Derek and Paul: I am replaying Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, watching the movies/ fanmade edits of the movies, reading the entire (not in cannon anymore) comics, and just overall nerding out.
Aaron (and everyone else) I absolutely loved playing the hacky uppy kicky with everyone. I am so happy for the NYJ turnout and can only hope that the next jam I go to will be a fraction of the experience. The next jam I know I will be able to attend is JAMPS V!!! Which everyone should go to. Seriously. It shall be kewl. But, if I can miraculously pull some moneys together, I hope to go to Vegas Jam.
Ivan, come back to school so we can improve together. To be honest, osis is a low energy, low impact trick. We could both do a lot better
Last year, I wrote a New Years resolution list. After a few months, I rewrote it with better, more achievable goals that were more my speed. This post will mainly be about a reflection of those past goals as well as a list of new goals. I have been playing for two whole years (I'll hit the mark during the last few days of March or first few of early April.) I feel a lot more footbag competent than I did last year at this time so I think I can make up some achievable but challenging goals.
Last year's goals were the following:
1) 40 Tiltless/25ish unique (basically, I want to ascend to the level of being able to hit comfortable, tiltless strings whenever I want)
2) Whirl BSOS x20 -This is a goal that is meant to help me hit whirl BS whenever I want. Ten times on each side, preferably one string. The same applies to goals #3, #4, and #5.
3) PDX mirage BSOS x20
4) Osis B2B x20
5) Same side Butterfly (from Clipper) BSOS x20
7) BOP rpt. x10

Blender BSOS
9) Torque BSOS
10) a. Pixie ducking toe BS
b. Stepping ducking toe BS
c. Atomic ducking toe BS
11) Spinning clipper, spinning pickup, spinning legover, spinning mirage, spinning pdx mirage, spinning whirl, spinning butterfly - All bs
12) Ducking clipper, ducking pickup, ducking legover, ducking mirage, ducking osis, ducking whirl, ducking butterfly - All bs
13) Infinity x100 (This is my real goal for infinity. It may seem high but given that this is a year goal and that infinity is important for control I want to make it a priority.)
This next list is the reflection I made mid-year regarding my progression:
1) 15(ish) tiltless on my better runs. I feel as though I improve how easily I remain tiltless in a string about once a week or so.
2) I have put whirl on an indefinite hold until I get better at core tricks
3) When I'm on, so are my pdx mirages. I can probably meet this goal with pdx mirage > clipper on both sides within a month or two
4) Osis is not something I practice back to back. Last time I drilled osis rpt, I hit 6.
5) I have been putting this trick on hold for a bit but something recently clicked for me, so I think I can meet this within a few months.
6) No sixth goal? I must have overlooked this..
7) I BOP a lot in strings, as they are a big portion of the 3adds I tend to hit in strings. I should meet this within a few months.

Since I put whirl on hold, I subsequently had to put blender on hold as well. I want to meet the easier goals with tricks I already know before learning new ones.
9) See #8
10) My reflection of #8 also applies here. Pixies are my main uptime set. Stepping is hard for me, but I continue to work on it occasionally. Other than hitting my first tap a few sessions, I don't practice it too too much at all. I don't want to spread myself thin (adhering to advice offered by other players) so I am sticking with 1 toe set (pixie) and 1 clipper set (stepping.)
11) I have been working on spinning both sides at least once a week. Spinning clipper is close.
12) Ducking clipper has been done on both sides and toe ducking osis on strong.
13) Working hard on this one. I am at 7, I think.
Now, here is my reflection of all my goals/what I think of them in hindsight:
1) I basically hit this goal. I try to end all my sessions with a string of at least 25. I want to be able to hit these strings whenever I want and am improving so by making sure I can do this with next to no energy. Sometimes I still drop less than ten contacts in, though.
2) No. I have improved at whirl BS but will count this as failed and will try again this year. My progress with whirl has been good, all thing considered.
3) I don't know if I actually hit this and recorded it but I am confident that if I have not, then I am at least only a few sessions away.
4) DONE! My record before my last session was about 20. I will reset this goal with a higher number!
5) See #3
7) I haven't gotten BOP>BOP x10 but I have gotten 12 contacts with the drill. I don't know if this is what the goal was but I will reset it with BOP>BOP x10 as a definite goal.

I got strong blender in the year and very closely footed it on flip last time I kick. I will reset this goal for the SAUCE.
9) I am nowhere close. I can hit crispy torque a bit but weak is weak. I think I will reset this goal with the overall intention being to practice crispy torques and hopefully teach myself how to consistently hit it downtime.
10) a. I have done this without shoes on and can duck my strong pixies. I will reset this drill with weak side in mind. I don't feel as though my flip pixie is strong enough but that just means more flip toe ducking!
b. LOL, no. This needs to be a goal that is more like stepping bronze.
c. LOL, no. I can't focus on atomic. I might nix this altogether.
11) LOL, no. I gave up on spinning entirely. I have been giving zooms a few tries lately. I might reset this as zooming clippers or whatever.
12) Ducking clippers are coming along although I need to practice them. My record is either 3 or 4. I have hit ducking osis and ducking butterfly BS. I don't know specifically why ducking toe 2ADDS don't like me (timing, probably) but that just means I need more ducking clippers.
13) It's been a while since I counted my infinities. Lately, I have been more about drilling links like ss butter > infinity or far osis > infinity but I consistently hit this both sided link in strings. I need to reset this goal.
Wow. There are some that I hit, at least. New Goals Time!!
1) 50 tiltless/guiltless mix (less strong side legover bails)
2) Whirl x10 on each side in a string
3) PDX mirage x10 on each side in a string
4) Osis x50
5) Ss butter from clipper x10 on each side in a string
7) BOP >BOP x10

Blender BeeSauce
9) Torque BeeSauce
10) Improve BOTH pixies and be able to duck out of them at least 5/10x
11) Osis > spinning osis BS
12) Ducking clipper x20
13) Infinity x100
14) Since I want my toe game to be more than pixie shuffle, I need some downtime components. With this is mind and with the help of Derek Littlebear, I want symple legover x20
Edit: Happy New Year, assholes. Let's make it fun.