Yeah, playing in public solo, not a fan of. Today's session was supposed to be tucked away a bit more out of the way, but it turns out that's where parents bring their kids to play. Still pretty out of the way for the giant park I was on the edge of. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. Look for a better, more private spot, or just deal with it. I'll probably get used to it over time, but it's hard to practice stuff I suck at when I know people are watching. Hacky already looks weird. I'm also too self-conscious :p
Yeah, actually, after playing today I noticed that my current Climas are just totally torn up -- there is almost no sole, literally, under my toes on one foot. So that pink spongey surface may help with shoe longevity. Something to think about. Hmmm.

1) I've gained, like, 30-40 pounds since I was last actively able to play footbag. I'm super self-conscious about the inner tube I've developed, but I'm hoping that footbag will help with shedding that! Most of my clothes don't fit anymore and I'm going to need to buy a whole new wardrobe whenever we return to office post-pandemic, since I dress formal at my job. I've gotta say rolling out of bed into work in my pajamas has been amazing!
2) I need to figure out how to frame my shot better. I keep aiming my phone just a bit too low so my head is cut off. Better than feet cut off, I guess, but something to improve.
3) My stamina suuuccks. Holy. Playing solo really emphasizes that! I try a run and fail and then huff and puff, resting on my knees for a minute before trying again. And then every handful of attempts I have to sit down. Really looking forward to jamming with Alex when it's safe. That break is so needed!
4) I pushed too hard again, but only feeling soreness. Will need yoga before I sleep tonight. Also, I know the double downs aren't all clean, but some double downs is better than no double downs at all! I'll work on it as the muscle memory comes back to me
I had all these grand plans to hit things today but I should probably take a step back to basics and work up more slowly. It's just too fun to hit the harder stuff though!