Cass shreds - Spring Training 2024

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Cass shreds - Spring Training 2024

Post by Cass » 10 Aug 2013 16:32

Okay so I decided to bring my blog to modified! Worlds made me more stoked about footbag than ever it's actually kind of out of hand.
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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 10 Aug 2013 16:35

July 15

This past weekend was the Toronto Regional Informal Circle Kick (TRICK)


I decided to take the scenic route instead of transit and made the 40 minute trek from Union to the Friday night event site. When I arrived shortly after 7pm I was greeted by Marnie and Ruby on the sidelines watching shred by Jorden, Adam, Camille, Tom and JJ. Lots of shred took place as well as some kicking of the shuttlecock which I somehow managed to break.
Hangouts were at Camille’s house after shred at which point Johnny Suderman arrived. Tom brought cards against humanity which I had never played before. This game is a riot and many laughs were had. Camille’s M Night Shyamalan cards were definitely the best play of the night.


Camille, Jorden, Johnny and I made the walk to the event site. A Ti Kwon Do grading was taking place under the shelter which we were hoping to play and as a result the start of our session took place in the hot sun. Adam arrived and despite the heat many good tricks were hit and eventually we were able to take over the somewhat dirty but much cooler shelter. Maciek whom I met for the first time this weekend busted super hard but unfortunately disappeared before I had an opportunity to say goodbye. James from Montreal came out to play and so did Mike Faille. It was really cool to see them both again. Camille's boyfriend Lane appeared at some point but I didn't even recognise him because he had shaved and cut off his dreads. Just when we thought we were done for the day and completely wiped out Tom Mosher arrived and convinced us to keep playing! Tom’s energy must have rubbed off because Johnny and I were able to keep playing and hitting lots of fun strings.

Jorden brought some weird toys that I’ve never seen before and him and Adam also did some juggling tricks.
There was some takraw action as well as kicking of Tom’s now taped up shuttlecock. I kicked it on the roof of the picnic shelter twice! Luckily it rolled off each time. I seem to have very bad luck with that thing.

The event site had a free public pool. It felt super good to go for a swim after a long, dirty session.

After shred and swimming there was sushi with Camille, Johnny, and Jorden. I got to try some new things and Jorden amused himself by playing with his food.
Saturday night Adam had been invited to a live music party on the rooftop of someones apartment. Adam, Camille, Lane and I paid $5 at the door and made our way through somebodies grimy apartment to a rooftop packed with well over 200 people. If you like personal space this was not the place to be. Sadly we missed the live show and there was a DJ playing very loud music. While it was definitely worth the $5 to see a party like this it was rather uncomfortable so after a short time Lane, Camille and I headed over to Tom’s workshop to meet up with him and Johnny. Tom was giving Johnny a lesson on his new sewing machine. Johnny made a very small couch (pouch, actually) which he was not happy with at all and promptly hid. Leaving Tom behind, we headed back to Camille’s place and things are a little fuzzy at this point but Adam met back up with us. We walked Camille’s hilarious dog Auto to the nearby park and hung out until the sun started to come up. Back at Camille’s place Adam got Jorden get up and we chilled and talked even more until we finally decided to get some sleep around 5:30.


Jorden had to leave super early and when we finally dragged ourselves out of bed Johnny, Camille and myself went out to get some breakfast. The place we went was pretty cool, every inch of pretty much everything was covered in graffiti/vandalism which made it pretty unique. We enjoyed some good food and conversation and headed back to get ready for some more hack.
Once again the shelter was taken at the event site. We searched around and found a little shaded spot that was sufficient for some shred. James came out again and the four of us shredded for a couple hours. We were all a little off at the start and realised that it was because we didn’t have any beats. Normally Adam supplies the tunes and he wasn’t able to make it out on Sunday. I put some music on my small portable speaker and things picked up a bit. After a while Tom and Marnie came out and James had to get going.

When everybody was completely burned out (except Camille who overcame her hangover and started playing really well near the end) we said our goodbyes to Johnny, Tom and Marnie. Camille and I headed to the pool to cool off. We floated around in the water and talked about various things for well over an hour. It’s really nice to have another woman footbagger around. The guys are awesome but I can relate to Camille in a completely different way and that’s really refreshing.

When we were finished at the pool Camille walked me to the nearby subway and we said our goodbyes. Saying goodbye at this jam was much less bittersweet than for most footbag events since we had the knowledge that we would meet again at worlds in a couple short weeks.

It’s always amazing to see old friends again. This was just a small event but it has probably been one of my favourite footbag jams so far. It was completely laid back and stress free the entire weekend which I really enjoyed. I'm so glad that everyone who came out could make it. I was already really stoked for worlds but this has put me on a whole new level of excitement for footbag. I’m pretty much on a cloud right now that I have no intention of coming down from any time soon.

Love all you guys and can’t wait to see everyone again at WORLDS!!!

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 10 Aug 2013 16:36

July 20

Toronto session today with Camille, Johnny, Sam Neale, Mike Faille, Kung Ho, and a new player with some promise also named Mike. This was such a great session and I am so incredibly happy that it took place. It has been years since the Toronto scene was active and then BAM sessions with more than six people happening two weeks in a row! It's so great to see old faces after all these years and also meet some new ones!

I will be at worlds in less than a week and I've never been more stoked to play hacky sack than I am right now. My goal going into worlds was to be able to shred guiltless. My game feels so solid right now and I am happy to say that I have achieved my goal.

Worlds seems like it will be small this year but if anything that just means that it will be more personal. I have been waiting for this since I started shredding in 2007 and its finally here!!!!


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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 10 Aug 2013 16:36

August 5

So worlds was the best week of my life! I don't even know how I'm going to organize my thoughts well enough to do a cohesive write up but I am going to work on it over the next couple days.

I just want to say that I am mad at everyone who didn't hug me goodbye. You guys all suck!

I seem to have won routines which is kind of a surreal thing that I didn't really expect to happen. It feels good but I know that this is just the beginning. Training to become an open-level competitor starts now. I hope to compete with the men at my next worlds.

First six add: locomotion

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Worlds Writeup

Post by Cass » 10 Aug 2013 16:37

August 6

So worlds was fucking incredible! Completely surpassed my expectations.

After an uneventful 4.5 hour train ride I made the walk to UQAM where I would be staying for the week. I was on my own at this point so I was relieved to find Hania and Caroline in front of the residence when I arrived. I was super excited to have obtained an 8 room suite with a bunch of cool ass people. Little did I know at the time that the name I gave it on Facebook (Worlds 2013 Epic Swag Party Suite) would be completely realised.

I checked in and explored the suite which was pretty nice. Hania gave me first pick from all the beautiful bags that she brought and I chose a really pretty blue one. After a short time others arrived including Evan Gatesman who I was stoked to finally meet as well as Dante and Derek. After obtaining some groceries at the nearby IGA we headed over to the event site to check in and play some hacky. I was a little disappointed at how few people wanted to shred but I played for a solid two hours and hit some nice runs. I was impressed by Hanias smoothness and consistency and Evans ridiculous skills. It was exciting to meet new friends and see old ones again.

After shred was finished we headed back to our suite to get the party started. More people arrived at some point or another including Anton, Johnny, Greg, Chris Dean and my bro Adam.

I made sure I had the phone numbers of a bunch of people before the event. As a result I seemed to be the one that people would contact to find out what was happening. I pretty much just told everyone to come party at our place which ended up being pretty great. There was space on the top level of our apartment for a three man shred circle. Many sessions would take place here in the wee hours of the morning.

Sunday was Tam tam which is always an amazing experience. Evan, Anton and I decided to take rental bicycles to the shred location. This was quite the workout considering that tam tam is on a mountain and it has been years since I’ve ridden a bike. I must have played footbag for at least four hours that day. There were many circles and I did my best to play with nearly everyone at least a little. Hopefully I didn’t offend anyone by only staying a few minutes in a circle but I just wanted to break my habit of getting stuck in one circle for a long time and missing out on playing with other people.

Back at the apartment there was more chilling and partying. Another slightly drunken, late night session with Evan, and I think Chris Dean got in on this one as well. These were perfect because they gave me the courage to hit new tricks and sobered me up enough not to be too hung over the next day. The atmosphere was amazing too, always tons of support from everyone around at the party.

For the most part I choked all week in competition. I was really not satisfied with any of my performances although my sideline shred was feeling solid. In both circle prelims and finals I managed to have one or two good runs and the beginning and then for whatever reason I would choke in my final runs. As a result I got second behind Hania who performed quite well. Shred 30 was just a disaster for me. This is an event I have never participated in and I didn’t go in with much of a plan. I dropped right near the beginning which got me flustered and I was in a rush so it was just a dropfest after that. My score was an embarrassing 67 or something like that. I definitely learned a lot from this experience though so I have no regrets about it. I competed in open sick three and even though I didn’t manage to hit the combo I was hoping for I did get smear-butterfly-paradox whirl which got me sixth place overall (out of six combos hit :P). Felix won with some crazy awesome combo.

The first round of routines was just for seeding. I let myself get a little distracted I think and I completely messed up my choreography and dropped about 4 times. Still not too bad for my first routine ever I suppose but I was not happy with my performance. As a result I was seeded second for finals. By Friday when finals came around I had been shredding hard all week while others took it easy to save their energy for competition. I was slightly worried that this would affect my performance but in my opinion in was well worth it for all the amazing shred time that took place. Friday morning I walked over to a nice little breakfast place with Tom Mosher, Dante, Greg and Waylon. We crammed ourselves in a pretty small booth and had a really nice breakfast. After filling up on food I decided to just have a chill afternoon before competition. I had a really great time relaxing with Evan, watching shred videos and just chilling out. He really helped to put me in the calm mindset that I needed to perform well. Finals were at 7 so at about 6 we headed over to the event site. I played for half an hour before competition time. My muscles were pretty tired so I just did some low key tiltless runs for the most part.

Womens routines were first. I was too distracted to really watch Chrissy and Caroline perform. I focussed on staying and thinking positive. I reminded myself how much work I have put into my routine and that this was finally my opportunity to show everyone how awesome it is. I was psyched. Ken had advised me to work on smiling more during the pauses in my routine and so I made an effort to do so. When they called my name I was completely ready. I had no fear. It felt so fucking good. I realised about three quarters through my routine that I hadn’t dropped yet. As a result I left out a few of the risker tricks and focussed on going dropless. I was SOOOO close! I had one little tiny drop on my second last trick which was just an atw. I nailed my final trick which I dropped in prelims and I was so happy! This was one of the most overwhelming experiences of my life. Hania hadn’t gone yet but it didn’t matter. I did as well as I could have hoped and I was so happy with the result. I collapsed on the floor and everyone was around congratulating me. This was just too much for me and I had to leave for a few minutes to regain my composure. After they announced that I had won I got up on the carpet and used the adrenaline to hit some new tricks. I think I got fairy ss and op whirl both sides, flip butterfly swirl and maybe a couple other things.

It was really fun to watch open routines. The level was so high and everyone did really well. It was nice to see everybody nail the final trick of their routine. Chris Dean picked such and awesome song that went so well with his shred. Felix also had a cool routine with a pretty unique ending that I liked.

After a quick shower it was time to watch circle finals. This was such an intense circle with Honza, Aleksi, Evan, and Nathan. It was awesome to see Nathan make finals, that guy is seriously consistent.

I had been eating super healthy all week so after the awards ceremony I treated myself to a deliciously greasy poutine and some chocolate. I really wanted to party hard that night but winning just seemed to suck the last bit of energy that I had. I still ended up going out and having a good time but I felt pretty drained.

Saturday we played at Place Des Arts. My legs didn’t work very well. After that we went to watch the final net match at the event site. Some net players gave me “jungle juice” or something like that which was a huge cup full of fruit soaked in liquor. It was amazing.

Sunday was a sad day. It was time to pack our things and get ready to say goodbyes. We went to Tam tam again however it was kinda rainy which put a damper on an already sad day. I played some footbag and hugged some people. I tried really hard not to cry. After tam tam a bunch of us went to a Mexican food place for dinner. After eating I said some more goodbyes and walked with Johnny back to his place to shower. When we got there I hugged him and burst into tears. I just couldn’t hold back any longer. I felt better once I had let it out.

Aleksi showed up and gave me some coffee which I was extremely grateful for. Kung Ho, Camille, Caroline, Evan, Rene and Camilles friends JR and Christina also arrived at johnnys place. We hung out for a bit and I said goodbye to Kung Ho and Rene (for the third time :P). The rest of us made the drive to JR’s place on the outskirts of Montreal. It was a nice house in the country. We did some tequila shots, drank some wine and consumed some tasty smoothies with a special ingredient. We all sat around a bonfire and laughed for hours. This was the best part of worlds for me and probably one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. Johnny carved out a commemorative WFC gord which we drank smoothie out of. Caroline was our DJ for the night, she hooked us up with some awesome tunes. We just smoked and talked about crazy stuff all night. Evan cracked us up. I think my favourite quote was something like “when I touch my face it feels the same temperature as the plants”.

We finally got some sleep after the sun came up. Evan and Aleksi played a little hack on the back deck which was fun to watch. Even hit reverse whirling ducking butter which was super cool. Finally it was time to leave. Johnny, Camille and I said goodbye to the others and hit the road. I was exhausted. I averaged about 5 hours sleep per night on this trip and was just going nonstop. I don’t even know how I did it but I tried to do it all. I just couldn’t bear to miss out on anything.

I fell hard on this trip and I don’t know how I’m going to get back up. Feelings suck.

More awesome memories in no particular order:

Standing at the top of the human pyramid

Party at Nick Laroches house.

Getting lost with Matt K and Doug on the way to Tam tam #2. We drove all the way around the mountain which was kinda annoying but I got to see a gorgeous view of the city which sort of made it worth while.

Dinner at Rory and Katryna’s place with Rory’s mom, Johnny and Kung Ho. This was really nice and relaxing. Katryna made us pasta and we played a weird card game that never seemed to end.

Two dinners at a really good vegetarian buffet. Awesome food.

Watching Nick polini hit crazy things. I love his passion and look forward to watching as he becomes one of the best.

Caroline Birch just being awesome. What a passionate person! She has these little necklaces that have tiny stitched footbags on them. She was generous enough to give me one of them for winning worlds since they didn’t give out prizes. This really meant a lot to me.

Watching a midnight session with Evan, Mathieu, Dante. They ripped shit up. I want to get as good at quantums as Mat.

Midnight sessions with Evan and others.

Johnny winning Drew’s big trick contest with something crazy like nuke diving symp whirl. The $10 he won was the biggest prize given out at this event lol.

Finally meeting Adams awesome girlfriend and the finding out that they got engaged! Congrats you guys are adorable :D

Felix’s beatbox show. This was fucking incredible. They guy has serious skills and is such a good showman. The bar he played at was packed full of footbaggers. You shoulda charged more bro :P

Going to Fouf’s and having it FULL of footbaggers. Half the people there were friends. It was amazing.

Finally meeting Pete Bowler, Wiktor, Chrissy, Ben, Ken and so many other great people.

One on one session with Johnny at Tam tam.

Seeing Erik Chan

Chilling and Shredding with James

Playing in a women’s circle with Caro, Caroline, Camille, Chrissy and Hania.

Hanging out with Andrew Dunford. Such a cool dude. Thanks for the amazing footbags!

Matt Churney’s crazy moves

One night when we were partying at the suite Johnny and Evan called me over and said that since I won they had a surprise for me – It was in my bed. I knew something fishy must be going on so I tentatively when to see what was in my room. When I opened the door I found Aleksi being sick in my garbage can! Apparently he had passed out in my bed. The guy definitely knows how to party haha :P

Some new tricks I hit this week:

Fairy ducking clipper bs
Fairy ss DLO
Motion BS
Blink bs
Revup bs
Legover-eggbeater rpt

My fairies are starting to feel awesome now and my game is feeling solid. Right now I need to start focussing on hunching less, spinning, reverse swirls and basically all my sets. I’m super motivated to keep training and getting better and I plan to start travelling more for footbag whenever possible.

I had so many great times with so many amazing people! I’m sorry if I forgot to give you a shout out. Everyone is so fucking awesome.

I may end up writing more but this is what I can remember for now. Looks like a jam is going to happen the week of September 13th in Hamilton. It’s good to have something footbag related to look forward to now that worlds is over. I’m super motivated to keep the Ontario scene alive.


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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 10 Aug 2013 16:38

August 8

I forgot to mention that I hit whirling swirl bs last week which was kind of one of my dream tricks so I was pretty happy about that.

First post-worlds session today. Took it easy cause my muscles still haven't fully recovered from the punishment I put them through. Drilled lots of basics. Felt really good.

Spinning clipper BSOS
Ripstein BSOS

Toronto session Sunday woot woot :D

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 10 Aug 2013 16:38

August 9

Another good training session today. My consistency and endurance are both improving.

Butter>pdx mirage rpt 82 contacts

74 tiltless

Toe set simple rev swirl bs

Spinning, ducking, ripstein and blender are starting to get more comfortable but still need work.

I wasn't sure I would continue training at the same rate after worlds but it has in fact fuelled my motivation to become an open level player (&competitor). Since I don't have the pressure of worlds on me any longer I don't mind drilling the basics, weird stuff and focussing on some key aspects of my game rather than trying to train strategically for competition. Worlds has inspired me in a HUGE way. No way I’m missing it next year.

I realised that if I want a GTA footbag scene to exist it’s up to me to push it. There are enough players in the area it’s just a matter of planning sessions and pushing people to come out. Now that I have weekends off I don’t mind taking the train an hour to Toronto for a session.

I made an attempt to recruit a new player today which is something I pretty much never do. I don’t have my hopes up but he seemed stoked about footbag so I invited him to our session this weekend.

Some changes have happened in my personal life recently. I feel a sense of relief and I am confident that they will have a positive effect on me physically and emotionally. I feel very hopeful and optimistic.


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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 10 Aug 2013 16:39

August 10

Pretty hawt session in the sun across from my house today. The lack of shade slowed me down a bit but it was still somewhat productive.

Butter>Pdx Illusion rpt 62 contacts

Blender b2b bs

Blink BSOS

Here’s a 60+ contact tiltless run: ...

And a few short guiltless runs: ...

The park near my house has swings. Swinging is definitely one of my favourite post-shred activities.

Toronto sesh with my homies tomorrow<3

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by jay7 » 10 Aug 2013 23:14

When I booked my tickets to europe, and then found out a month later that Worlds was in Montreal, I knew I'd be missing out on a lot of valuable Southern Ontario hype and growth. I've now missed a jam, and a new world champion! Sorry to have not been there Cassy. I would love to give you props in real life, and perhaps shred with you or something, to help drive all this motivation.

My advice to you, if you want your motivation to keep making you feel like a pimp: Make plans, all the time, to do *something* with another real live footbagger. Even if you plan a trip 6 months from now, it will do wonders when you say to yourself "It is cold, and I would rather sleep than play footbag", you'll instead say "Shit, in one month I have to play with Vasek. I better school" and be so excited, that you don't even consider sleep.

Also, sending Johnny presents in the mail is an option. I suggest small tools, gift baskets and love. Congratulations again.
Jay Boychuk

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 11 Aug 2013 05:50

Yes, you're right. Johnny deserves many gifts.

And, yeah it definitely helps having sessions and jams to look forward to! The lack of this sort of thing is definitely what killed my motivation prior to this year (in addition to school and boys :P). Ontario players seem stoked on footbag now though so I don't think there will be any shortage of jams in the near future and I'm definitely going to be pushing people to come out to sessions more :D :D

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by mc » 11 Aug 2013 08:33

nice strings. Let's see those whirling swirls!

rfa::never give up::

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Asmus » 11 Aug 2013 13:53

Big congrats on winning worlds again! Looking forward to meet you at a tournament in Europe next year :)

Here is some female footbag inspiration from Denmark:

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 11 Aug 2013 16:42

Hey thanks cool video! I don't know if I will make it to Europe next year, but definitely the year after when I am finished school :)

Session at Christie Park in Toronto today.

I got to the park about 15 minutes late (the session was to be at 1pm) and not surprisingly I was the first to arrive. I scoped out the shelter which appeared to have a birthday party about to start. Luckily the weather was perfect – cool and cloudy. I walked around the park and did a little swinging but the swings were set too low so it wasn't much fun. Upon my second walk about the park I met up with Adam. This made the trip worthwhile and anyone else that showed up was just bonus. We talked for a minute and before long Johnny appeared at which point we headed towards the paved area near the basketball court. Johnny wouldn't be playing today due to a sore hip. Adam and I messed around a bit and started warming up and after a short time Mike Faille appeared. He had other plans later and also would not be playing but it was good to see him nonetheless. Adam and I continued with some light shred and eventually Erik and Jenn appeared. Erik hurt his ankle and would just be filming. It was kinda bizarre that more than half the people at our session were not playing but it was a great turnout regardless.

Adam and I continued shredding and after about 2 hours playing Tom and Marnie appeared! Finally we had a third to complete our circle. I really enjoyed this session even though it was just three of us playing. There were good vibes from everyone else who came out and we all played pretty well.

Since Adam and I were trying to take it easy at first I tried some bigger tricks and hit a few new ones.

Reactor (Atomic whirl)
Butterfly rev swirl bs
Flip fairy ss dlo
Pixie paradon>pdx mirage rpt

I was really happy Tom made it before we were completely wiped. He has started to shake the rust off and his style is super nice.

Adam really stepped it up this year he's busting crazy shit all the time.

My guiltless runs aren't as long as I would like them to be at this point I probably only had 3 or 4 today that I was really happy with. My trick selection is pretty wide I just really need to work on consistency with a lot of stuff as well as solidifying my sets.

I was excited to see that the first worlds sideline shred video made it online today. It’s awesome to relive the memories and see some awesome shred that I missed. One of my runs made it in the video but it was kind of a disappointing one with lots of bails so that’s lame.

I turn 24 next Saturday and I'm planning a birthday session so hopefully there is a good turnout :D


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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 12 Aug 2013 15:14

Pretty alright training session today. Not too many highlights cause I was mostly drilling stuff. Also my muscles are a little tired. I should probably take a rest day soon but that's no fun :P

Flip Locomotion
Flip Reactor

I tried shredding in my new lavers a bit but the clippers are just brutal. I guess it’s probably good for my form though cause I realllly have to work to make them stick. The soles on my trusty old lavers are starting to go which makes me sad.

Here’s a short video with some newer concepts that I’ve been working on: ...


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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Muffinman » 12 Aug 2013 18:46

Really fun Worlds write-up.
Also a great session the other day.
Your zest and improvement are infectious. You're going to be amazing at this rate.

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by bustinjustin » 12 Aug 2013 21:11

Your new trick lists are amazing especially the one from worlds. Congrats on the new 6's. Keep up the hard work champ. ;)
Justin Dale

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 13 Aug 2013 04:05


A couple hours after my session yesterday my left knee really started to bother me. I guess I pushed myself a little too far. I was hoping it would go away but its still kinda funny today. Guess I have no choice but to take a rest day. Bummer.

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 14 Aug 2013 14:16

Another good solo session today. I cheated a bit yesterday and practised some swirls and things but took it easy and didn't have a proper session. Today I felt well rested and productive. Mainly focussing on form and a few key components.

Pdx eggbeater bs
Toe whirl>blender bsos

I like filming a bit each session cause it gives me a better perspective on the things I need to work on.

Heres a couple more runs from today: ...


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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by mc » 14 Aug 2013 16:03

It's really cool watching you noticeably improve from one week to the next. Nice form, nice relaxed style, big clean dexes - all good things. Keep it coming!

rfa::never give up::

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Re: Feminine Freestyle

Post by Cass » 15 Aug 2013 12:20

Pretty decent solo session today. I was just drilling and stuff and while I was playing Dan Boyle asked me to do a Shred Global interview. Within minutes of this I proceeded to hit reverse swirling blender which was super unexpected and felt soo cool!!! Anyways I'm pretty stoked to get started on the interview cause the questions are really good :D

Super pumped to play footbag with my friends and then hang out/party in Toronto on Saturday WOOOOO


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