a New Years resolution list. After a few months, I rewrote it with better, more achievable goals that were more my speed. This post will mainly be about a reflection of those past goals as well as a list of new goals. I have been playing for two whole years (I'll hit the mark during the last few days of March or first few of early April.) I feel a lot more footbag competent than I did last year at this time so I think I can make up some achievable but challenging goals.

Last year's goals were the following:

1) 40 Tiltless/25ish unique (basically, I want to ascend to the level of being able to hit comfortable, tiltless strings whenever I want)
2) Whirl BSOS x20 -This is a goal that is meant to help me hit whirl BS whenever I want. Ten times on each side, preferably one string. The same applies to goals #3, #4, and #5.
3) PDX mirage BSOS x20
4) Osis B2B x20
5) Same side Butterfly (from Clipper) BSOS x20
7) BOP rpt. x10
8) Blender BSOS
9) Torque BSOS
10) a. Pixie ducking toe BS
b. Stepping ducking toe BS
c. Atomic ducking toe BS
11) Spinning clipper, spinning pickup, spinning legover, spinning mirage, spinning pdx mirage, spinning whirl, spinning butterfly - All bs
12) Ducking clipper, ducking pickup, ducking legover, ducking mirage, ducking osis, ducking whirl, ducking butterfly - All bs
13) Infinity x100 (This is my real goal for infinity. It may seem high but given that this is a year goal and that infinity is important for control I want to make it a priority.)

This next list is the reflection I made mid-year regarding my progression:
1) 15(ish) tiltless on my better runs. I feel as though I improve how easily I remain tiltless in a string about once a week or so.
2) I have put whirl on an indefinite hold until I get better at core tricks
3) When I'm on, so are my pdx mirages. I can probably meet this goal with pdx mirage > clipper on both sides within a month or two
4) Osis is not something I practice back to back. Last time I drilled osis rpt, I hit 6.
5) I have been putting this trick on hold for a bit but something recently clicked for me, so I think I can meet this within a few months.
6) No sixth goal? I must have overlooked this.. :oops:
7) I BOP a lot in strings, as they are a big portion of the 3adds I tend to hit in strings. I should meet this within a few months.
8) Since I put whirl on hold, I subsequently had to put blender on hold as well. I want to meet the easier goals with tricks I already know before learning new ones.
9) See #8
10) My reflection of #8 also applies here. Pixies are my main uptime set. Stepping is hard for me, but I continue to work on it occasionally. Other than hitting my first tap a few sessions, I don't practice it too too much at all. I don't want to spread myself thin (adhering to advice offered by other players) so I am sticking with 1 toe set (pixie) and 1 clipper set (stepping.)
11) I have been working on spinning both sides at least once a week. Spinning clipper is close.
12) Ducking clipper has been done on both sides and toe ducking osis on strong.
13) Working hard on this one. I am at 7, I think.

Now, here is my reflection of all my goals/what I think of them in hindsight:
1) I basically hit this goal. I try to end all my sessions with a string of at least 25. I want to be able to hit these strings whenever I want and am improving so by making sure I can do this with next to no energy. Sometimes I still drop less than ten contacts in, though.
2) No. I have improved at whirl BS but will count this as failed and will try again this year. My progress with whirl has been good, all thing considered.
3) I don't know if I actually hit this and recorded it but I am confident that if I have not, then I am at least only a few sessions away.
4) DONE! My record before my last session was about 20. I will reset this goal with a higher number!
5) See #3
7) I haven't gotten BOP>BOP x10 but I have gotten 12 contacts with the drill. I don't know if this is what the goal was but I will reset it with BOP>BOP x10 as a definite goal.
8) I got strong blender in the year and very closely footed it on flip last time I kick. I will reset this goal for the SAUCE.
9) I am nowhere close. I can hit crispy torque a bit but weak is weak. I think I will reset this goal with the overall intention being to practice crispy torques and hopefully teach myself how to consistently hit it downtime.
10) a. I have done this without shoes on and can duck my strong pixies. I will reset this drill with weak side in mind. I don't feel as though my flip pixie is strong enough but that just means more flip toe ducking!
b. LOL, no. This needs to be a goal that is more like stepping bronze.
c. LOL, no. I can't focus on atomic. I might nix this altogether.
11) LOL, no. I gave up on spinning entirely. I have been giving zooms a few tries lately. I might reset this as zooming clippers or whatever.
12) Ducking clippers are coming along although I need to practice them. My record is either 3 or 4. I have hit ducking osis and ducking butterfly BS. I don't know specifically why ducking toe 2ADDS don't like me (timing, probably) but that just means I need more ducking clippers.
13) It's been a while since I counted my infinities. Lately, I have been more about drilling links like ss butter > infinity or far osis > infinity but I consistently hit this both sided link in strings. I need to reset this goal.

Wow. There are some that I hit, at least. New Goals Time!!

1) 50 tiltless/guiltless mix (less strong side legover bails)
2) Whirl x10 on each side in a string
3) PDX mirage x10 on each side in a string
4) Osis x50
5) Ss butter from clipper x10 on each side in a string
7) BOP >BOP x10
8) Blender BeeSauce
9) Torque BeeSauce
10) Improve BOTH pixies and be able to duck out of them at least 5/10x
11) Osis > spinning osis BS
12) Ducking clipper x20
13) Infinity x100
14) Since I want my toe game to be more than pixie shuffle, I need some downtime components. With this is mind and with the help of Derek Littlebear, I want symple legover x20

Edit: Happy New Year, assholes. Let's make it fun.
Benjamin J. Babyak

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by krustykrakk » 10 Jan 2015 20:17

I just kicked with RyMo. We dicked around a bunch but then got to bidness. It was a long session for two people (1:45) and I ended up very fatigued after my last string. I also warmed up with half of my #3 goal (the weak side.) I dropped with connecting strong side clipper out of fatigue. I need me some stamina. I gave some symple shiz a few tries. After that, I tried a few zooming hand catches. No one tell Polini. ;p

In other news, I received two new Star Wars video games in the mail today! I got Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and Jedi Knight: Outcast. These are both for original Xbox and the first one is proving to be fun. I am still nerding out on Star Wars comics. The current 30-issue story I am reading is set about 4,000 years before the movies. It is about a young padawan who is framed for murder and has to assembly a motley crew in order to clear his name/get revenge. I am not sure which, I haven't gotten that far yet.

I went grocery shopping today. I hate grocery shopping. I think I would rather lop off my fingers, have them sewn back on, then continually lop them all off instead of spending any more seconds of my time in a busy grocery store. I hate it. I hate the people, the hate shopping carts, I hate checking out, I hate taking the bus to and from; the only thing that makes it worth while is April. If she were not there, I might just give up eating altogether.

Highlights from today:
-Symple pickup x2 (first starting from strong, then again from weak)
-Symple far osis > whirl BS (new, felt cool)
-Same clipper > pdx mirage x10 on flip (new)
-Cool down with 36 tiltless/guiltless mix after 1:42 of shred (not a record but good for me, considering the time spent playing)
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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by Cass » 11 Jan 2015 07:15

I do all my grocery shopping at 7 in the morning when the only other people around are employees. Busy grocery stores are just always a bad time.

It was great seeing you at NYJ! My new Barney bag is dope as fuck.

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by krustykrakk » 12 Jan 2015 16:13

Cassy, it is always a pleasure to see you. See you in a few months? And yay! I'm glad you like the bag! Also, word. Last year, I lived across the street from the supermarket (which was open 24 hours) so I never really had to make a single trip grocery shopping. Instead I just went over whenever I needed anything in particular at any time.

I just footedthebagged.
All the students are back which is dope as soap on a rope. Ivan's looking more solid, Ryan didn't have too much time to kick, Khoa is full of energy (as always,) Aidan makes things, I've tried a million times and failed each time, look easy; Andrew is getting basic dexterity tricks down, and April is waay to good to be bashfully sideline shredding.

This was a fun session. Then it got frustrating. Then it got awesome. Oh, real world shit: today was my first day back at work since my little winter vacation.

-refraction > far osis > osis > refraction > far osis > drop on dyno (attempt at osis silver)
-tiltless/guiltless mix x49 > toe bail > atw (I was happy then pissed then happy then sad then ok with it)
-calf roll > symple legvoer (stylee)
Edit: -19 infinites (maybe not my record but I'll count it as my recorded record. I want more)
Benjamin J. Babyak

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by F[uns]tylin' Eclectic » 13 Jan 2015 05:28

Man, that 49 tiltless/guiltless is the shit! Awesome job. Really pushing it dude.

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by Derek » 16 Jan 2015 18:51

krustykrakk wrote: April is waay to good to be bashfully sideline shredding.

Littlebear, ya-yuh. Pretty sure I watched that as a child. Beastly highlights, man. Would love to see that Calf Roll >Symple Leg in real motion. Post some footage, poop face.

I might always refer to Footbag as footedthebagged from now on.
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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by DC Clinks » 16 Jan 2015 23:22

>maybe not my record but I'll count it as my recorded record. I want more

Always want more. More is good :)

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by krustykrakk » 18 Jan 2015 13:13

D'rek, I will film when I remember to film. I keep forgetting, and am lazy.

D-Train Carenskymeyer, There be three Apple Jacks and a dime in front of me. The dime is face up. What is the ratio of green to pink Apple Jacks?

Nick, I am talking to you from beyond the grave, but in the future but am not dead yet and also from a universe where everything is communicated in run-on sentences. Except for sentence fragments.

I sessioned for three days in a row. I didn't have any single great session out of the days but felt my best today. I kicked on friday then ended up being too tired to go out. I was going to wish my friend's little brotha a happy 21st (at a bar called The Phyrst.) I was bored on saturday morning so decided to take the first jog I had taken in probably over a year. I used to jog every day but fat and lazy happened. It felt ok. I ran continuously for about 2.5ish miles in about eighteen minutes, I think. It was cold. Later on, I was bored again so I went back outside and had a shitty half hour session. Nothing great. Then then then, I had a session today which was ok. I tried some neato links and what not but just played pretty casually.

-infinity x22 (new record, today)
Benjamin J. Babyak

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by krustykrakk » 28 Jan 2015 16:53

Short post.
I have been kicking badly lately. It's pretty shitty of me but I am blaming new laces. I shredded my old ones off (both). After work, I went a local sporting goods store and got really long laces, laced my lavers, cut them at the giant knots, cauterized the knots with a lighter, then realized I tied them way too tightly. I've got to say, it has been fun re-learning clippers and what-not.

-calf roll > symple legover BSOS
-calf roll > ducking calf roll on one side....
-then calf roll > zulu calf roll on the other side (totally accidental)
Benjamin J. Babyak

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by Kylescook » 28 Jan 2015 17:26

krustykrakk wrote: zulu calf roll on the other side (totally accidental)
Thats how I learned Weaving Osis.
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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by F[uns]tylin' Eclectic » 28 Jan 2015 19:43

krustykrakk wrote:I have been kicking badly lately. It's pretty shitty of me but I am blaming new laces.
I cracked up so hard at that. In my head, I added a 3rd sentence, which was "I have been kicking badly lately. It's pretty shitty of me but I am blaming new laces. They're too purple."

Woo. That was funny. Thank you. Sucks the laces are buzz kills though. Love the rolly stuff. Would love to see you hit Calf Roll> ss Symple Legover/Pickup.
Nick Polini

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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by Asmus » 28 Jan 2015 23:59

CamRon says: You can never go too Purple.


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Re: FuteBlaug (PSU)

Post by krustykrakk » 11 Mar 2015 08:43

I am currently in San Diego visiting April's family. I have never been this far west nor have I ever met April's family. Coming here, I was a mixture of nervous and excited.

Californians think 50 degrees Fahrenheit is cold. When I walk to work in the mornings, I am happy when the temperature is above 0 farenheit.

California is nice, hot, and has palm trees. I saw a cake that had the word "tubular" on it, saw a few cars with surf boards as well as a few surf shops, and many teens riding long boards. I hope to see more west coast stereotypes before we leave. I was flabbergasted at a grocery store by the amount of craft beers I had never seen. I immediately bought two. I had one last night. It was ok.

I've been getting into magic the gathering, lately, with April. It's a fun game but is so obviously a racket that I refuse to take it too seriously... there's footbag for that. On the other side, I just bought my first tiny leaders deck from lon Smith over ebay.

Any who, I've been kicking but not posting. My overall game is coming along, however, my toe game is in a weird spot. I'm less concerned with pixies, lately. This goes against my original plan of having one toe concept down-pat as I have rediscovered the fun in atomics. I like hitting a few legbeaters each session and can see myself hitting atomsmasher at some point soon. What else is new about my toe situation are illusions. I actually dig them now and have been getting better and better at toe illusions, muted toe same, bubba, and pdx. I see a few blizzards in my future but can't get the timing down for non-muted illusions (with the tap). I've been trying super hard to time all my illusions well (completely down-time).
My flip pixie has alerted child services because it is neglected. I feel ashamed so I have been hitting considerably less of them even on strong side.
Dlo is a new thing for me. I don't know what happened but they are coming for me. I will go ahead and attribute my recent success to drock littlebunz for getting me into symple legovers. Thanks, hun. Flip dlo is more challenging but the trick overall is a lot less intimidating as it was a few months ago, for me.

I like clipper tricks a bunch. I recently replaced my ubertight laces with new, nonpurple ones. By leaving the tight ones on for those few, nearly crankless weeks, my clippers and subsequently clipper tricks rock. I might just be coasting off of the change or my calves might be stronger but whatever is going on down there, I dig it.
Stepping is getting easier, as ripwalk b2b isn't too much of a big deal anymore. I still haven't gotten past two yet, but it'll come.
Whirls are coming. I am starting to be able to push my consecutives with this trick more and more, both sides, also with rev whirl. I have no problem comboing whirls and rev whirls with bops, now.
Now that my shoes are comfy, osis is like, 'i don't want to drop. Hang on, let me turn my back. Sweet, osis.'
Well, I just thought I'd update my modifriends before starting the day off. We are eating sushi, Korean barbeque, bowling, and getting some food shopping done at costco today. We are also kicking today or tomorrow to show April's family. I am excite!
Bye! :)
Benjamin J. Babyak

I kick, therefore I am.

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