Vienna Calling

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Vienna Calling

Post by jooles » 22 Jul 2014 03:27

So I'm taking the call and open a footblog.
Don't know how I will actually use it, maybe I will post some updates from my Viennese comrades too.

Some information about me:
Name: Julian
Location: Vienna
Age: 28
Kicking since: 2004
Freestyle since: 2010

Current teachers: Alex
Past teachers: Verena, Ilja, Dom, Armin, Hanna

Goals for this year:
drill basics back to the old level, afterwards:
(learn swirl), improve duckings, improve spinnings, (hit a 6 add), pixie flipside, datw flipside, dlo flipside, eggbeater flipside, whirl flipside

update 25.07 : goals
update 30.08.16: goals, teachers, age :(
Last edited by jooles on 30 Aug 2016 01:19, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by MetZelRio » 22 Jul 2014 03:38

Welcome aboard! Looking forward to reading your blog and seeing this video =)

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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by Asmus » 22 Jul 2014 04:19


That's some good teachers you have and had and good people to boot!

Looking forward to hear more from Vienna than my sporadic updates from Verena.

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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by boyle » 22 Jul 2014 04:25

Looking forward to hearing some news of the Austrian crew. I had a great time when I was there.

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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by akprice » 22 Jul 2014 06:23

way to answer the call! welcome to modified!
Aaron Price
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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by F[uns]tylin' Eclectic » 22 Jul 2014 08:22

Welcome to Modified :)
Nick Polini

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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by verena » 23 Jul 2014 13:01

Great that you made a blog, Julian! :) I hope you are able to play soon again!!

Wooooow... already almost three weeks have passed since my last visit: I enjoyed a lot playing and hanging out with you and the footbag-vienna crew. I miss you guys! :) Looking forward to reading some updates from Vienna!
Verena Lenneis

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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by jooles » 29 Jul 2014 02:58

Thanks for the warm welcome!

So lets go for the first update:

Last week I was at the hospital again and learned that I will have a footbag break until september. I also learned that I will have a surgery within the next year with a cast on my left leg for 8 weeks caused by an injury from last year I didn't recognized as a rupture. This all came to a very inconvenient moment as I was very motivated to progress this summer and push things to a higher level.
Here are my lessons learned from the injury last year:

- Always x-ray your injuries
- Don't try to play trough pain
- Give your body time to heal
(I know this is known as "common sense")

the lessons learned from the sprained ankle this year:

- Quark is the best you can give your ankle right after the accident, eat it, grease it around the ankle at night.
- Most ointments are don't really worth the money. I've never had a recognizeable effect of arnica for example.
- There's just one thing that helped: "Kwizda's Restitutions-Fluid". It was invented 150 years ago for horses. The ingredients are: Ethyl Ether, Camphor, Rosmarinus offinicalis leaf oil, Limonene, Coumarin, Ammonia, Alcohol.
I used it as a over night pack. Right after I applied it there was so much work in my food, every muscle and tendon seemed to response. After that night I could walk without a bandage for the first time.

So much to my current status, no updates from my footbag progress for the next month.

Let's talk about the footbag-vienna crew.

At the moment I'm the youngest player, the newest player is Tomy who joined us about 2-3 years ago who's at the same time also one of the oldest in the playerpool.
In the winter we have 2 scheduled trainings per week.
This summer we have no scheduled training days. We use whatsapp to organize us. This result in an average of 3 trainings per week.
We have 4 active players: Nina, Alexander, Lauri and myself.
There're also some players with minor activity: Irene, Tomy, Georg, Tobias, Bernhard and Meisi.
The amount of players shrink from year to year and as other footbag clubs we have a recruitment problem. Another sad development is that this year no Austrian player attends to worlds alltough it's in Europe.
The recruitment problem is something Lauri and I trying to fix, when we have some achievments worthy to mention I'll post them.

Let's end with something postive. The progress of the active players:

Nina: She had a lot of progress the last months. I saw some strings of 15-20 contacts. She is working on whirls and butterflies. Also the spinnings getting better and better (last new trick I saw was spinning legover, thanks to Mathias who visited us in June and gave us both some good tips on this). One of the best things of her playstyle is that she hasn't a flipside for most of the tricks.

Lauri: The same as Nina, since he's shredding on a regular basis his progress is very good. He learned quantum set a few months ago. Also Toe->Ducking->DLO works 50% of the time. The last month he tried to improve his clipper game. And he always is good for a new unique trick like pixie->ducking->flapper

Alexander: He struggled with dead shredded shoes the last months so he couldn't shredd that much. But they are repaired now, hopefully the last for a while. He's working alot on swirls where he's doing some good progress.

That's all for the moment,
over and out
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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by jooles » 29 Aug 2016 14:59

I'm back in business!
Today we had a shred in a park where Lauri, a footbag-vienna member, works and the yearly official footbag-vienna meeting.
The new Chairwomen/President of footbag-vienna is Nina Stuppacher.
Austrian Champs will be in October.
That are the most important facts for now.
We will push some things like workshops and promotion, I will update this as soon as there are more information.

Personal I doing better from week to week, losing weight and getting back muscles and agility. Looking forward to the winter to drill things back to my former level or maybe higher :)

Good Night from Austria :)
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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by C-Fan » 31 Aug 2016 08:10

Welcome back! I recommend easing back slowly, as my worst injuries always came from jumping back in the sport thinking I could still do what I used to. Ya gotta build back up to that slowly.

It'd be great to see some footage in here too.

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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by jooles » 31 Aug 2016 12:12

Hey Ken, thanks for your attention!

So update of the last 2 days:

Footbag Promo:
We shred the last 2 days at 2 new locations (Prater[hauptallee] and Votivpark [close to the University of Vienna]) but did just minor attraction I guess.
Tomorrow we will shred with a 17 year old guy for the first time, looking forward to this!

Lauri told us that the Beachvolleyball World Championships will be 2017 in Vienna. There will be an exibition for trend sports, we're going to apply to be there: ... anguage=en
Downside: It's at the same time as Worlds in Portland. When we get elected we will invite every player who's not going to Worlds to come to Vienna and represent in front of an huge crowd (even on TV).

After I created a new homepage for fbv I'm motivated again (after some internal discussions) to finish the project:

Tuesday was a wonderful intensive crazy shred day with Lauri. He busted it out so hard. He hit 2 new realy unique tricks: ... tbagvienna ... tbagvienna
And he was so close to Atomic Ducking Clipper. This guy can shred insane, hell!
We also had a midnight shred at University, drunk. 2 shreds on 1 day.

Today I shred with Alex and Jonas. Jonas started playing 2 months ago. He can do every important 2 add trick. Also Butterfly, Osis, DLO, Pdx Mir. He is a huge talent. I hope he keeps motivated and have the will to shred it. I think you need a kind of anger to realy shred it, the absolute will to shred yourself, the bag, the trick, the crowd, the whole world.

Jonas recoreded some footage of Alex today, I try to get my hands on that.
To Alex I can just say: he's still busting it.

To my health: Currently I drive ~ 20 km / day by bike (on the limit, as usual) and playing 5-6 days / week. My legs are sometimes "lazy" and I can "feel" my ankles every day. But half of the pain is "adaption" pain and I just go trough. Doing intensive sport again feels good, it's nourishing my body and my soul. Therefore I'm taking the pain as a side effect. I know it's not the most intelligent way, but I try to get my muscles back and my weight away and I know my body will adapt to it in a few months.
Today I tried to hit some new ducking/diving stuff but my brain wasn't ready. But tomorrow it will be. I hit a superclean PS Whirl today first try. The last I did is like 1-2 years ago. That I can hit it means I already lost enough weight to shred it hard again.
Also I can't slow down atm because I know in 2 weeks the weather can be rainy and cold so I try to use every outdoor shred day to gather motivation for the winter.

happy side fact: A friend of mine told us about a not used univerity building, it could be a place where we could shred 24/7 in the winter, I have to take a look at it but I hope it's shredable. That would be so huge, we only have 2 traings per week in winter, this is kinda limiting (I can't shred at home or somewhere else).

Man I'm close to explode from all the motivation inside of me, next update will be soon :)
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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by Asmus » 31 Aug 2016 23:17

Sounds like our sisters and brothers in Vienna are doing well!
How many active players are you at the moment?

And good to hear you are motivated again!

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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by jooles » 01 Sep 2016 02:32

Asmus wrote:Sounds like our sisters and brothers in Vienna are doing well!
How many active players are you at the moment?

And good to hear you are motivated again!
We have now:
Nina (but she is abroad now for ~ 3 months)
[Anita] (she will be away for 3 years now to do her PhD in GB)
[Armin] (he wrote sometime that he's drilling alone but nobody can verify it)

So for now we have 7 players. Most of them are top motivated at the moment, but it's summer and you know: Winter is coming...

I wrote some deeper insights about footbag-vienna and some thoughts on promotion but I'm not sure if I should publish it so I stop here and maybe add it sometime else.
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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by boyle » 01 Sep 2016 03:31

Has there been any city parade to welcome home the WORLD CHAMP? If not, make it happen.

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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by jooles » 03 Sep 2016 12:18

That's a good point Daniel. I will come up with something like that to honor Alex. Maybe AFCs will be a good event to do something.

On Thursday we met a young Player who's living a little outside of vienna on a hill. He uses to kick in school and sometimes alone at home. He was a nice guy but we don't have any expectations that he begins to shred because of the distance he has to overcome to shred with us and because his close friends are more into soccer and he wants to stick with them. But at least some new young player show up and buy bags, it's something.

I struggling with some pain in my left foot (close to my hip) which makes it painfull to raise it even for a legover so that means pause at least 2 days (I'll try to shred tomorrow again). Overall I can see much improvment this week. Longer runs, harder tricks less bails, less toe fillers between hard tricks. But I can also see that when the summer is gone in one or two weeks maybe thats the perfect time to start intensive, focused drilling (now I just shred which is realy good for motivation). Also I want to hit a new trick within the next sessions I guess it will be Stepping DLO, Ducking DLO, Blender or Double Down (in Anssis Footbag App I read a tip to Double Down and I guess when I think it like the way Anssi describes, Illusion + Butterfly and not like ATW+Clipper, I can hit it.

Austrian Champs:
I already mentioned them, they will be from 22nd to 23rd of October. We're going to try something new, besides Battle we're doing now for 3 years. It's inspired by Evans moaning over the last years about that you get Champ by winning routines. In Austria none of the active player is motivated to prepare a routine so we skip routines anyway. So we will decide the champ by the average ranking of his results in defined competitions. At least Circle and Battle will be in it, maybe also shred30,big 1, sick 3 (depends on what we conduct and the outcome of some theoretical testing. The good thing if you have an uneven amount of comps you take the average it shouldn't be possible that 2 competitors got the same value. But for this problem we also came up that than the ranking of one competion (maybe circle or battle) is worth more. Or we also can weight the competions in percentage so that Austrian Champ is decided by the average ranking which than also every competion has his own weight in percentage to contribute to this like: Circle 35%, Battle 35%, Sick 3 Big 1 & Shred30 each 10%. So there are many options and we have to think it through theoretical in the next weeks. Also this would mean if you scratch a competion or just don't hit a sick 3 or big 1 you will got ranked on the last place. This could mean that you prepare your Sick3 and Big 1 so that you will hit at least something and not maybe going all in. This could also have a positive effect for showing such competions on stage. I think Big 1 & Sick 3 are great for the audience because it's easier to follow than a 30 sec shred or Circle densitity round. Also in Big 1 and Sick 3 Players show cooler and more unusal tricks, a difference the audince also can recognize. And and small stages that are the two best competions because you won't move to much. Circle on a small stage (smaller than the stage at worlds 2015) isn't circle and looks weird. On small stages Battle is the better alternative to circle in my opinion. Skipping Routines completly from the event doesn't mean we don't want Routines, thinking it's boring or what ever. I think for Players like the average in Austria there are two important points why routine isn't a good format: Preparing a routine needs time, dedication and knowledge. Also you need to have some skill, stability in your tricks that the routine isn't an orgy of drops. So skipping it is better for us and the audience. Also if you compare battle with routines, battle is easier to judge which is also an important point in austria because we're lacking of expierienced judges.
Also if you include the point stamina in your calculation skipping routines and circle from the stage is more comfortable for players because you don't need the "routine warm up routine" and the exhausting circle (6 rounds) isn't there. For sick 3 big 1 and battle you don't need that focused warmup and even if you have 7 trys for big 1 and sick 3 you have some time in between to rest and overall it isn't realy exhausting. But if you do this 2 competitions on stage you maybe have to set an overall time limit so the pauses between the trys don't take to long. Like in Chess: You have like 1:30 Minutes for 7 trys after the 1,5 minutes passed you can't go for another try even I you have some still left. This is because the audience isn't interessted to wait 20 seconds for every new try. (it's just to prevent something not good in advance, overall most of the players are quick enough between there trys that it's not getting boring for the audience).

I realy like to try out some new stuff, make some minor adjustmens to established things, on such events. When we came up with battle (after we saw it at red bull freestyle football) a few years ago we where realy exited about the outcome. But also we are suprised that battle didn't make it to other events so far or got more recognition (which means that it becomes and competion at euros or worlds). Also if you think what you can to as a club, for footbag, I like to see footbag-vienna as a club which stands for progress, innovation, evolution. Going new ways, which if they're successful, have influence to the whole scene.

Video Contest
After my critique of the winning video of the video contest at worlds this year some people critized me for beeing realy harsh. I want to appologize for this. I didn't want to put somebody down. It's also not that fullfilling moment for me to be that direct and honest but I felt that it was necessary. After the video contest in copenhagen last year a lot of people laughed about creative inputs from people who showed not the highest footbag skills in there video but a lot of creativity and I didn't raise my voice against it. After this year I felt that this was a failur. I talked to some people after the contest and they told me that the video contest was realy boring this year. This has for sure various reasons but I think one thing is how the video contest is judged and therefor who wins it. When I talked to Steve after the judging workshop at worlds this year, he shared some thoughts to judging with me. One of his points was that you define the judging system, the criteria for a good routine and the players will prepare the routine according to it. So in video contest it's the same I think. In routines we have 2 mayor categories for judging: technics and artistic. When you apply these to the video contest you have the technical side like the equipment and the editing and the creativity which from my point of view makes the video interesting (also to non baggers). So the winning video from creativity wasn't realy a big deal from my point of view. Why? Overall it was a great video from the technical side but there wasn't anything special in it besides a BAP member (which also shouldn't be key to win the video contest). The location the video was set appeared in some videos before, like the video Aleksi did or the promotion video for worlds 2009 in Berlin: . If you comapre those two videos I see that Pawels video has a higher technical skill (maybe this comes from improved technology in this sector) and a better camera handling. In kinds of editing the Berlin video has a cgi Bee in it which for me has impact in technical but also in creativity. The bee and Mathias reaction to it is also something "unexpected", an element of fun, something you recognize and will remeber forever. In Pawels video there wasn't such a moment. So if I rank these both videos against each other I would overall say the Berlin video is "better" (if they both were sent to the same video contest). And that even if Mathias isn't a BAP Player like Olaf. I didn't mean to put Pawels work down but i feared that we will have more videos like this and less creative videos like we had the years before and I felt that I have to stand up against this because this would lead in the wrong direction from my subjectiv point of view. I think it also won't encourage more people to send something in when they think the winning stanard is BAP Player and super fancy equipment and professional editing skills. Also there should be the chance to compete with these things (which are also important, don't get me wrong) by bringing in your realy own kind of creativity, which comes from your "footbag soul" (sorry for this hippy term). And I think that creativity should be more recognized at it was the last years. I don't think that mikkos video from 2016 should have won the contest because there was no shred in it, which should be in a footbag video.
So I already mentioned the conversation I had with Steve: What are the judging criterias of the video contest and whos eligible to judge such a video? I think this topic needs an discussion (which I also tried to start). I think not everybody has the "skill" to judge video contest, as not everybody has the skill to judge Finals at worlds. Also they criterias and there weight have an impact on the results so we should think about what do we want to see (subjective) and adjust the juding criterias according to it (more objective) to get the results we want. And as I interpreted the reactions to the this years video contest I think there's need for discussion and adjustments.

BAP Discussion
After Hogans legendary "... or am I late to the party" Thread on facebook I also want to have a summed up statement from me to this here:
I think BAP is fine. No new BAP Players doesn't mean BAP has a problem, but footbag in general has. Better adjust/improve the situation of footbag than to "fix" something to dead like BAP which isn't the source of the problem.
So what is the reward of getting BAP besides the recognition ? A Nickname, not more. You even don't get a lousy T-Shirt (according to Ken). So recognition is what is important for many players pushing it hard. As a Footbagger you don't get much recognition from the society (compared to pop stars or high skilled soccer players) so this makes such things even more important. So it's also more the recognition inside the community/family. So what can we do to give people a type of recognition even if they will never get into BAP or win a medal of worlds because of players like Vasek? And there the "badges" came to my mind. While BAP criterias are more subjective the badges criteria are realy objective. Also they are requesting that you master the main concepts which everybody can if he is into it. To be a BAP Member you have to be more than just following the drilling rules, you have to be something special. In terms of footbag as a BAP Member you got recognized for beeing something not everybody can be. Uniqueness. And I'm sorry but not every body with a decent level of shred has it. Uniquness is maybe something you can train, but most of the time I think it comes naturally with the high " footbag mindset" the certain footbager has.
That beeing said I think Junior BAP isn't a good answer to the urge which was brought up to discussion by some players. There are already honorable mentions which do the job from my point of view.
So lets push the badges system: If you earned every bronze badge you have "bronze feet" (this idea Lauri came up with last night). So you can call yourself for example: Julian "bronze feet" Sinnl and maybe get also a lousy t-shirt for it. Maybe also another gadget or a badge you can use in your facebook profile picture or somewhere else. If you mastered every gold badge you can call yourself Julian "golden feet" Sinnl and so on. So whats the main difference to BAP? It's realy objective, nearly everbody can reach at least "bronze" status and get a title. This is not a unique title as the BAP nickname you get. But I think thats important because as I already statetd a BAP Member is a realy special player and should always be recognized as this. So you can get a golden or platinum status without beeing into BAP or ever get invited there. But you got your recognition. Also it's good for players who are not this competion type players. You don't have to travel to events (and win medals as a recognition). I think when you push it the same way as BAP was and is pushed people will accept it as a "measurement" and will "feel" the recognition they crave for.

Acoording to this post I want to use this footblog to share some thinkings, inspections/observations, reflexions about general footbag topics not only myself or footbag-vienna/footbag in austria. I hope it will set a stimulus for some productive discussion and progess/improvements.
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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by boyle » 03 Sep 2016 14:42

Thanks for your post, hope to see some more thoughts on competitions etc. Here are some thoughts on the various things.

Battles - I thought this would take off more too, I like the format. Maybe it still will.
Routines - I guess the whole event is in a stage with audience etc? It could be something good to do 1 minute routines just somewhere else the night before. Gets a bit of practice, you can just make it up on the spot, judge each other and not take it too seriously.

Overall ranking - This sounds like a good idea too. I think some more credit should go to the 3 with 10%. Not sure the best way on that. Will you have any visiting guests for the competition? Would be very interesting to see the results. I think that if you win an event but then get 0 in Sick 3 for example, or don't go in it, you still have the chance to do well in the overall. All depends on the points value of first place and then from there.

I think you are overestimating the thought that goes into judging the video contest. I don't know too much about it, but I imagine the judges just discuss which ones they like best, kind of within the guidelines.

On BAP, I think it's fine. If you look back over the last 10 or so years, the new additions to BAP were really pushing things. In 2009, you had Nick Landes, Anssi and Milan. These guys were kind of "up and coming" at the time, but were really pushing hard towards the top level and also bringing something quite different to the game, Landes with lots of weird bendy sort of tricks mixed with a really good spin/duck game, Anssi with extreme attention to bothsidedness, and Milan just sort of going hard and bring some pretty big tricks into competition.

At the moment the guys who are close to BAP are still well within the boundaries. I think it's about much more than competition results as well, there are often arguments that somebody beat a BAP player, so then they should go in BAP, but it's more complex than that. I don't think there is any need to change things. People just need to shred hard next year at Worlds. There will hopefully be a good contingent of top level players, and then anyone with a point to prove can "instill fear" into those top level players.

I also think National Level competitions are good ways for many players to get some recognition. Being the national champion is a pretty cool honour, but there are not so many Nationals these days.

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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by h0ag3yb3atZ » 03 Sep 2016 16:56

What a dick!


Great post Julien! Way to crush it lately.
Kevin Hogan


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Re: Vienna Calling

Post by jooles » 05 Sep 2016 15:40

So it's monday night in Vienna. As today and tomorrow it's just a rainy cold weather here i decided to give my hip/legs some time more to rest till I hit it again. While the time I was realy into weightlifting I read once you should rest every 6-8 weeks completley for one week. So following this, It's perfect timing to apply this to my footbag training here. Also I recognize that my legs still worked the last days even more alltough i didn't play. I guess why there's so much going on in my legs, even if i didn't play is that there is a lot of work to do in terms of recovery. So I give my legs the time, also I know with completly rested legs I will hit a new trick easily (and I'm realy up to this).

Oh I also recognized a lot of typos in my former post, sorry for that, I will clean it maybe sometimes.

Footbag wise i just stopped physically and took the time for a lot of thinking the last days. I will state a sub topic to the general topic "future of footbag" later.

Austrian Champs
For now I will present you what I was up to the last few hours. I felt creative and wanted to do some art work. I'm kind of living temporary in an office of the students council for 5 days now as nobody else is here during university holidays. It's pretty cool. There are also a lot of political stickers here and I decided to create an banner for the Austrian Footbag Champs by hand and then scan it and do some minor digital adjustmens.
Here's the outcome of my artwork: ... NIb3c/view (high res scan)
And here's the digital reworked facebook banner version: ... e=583BCC10
As I see this work as art I also got some "eastereggs" some hidden messages in it. If you don't know the stickers I took you will propaply only get 2 of these: The bag, the silhouette (which was Alex in original) is kicking is the flag of the anti sexism action, it's also famous in the colour red for the anti fascistic action. And the seperator between the 21st and 22nd tells "join your local antifa". The second you can't read from the facebook banner version. Alex was overall positive but sceptical about the flag as a political sign in sports. But he won't block it (which is the most important for me). I didn't want to bring in politics even if I took political stickers but during the work I found that these two things fit perfectly and I love artwork with hidden messages so I couldn't resist to put it into it. Also I learned you can't be unpolitical. Deleuze wrote in his famous "What is Philosophy?" just a few sentence to politics. Besides his harsh ciritque (he didn't like politics as an opposite to Faucault who was realy into it and supported the communist party) he stated: "The Political" is maybe deeper in "The Unpolitical" as we expect/assume. It's a classical Hegel. I agree with it (who can argue against Hegel and Deleuze? ;) ). And Artwork has to provoke, irritate, beeing controversial. I also can't identify one member of footbag-vienna who wouldn't agree with the "deeper message", as we're all more or less lefties. If you want to identify your club, sport or event to the outside with this is another question. But as I stated it wasn't planed I just tought that it's cool during the work and afterwards I reflected that with out this I couldn't tag it as art.
So preparations runing. Also Alex can't realy block the date (means postpone) the date to sometime later this year. I don't know why he wants to run AFCs always at the last possible date. For me championships in September would be perfect. It's close after the big summer break, you still have the chance that you can play outside and summertime is intense shred time so I would be realy into training. Also the deeper the winter goes the higher is the chance that depression hits me (mostly from december to february) and I missed some AFCs just because of this. So for me AFCs in december are not realy desireable for a various of good reasons.
Also in Vienna they're always sighting when it comes to Championsships. I think it's not the big deal. The standards you need are quite low for national championships and all what you organize more is just a plus but not a must. Even since there's nobody caring anymore for Championships (players and visitors). Just do it, it don't hurt.
This time I also try to outsource the finals in the club / afterparty to somebody else, to stick on a party that would be held anyway and do some footbag before. I'm positive that this will work out. If not there will be no official afterparty or on stage events as there's nobody in Vienna who will come to an footbag event (from year to year the audience shrinked).
Oh today Alex told me it's an anniversary: The 15th AFCs. So there should be a party and a on stage event. After Alex told me that I thought about asking Hanna that she asks Dexter that he packs his bus full with czechs and come to celebrate this anniversary, they didn't visit us for a longer period anyway so it's time to come around again!

Future of Footbag: Bags
Future of Footbag (as it was discussed at Worlds) is a huge topic where's alot to say about. people during the meeting where emotionally realy into it. But they always are crazy about Footbag during Worlds. I'm wondering what they all up to now. I also created a post on facebook just with the words "future of footbag" to see what reactions this post will receive. I just looked over the comments and at first there where more funny comments and after that some serious. Also just one person from the meeting replied (as far as I know). For me there a lot of sub topics to this huge main topic and I will try to pic out one every time I feel motivated to discuss it here.

First is Bags:
A few months ago I had an audience with King Ali, former president of EFC and FBV. He still has a lot of knowledge and know-how and it's good, but not common, that he share's it (at least with me). The reason was that I asked Alex for workshop bags which are "stallable" as I think that you need a certain quality of bags at workshops. I had workshops with bags the guys I did the workshop for bought and it was super bad. Once they broke after minutes and wasn't kickable at all. So when I want to attract kids I don't only need good "software" but also "hardware". When I can't easy stall the bag how can I expect the kids to do so. And if they can't they will just be frustrated what I completly understand. So good bags are a must. Mr. Sandbags are the quality level I'm talking about. So King Ali adviced to tell Dexter what we want and he then will tell his guy from pakistan. Without Alis advice we maybe had ordered Mr. Sandbags from FF but there's a problem: Taxes and Shipping. The bags should be as inexpensive as possible because one option could be to sell them as a package together with the workshop or just hand them to the kids for free. Last option isn't realy good because pf or fbv would have to pay it and we would run a competition to pf. The other option would be to brand this bags with the logo of a sponsor and the sponsor takes the costs. But then you have to find a sponsor...
So conclusion: For workshops you need good bags for minor costs. I think it's okay because pf could still make some money out of the sponsored bags and stitchers wouldn't be harmed by that.
Which brings me to the advice from Ali I thought of at first when I decided to write something to it here:
Selling Bags on Amazon.
I think this is an important market we're not in and should be. There a lot of lousy bags on Amazon. I once met guys who where kicking in a park with an lousy amazon bag (they've never heard of pf before). Nowadays a lot of people look after and then buy their stuff on Amazon. So here's my advice to this: Stitchers and also pf/ff/... open shops at Amazon and ask footbagers to buy it from there and then rate their buyings. Think of a Hania Bag rated by 50 people with 5 stars, Hania would provit from this but also the whole footbag scene because then people will tend to buy these bags even if they're more expensive. They will think I like kicking so 15 bucks for a great bag? I can afford it and I will have a better time than with the 5 bucks bag. And with these bags we can hand the people information about the sport, how to do the basic tricks, where to get advices or of the nearest footbag club. We all would profit´, I'm quite sure.
So why don't go for this? Maybe you don't want to support a company which don't pay taxes or treat their employees like shit. I think the anti-imperialistic anti-capitalistic view is outdated and would go with Yanis Varoufakis who once stated: Capitalism brought us where we are now. It's not the best system but it did great improvements for all of us in a small period of time. He also stated that capitalism isn't needed anymore and we should move on to a system which is more friendly to humans. That we should take the good things capitalism done for us and spend now lesser time at work etc. I don't want to write to much on this side topic so: The system is as it is, get out the best of it and if you're think there's a need for a change or adjustment get political, do something. Beeing against progression like anti-imperialists tend to be is stupid because things they criticize they criticize out of the wrong reasons and with wrong answers to it. Things like Amazon or Facebook aren't the evil you have to fight, the system and the misuse of the system is what you have to fight but not with the outcome that you're against all progression. So fight the bad things by getting into politics. People tend to say: I won't support Amazon by not buying stuff from it and if all the other people would do so we could change the system, but hallo guys: You see it don't work because the majority of the people don't care. So put pressure on the people who're in charge.

Sorry for beeing a little off-topic but I just wanted to answer the main critique on Amazon I could expect in advance.

So I guess I again wrote some more lines I intented. Hopefully the next post will be more about me and my footbag playing again than these theoretical things. Now I'll go back to "Gotham" the best tv series I've been in for a while. I don't look to much series/movies because most of them are just average crap, but this show hooked me, so I'm going to finish it tonight to be prepared for season 3 which starts by the end of september. *yay*
Vienna, Austria

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