Starting over

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Re: Starting over

Post by Tjuggles » 18 Jun 2021 21:39

I think that kind of practice is SO beneficial. I was doing something similar recently. I like the atomic toe stuff; it is a tricky combo to remember what comes next.
cammel wrote:
18 Jun 2021 20:29
... makes it feel more natural to have set dense runs.
I agree. Having strong sets makes more difficult tricks/combos so much easier and natural. Keep it up!
TJ Boutorwick

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Re: Starting over

Post by Muffinman » 20 Jun 2021 14:41

Niiice! Your training is so structured! I really need to do something like this. Do you find it's helping your guiltless game?

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 28 Jun 2021 21:17

Tjuggles wrote:
18 Jun 2021 21:39
I like the atomic toe stuff; it is a tricky combo to remember what comes next.
Yea! I get confused a lot with these combos with atomic or quantum remembering which toe it is supposed to go to next.
Muffinman wrote:
20 Jun 2021 14:41
Niiice! Your training is so structured! I really need to do something like this. Do you find it's helping your guiltless game?
Haha, I need to try and have a few more sessions where I just try to do longer runs without a plan to know if this is helping. But my sets are definitely improving, so at least theres that.

Had a bit of a session today. Wasn't really focused and a bit tired. Worked on trying to get the set part of rubberman drill (stepping ss toe > tapping toe > atomic clipper > rpt) but couldn't. Earthquake hit early on in the session (~13 seconds into the video), just a 3.9, nothing big. You can hear one of my neighbors cheer after it hits, :lol:

Some highlights:
Atom smasher B2B (don't think I've done this before)
Toe blur B2B
Tripwalk > reaper BS
Legbeater > far double pickup BS

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 03 Jul 2021 15:46

Took a long time to get warmed up today, never really got any long runs. Got blur > atom smasher > ss butterfly > rpt, so only two dexes away from rubberman, which would feel like a really nice milestone. My double downs are BAD. Most of the time the dexes are clean, and the bag hits my clipper foot in the right spot, but I think it happens right when my dexing foot hit the ground and so the bag doesn’t stall it just sorta hits my stalling foot and bounces off. Really annoying. Next session might be just double downs.

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 06 Jul 2021 08:59

Well, didn't work any on doubledowns, but did try to focus on some downtime components that are hard for me, drifters and torques. For both of these I almost feel more comfortable hitting them paradox than near. That seems really dumb, way more movement involved, but I think the reason is that it is really easy for me to just set the bag straight up, and hard for me to set it at an angle across my body. I feel like for a normal drifter from clipper set you need to set it fairly accurately to go across your body to the opposite cross-body position, whereas with pdx I just set it straight up. Repeatedly accurately setting the bag across my body seems to be a problem, especially when I'm a little off balance from the previous move. Hmm.

Anyway, started warming up trying to increase numbers of contacts for a few things. Got Spinning clipper x 3 BS, not sure how people string lots of these together, I end up really dizzy. Drifter x3, probably a record :oops:

After that session just devolved a bit into trying to hit new moves with these difficult downtime components. Probably should work on increasing run length, but sometimes its just more fun to try to hit new stuff. I think it is probably the first time I have hit any of these moves strong or weak side:
Grifter BS
Blurry drifter BS
Mobius BS
Pdx torque BS

Grifters are ridiculously hard, and I generally feel like my illusioning game is fairly solid. Probably have a 1% success rate on hitting grifter yesterday.

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Re: Starting over

Post by Tjuggles » 06 Jul 2021 12:40

cammel wrote:
06 Jul 2021 08:59
I feel like for a normal drifter from clipper set you need to set it fairly accurately to go across your body to the opposite cross-body position, whereas with pdx I just set it straight up.
I think there may be different schools of thought on this. I think Ales believed that you should always be setting straight up, and dancing around the bag. If so, that would mean that for drifters, you set straight, and move your body accordingly. Food for thought?

Great progress too, including keeping up with your updates here. I have been meaning to write up some stuff, but days just keep on moving...
TJ Boutorwick

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 07 Jul 2021 11:59

Tjuggles wrote:
06 Jul 2021 12:40
I think there may be different schools of thought on this. I think Ales believed that you should always be setting straight up, and dancing around the bag. If so, that would mean that for drifters, you set straight, and move your body accordingly. Food for thought?
Yea, its good things to think about for sure. I guess looking at my drifterx3 in that video they are set pretty straight up, and I end up turning about 45° during the move. My grifters I felt like it helped to set it a bit more across my body though. There are some moves where I definitely feel like I am getting a lot of benefit from setting across my body instead of straight up, like ripwalks, but I guess that form could maybe be seen as having less real dexes if the bag is moving from one side of my body to the other and that is doing more actual work than my "dexing" legs.

When I have moves that I can hit very infrequently I always wonder what the best thing to do is. I can make them more consistent by just doing it over and over, but I worry that maybe I should spend more time thinking about how to do the move differently, and maybe by just trying to do the move over and over I'll get a bit more consistent, but lock in a form that isn't very good. Just random things I think about, especially when I'm hitting 1 out of maybe 50 grifter attempts, haha. But thats why I like putting up lots of videos so I can look back and think about form (and why I sometimes have unnecessary slo-mo).
Tjuggles wrote:
06 Jul 2021 12:40
Great progress too, including keeping up with your updates here. I have been meaning to write up some stuff, but days just keep on moving...

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New shoes

Post by cammel » 23 Jul 2021 19:46

Haven't played much, its been a hard month with work. Mentoring four summer students on remote research projects, it hasn't really allowed me too much free time. Also my left knee has been hurting after kicking lately, which sucks.

Finally made some time for footbag today, and I tried out some new shoes! I hate how heavy the lavers are, I worry thats contributing to my knee pain, and it doesn't seem like the quantums are going to be made any time soon :(. But I realized that my running shoes (Nike React Phantom Run Flyknit 2) actually looked like they had pretty nice clipper surfaces, and they're super light, no laces, pretty much just elastic like a sock on top.


They felt a lot better than lavers. They are about half the weight, and clippers tricks, especially osis are easier than with the lavers. Toe stalls are definitely a bit harder because there are no supports from the modification and lacing, which I definitely seem to rely on. The laver toe box definitely hampers my pixie/fairy sets though, because sometimes the bag will catch on them, so I'm not actually sure they help my game more than they hurt.

They're pretty expensive, but maybe worth the investment if people are looking for a lighter alternative to lavers. Nice to not really have any modification necessary either. Downside might be that I bet Nike will keep releasing new shoes and probably wont stick to this model for super long? But, I'll probably play with these from now on, it felt really nice playing with less weight, and I'm happy to just try and drill my toe stalls to be more controlled.

Nothing very interesting highlight-wise:
pixie ss mirage > pixie op mirage > rpt
fairy ss mirage > fairy op mirage >rpt with the lavers, then clips from today trying out the phantoms:

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 30 Jul 2021 18:15

Had a little session around lunchtime, decided to try and just drill some. Pixies, fairies, atomics, quantums ss > op. Toes are hard without the toe box on the lavers but I still think I'll try to stick with the phantoms. Ripwalk x9 was a pretty big improvement on my previous record (4 or 5 probably?). PS flail > leg beater BS was nice. Had void off my foot for no particular reason, my only attempt ever I think? That felt like working on drifters has paid off.

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 24 Sep 2021 20:00

I had a couple more session with the phantoms, but I'm still having trouble getting toe stalls to be very consistent. Then I took about a month off for various reasons. Thought worlds was really great, I really enjoyed the show. We may have a new recruit because of it, haha. My girlfriend was watching too and decided she wanted to start learning. So I ordered her a pair of lavers, and the model was one I hadn't really seen before, white with yellow trim. Turns out this model was made this year (in vietnam), and they seemed a lot lighter and the soles are squishier than my previous pair of lavers. Since my lavers being too heavy was a major reason I hadn't been playing with them much I decided to pick up a pair as well. They are definitely lighter, both size US10, but the new ones are 400g compared to 500g, and I haven't even done the brocka mod yet. Today I had my first session with them, 100g doesn't seem like a big difference, but they definitely felt better than my old lavers. Maybe I'll stick with these.

A few highlights from sessions before my time off and then some with the lavers from today:

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 11 Oct 2021 07:04

I like the new lighter lavers, definitely sticking with these until (if?) quantums show up.

Had a few sessions recently. Not too much good, but hoping to play more regularly now so I can start making progress. Highlights:

-5 contacts of rubberman. really want to get this, blubberman, and barfly>barrage>paradon drills, they seem like good milestones.
-dlo > drifter > rpt. highlight because my drifters are still trash, haha
-ducking butterfly > DOD > ducking clipper > DOD. thought I did this as a drill with ducking clippers.
-spinning clipper>gyro clipper>rpt. should do this every session to make it less awkward
-bladerunner strong side

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Re: Starting over

Post by boyle » 06 Nov 2021 21:00

Great stuff on rubberman - almost there for the full drill!

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 21 Nov 2021 19:54

boyle wrote:
06 Nov 2021 21:00
Great stuff on rubberman - almost there for the full drill!
Thanks! Tried a couple more times, still stuck at 5 contacts. Argh.

Finally had another session, been more than a month without a half decent session. Nothing too exciting, but worked on more spinning/gyro stuff.

-Run with spinning clipper > spinning legover and gyro pickup both BSOS
-First time hitting spinning DLO and gyro DLO, both sides
-Dyno BSOS. Dynos are getting dialed in.
-Swirl BSOS. Swirls are miserable, really dont understand why I am so off balance after swirling, especially on my weak side.

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 27 Nov 2021 16:06

Worked some more on spinning and some double dex stuff. Lots of hand drop to blender and torque just to try and get more consistent with these osis finishing tricks. Got torque > handcatch five times in a row on both sides. Also hit my first inspinning trick (I think), inspinning osis on both sides (kinda).

other highlights:
legbeater > reaper BS
whirlx2 > barrage BSOS
DOD > double pickup BS
barfly > barrage > paradon BS, need to get the drill.

want to get some spinning tricks out of toe stall. i feel like playing on carpet makes it really hard to do spinning, there really is a lot of friction, I can't really spin with my foot planted, i feel like on other surfaces you probably can. so to do inspinning osis i end up doing two kinda weird hops. wonder if it is bad to learn this footwork, need to look back as some other people (probably lon) who are good at these moves and really pay attention to what they do with their footwork.

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 27 Nov 2021 17:56

Trying to do more short sessions. I think I would probably improve more if I did 30 minutes a day instead of a three hour session once a week where I cant walk afterwards, haha.

Drilled swirls a bit, still not feeling great and really off balance when I do them on my flip side. Hit motion a few times, close to BSOS a couple times. Phoenix BS, Fairy ducking butterfly BS. Pretty sure thats the first time I've ducked fairy or pixie sets on my weak side. Worked on symp whirl, its pretty easy on strong side but awkward weakside. Spinning mirage > fairy set BSOS was a nice link thats feeling pretty easy. Spinning illusion > torque BS felt nice. I like getting torques better, and torque from toe set is fun. Ripwalk x 11 new record. Whirl > pdx whirl >rpt

Only having a good outdoor spot is not great during the winter when it gets dark pretty early, it makes footbag after work pretty difficult. Cant complain too much though, most footbaggers I'm sure have less good winters than in California.

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Failure is definitely an option

Post by cammel » 01 Dec 2021 18:16

Tried to get the first open link of the day today. Was always going to be a tough one for me, swirls are definitely not my strongest concept (read: one of the worst), but at least they could both be done on my strong side. Got a few good looks at the link, but not quite there. Nice to be able to hit each part separately. Intermediate could hit both sides first try. Not quite open, but a bit past intermediate. Gotta get better, haha.

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Re: Starting over

Post by boyle » 06 Dec 2021 16:46

The "Open" level is a bit much this year - with Jim running it there's not too many who will be able to hit very many of the combos.

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 11 Dec 2021 19:10

boyle wrote:
06 Dec 2021 16:46
The "Open" level is a bit much this year - with Jim running it there's not too many who will be able to hit very many of the combos.
Yea, its fun to see the open entries every morning. Things to aspire too. I wonder if anyone will hit all of them? I might try to hit each individual move, but at this point there are some that are definitely far out of reach even hitting the individual moves on my strong side.

Switching my LOTD goals to hitting everything in the intermediate category on both sides. These have gotten a bit harder, inspinning clipper > merkon wasn't easy, haha. Got everything thats been posted so far on both sides (missed a hand catch on the flip dragon, but, eh).

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 11 Dec 2021 19:10

More intermediate links of the day. Went home to visit my folks for the holidays, so shredding in a new spot. Got the intermediate LOTDs 12-20 both sides except for 19 (and actually realized for 12 one of my mirages wasn't actually muted, which is annoying). Frigidosis is very difficult for me, I think it really requires a lot of crank. I can do them from near clipper set sorta, so its physically possible, but there is almost no margin for error. Tried to get at least one side, but no luck. I also thought I hit one of the open links of the day, sailing muted mirage > fairy muted DLO, but the DLO wasn't muted. Argh.

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Re: Starting over

Post by cammel » 22 Dec 2021 15:08

Did the intermediate LOTD 21 and 22 both sides, and redid 12 so it was actually muted. Got the open LOTD 10, sailing muted mirage > fairy muted DLO. Definitely the easiest one for me by quite a long shot. Still no luck on the torque > frigid paradox mirage.

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