Happy (insert holiday/greeting of choice). It is the end of the year and I find myself in Twin Falls, ID with a little spare time, so I thought I’d fire up the ol’ modified footblog.
Brief Worlds Writeup
I attended worlds in August and had great intentions of doing a proper write up on that. The problem with vacations, though, is that you get behind at work. Things were pretty busy when I got back, so I never got around to it. Since I sort of lost the magic moment on summarizing that one in gory detail, here is the abbreviated version of my experience across 5 different worlds events.
- Worlds 1997 in Portland, Oregon – spectator for one day; I was essentially a circle kicker at this stage and was too shy to actually kick with anyone. I was working the summer in Portland and my uncle told me about the event after reading something in the paper, so I checked out one of the preliminary rounds that was held in a school gymnasium somewhere.
- Worlds 1999 in Chicago, IL – lived and breathed footbag all week. I think the only tourist excursion I did was to go to the Sears Tower one day with a bunch of other kickers. I had only attended a couple of tournaments prior and didn’t actually know many folks. I contacted the Dallas Footbag Club ahead of time to make arrangements to crash on the floor of their room (I had knew them from the old listserv and had met them one time before). I competed in open timed consecutives and in intermediate routines.
- Worlds 2000 in Vancouver, BC – Took a road trip from Pocatello, Idaho with a guy named Jim Pomey who lived in SLC at the time. He brought a couple of people to tag along with us as far as Seattle, WA. Jim was a bit of a scammer, and I’m pretty sure he actually got them to pay him for a ride in the back of my pickup. We did not have lodging….crashed in the back of my pickup all week and bummed showers from people. Jim sponged off of me all week because he brought no cash….things got hairy given that I only had a $500 credit limit at the time. He made a trade with me a few months later that more than made up for the cash he borrowed. Also lived and breathed footbag this entire week; I have no memory of doing anything tourist related. I competed in open timed consecutives, intermediate routines, and footbag golf.
- Worlds 2001 in San Francisco, CA – I had just graduated, gotten married, and moved to Pennsylvania a few months earlier. I flew out there by myself and felt a bit guilty all week for not bringing Kristin with me. This was Penske’s first worlds and I’d been kicking with him for a couple of years by this point; was really fun to watch him turn heads as one of the new guys coming out of the woodwork. Did tons of sideline shred but did not compete.
- Worlds 2017 in Portland, Oregon – This worlds was markedly different for me than the prior four. We have a lot of friends and family in Portland, so this was very much a family vacation and footbag event for me. My split was about 70/30 on footbag/vacation, and Kristin and Ruari had the reverse split. I shredded a good amount, but also feel like I missed some good sideline shred when I was hanging out with friends and family. Whereas there is piece of me that is sad for missing some of the shred, the time I spent visiting our friends and family was really very nice. Given the chance for a do-over, I would not change the way I split my time. One thing that was kind of cool is that the players party at Jake Wren’s house is only a block from our friend Kristin who we were staying with. My son is old enough now that we felt comfortable leaving him at our friends house for an hour while I took the Kristins to the players party. When they decided it was time to get back to the house, Hogan and I walked them back, and had a nightcap with them there before walking back to the players party. I enjoyed meeting a lot of new people this week. I’ve been back playing footbag for a few years now and feel like I know most of the active US players. This tournament was cool because I got to meet several European, Asian, and Australian players that I’d never met before. OK, one funny story to cap off the worlds summary. The first day official day at Westmoreland Park I saw Caroline Birch making her way around saying hello to old friends and introducing herself to new ones. I’ve never met her at this stage, but I recognized her from FB photos and know who she is. She walks up to someone who also had never met her and must have heard that she does not have an American accent. “Where do you come from”, he said. I SO BADLY wanted for her to respond with “I come from the land down under!”. Alas, she did not but in my head the whole exchange was hilarious.
Well, the worlds summary was not quite as abbreviated as I expected. Let’s keep the wall of text going and move onto the US Open summary, shall we?
USO: a.k.a. the worlds after party
The year 2017 has been difficult for me to play as consistently as I have in the previous couple of years. I had pretty much decided that I would not attend US Open even though it was relatively close to where I live. I was planning to skip both because I feel like I’ve leveled down it is discouraging/embarrassing to let people see that, and because I simply did not know whether I would have the time due to end of year work commitments. My wife Kristin, who is uber supportive of my footbag habit, encouraged me just to book the ticket and go. So a month or so before USO I decided to go for it and cashed in some airline miles for a flight and reserved a room at the host hotel. I offered to Brian Bear that he could crash with me if he wanted, but generally did not advertise that I would be coming. I hadn’t heard back from Brian so I assumed he made other arrangements, but the day before I flew out he messaged me to ask whether he could take me up on that. Sweet! I've been kicking with Brian fairly regularly since moving to California, but I feel like just spending a weekend hanging out with him I got to know him way better.
Flew out of San Jose Friday morning and had a short flight to Las Vegas, arriving sometime around 10:30 am. Caught a Lyft to the host hotel. Early check in was not yet available, so I dropped off my shit with the bellhop and headed to Smashburger to meet up with my friend Angela who lives in Las Vegas. For my first ever Smashburger experience I ate a Cobb Salad….ha! Ang was pretty good friends with Kristin and me in college, and I had not seen her since we moved in 2001. We ate lunch together and bullshitted for about 2 hours. That was pretty awesome. Things like that have the chance of either being totally awkward or just being a re-hash of days gone by, but this visit had substance and it was fun to hear all about her life now and tell her about ours.
After lunch it was still only about 2pm, but I was able to get in on an early check in at that stage. Dropped my stuff at the room, and then headed down to the convention center to walk the Skillcon floor. Checked out competitive cornhole, Sepak Takraw, and some of the other events that I’d never seen before. Said hello to a couple of the early arrivers like Nick Polini. Met Nathan Pipenberg for the first time. Didn’t get to chat with him a ton, but he seems like a pretty nice guy. Brian texted me at some stage letting me know he was close to the hotel, and we decided to meet up at the room.
The rooms, by the way, were huge. I think Brian was just hoping for some floor space or maybe a couch to sleep on but it was a pretty big suite and we both had a comfortable bed to sleep on. Brian and I made our way down to Skillcon, and by this time a lot more folks were around. We ended up in this sweet circle that for me as the pre-event warm up was the perfect mixture of a hack circle and a shred circle. There were several full hacks, but also a lot of shredding. I think most people were into the hack part too, except for poor Bonslaver. That young buck just wants to shred, and I think he was honestly a little bummed we were hacking 40% of the time. Lon was regulating the fuck out of him on self serving and calling the occasional toe-y double dexes so that was a little interesting to see too. Bonslaver held his own though and didn’t seem to let it phase him too much.
At some stage I saw Larry Workman. Larry lost his daughter a few months ago…. I didn’t know what the fuck to say to him, but I walked up and started bullshitting with him even though I was not sure how to approach that. When Mayleigh died he was crowdsourcing cranes because one of the things that she really liked was the legend of 1000 origami cranes. I had never heard of this, but when I mentioned it to Kristin she knew exactly what it was and wanted to contribute. Kristin and I ended up mailing a package of around 200 cranes to Larry and Camille (Kristin gets most of the credit here; I probably only did like 10% of them). Larry mentioned that he would be interested in having a meal sometime over the weekend, so I spoke with Brian and we made plans for dinner with Larry and Camille. We had dinner with them and then hung out afterwards; all told probably about 4 hours of time with them that night. I really didn’t know Larry or Camille too well before the weekend, so it was a good chance to get to know them and I’m really thankful that I spent my Friday night that way.
Back to my apprehension about going to USO. I’d been starting to try to reconcile where my place in the footbag community is going since I feel like it is becoming harder for me to make the time necessary to continue to improve. I still think there is a lot more I could be doing on the volunteering and organization front, I’d prefer to actually be a player as well even if I’m not competing. At some stage I had a bit of an epiphany. I was in a circle with Lon and a couple of other similarly high level people, and he went off and hit something amazing and jaw dropping in front of me. At that moment I realized that even if I were at the judging table, that I wouldn’t have near the view or experience of what as I had being in the circle. I think I need to put my ego aside and just keep going at it as long as I can, right in the circle with everyone else, as long as they’ll have me, to get that kind of experience. When I get down on myself down the road, I’ll need to remind myself of that moment.
After the late Friday night with Larry, Camille, and Brian, I slept in until 10 or 11 on Saturday. We headed to a breakfast place in the casino complex called the Hash House. Ended up seeing a bunch of other shredders there who we joined for a big breakfast. After breakfast we headed up to our room to grab our shred gear and get ready and then hit Skillcon again. Kicked for another couple of hours that day and enjoyed watching the routines. Larry, by the way, hit a one drop routine. The difficulty wasn’t as high as some of the other people, but I think it was the best routine he has done at an event and it had the fewest drops and most contacts of any routine all weekend. He ended up being seeded second going into finals. I know he has hit it dropless in practice, but I was thrilled that it had gone so well for him.
Saturday night a large group of folks went down to the Las Vegas strip. There was a rollercoaster ride at New York, New York, a bunch of video games, and a walk to the Bellagio for a fountain show that never was. At some stage a taxi ride back to the host hotel, and some folks ended up hanging out at the Breakdown suite for a bit. I peeled off around 2 am for some beauty sleep while some folks there were still going strong.
Sunday I caught brunch with a couple of folks and then headed to Skillcon. I’d played about 3 hours each of the prior two days and decided not to play on the last day. My eyes get infected pretty easily over the last couple of years for some unknown reason, so I’m really careful to shower right after I play footbag. I knew I’d be flying out that night without a chance to shower, so I decided to take in the event and just hang out and watch. I’d played about 2-3 hours each of the prior two days and felt content that I’d gotten enough shred in for the weekend. After taking in the events, I walked around and said goodbyes to various folks and then headed for the airport.
It was a great weekend, and I’m glad that Kristin encouraged me to go.