Whew. Another reason I never liked competing, I guess! Sounds so stressful D: More like nightmares.
Good to hear from you TJ. Still playing too?
B1nary0: not sure if I know you or not? I don't see your name. But here's the thread on ducking DLO. I'm not great at ducking DLOs, but I guess the first thing I would think to advise is to duck really quickly and start the dexes ASAP instead of trying to do it all fully downtime. Probably easier to show than explain, but hopefully this thread has some good tips: https://www.modified.in/footbag/viewtop ... 208#234208
Just wanted to stop in and say this is what I'm currently casually working on. A sortable spreadsheet of YouTube footbag videos where you will be able to sort by anything from date, player, tricks, events, producers, etc. It kind of requires some instructions if you're not familiar with Excel/Google Sheets, but I'll make a post about that when I'm further along and have more time to spare. Sexy, I know. An attempt at rebuilding what I did at Fourkast years ago. Stay tuned! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
Nice Mignola art! Definitely made me nostalgic for when I was in high school and super into comics. Mignola's Wolverine jungle adventure is one of my all-time favorite comics. He really outdid himself artistically in that one.
Hoping to see more video of you, now that you have the iMovie app on your phone. I need to get that going on my end too.
I like the spreadsheet - I had thought of something similar in mind, but never really got to even thinking about it. What I was thinking was trying to get all the Joulu videos from each year together.
If you want to see all the videos from a certain player in the sheet - what's the best bet - just ctrl + F and find that player, or can you sort it by the names - that won't really work for the ones with multiple players.
I think you've posted that before here, about Jungle Adventure! I think my favourite Mignola work is Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. So good. I love Hellboy too. It's too bad none of the movies have been any good or a true representation of the comics. They're action movies, while the comics are more like mythological horror.
I've still been injured since January, but I did get a call yesterday to book an appointment for my cortisone shot, so fingers crossed that happens soon and I can fix my back finally!
Thanks, Daniel!
That's why I said some instruction was required, you can search by player, even with multiple values in a single cell, but you have to do it like this:
1) Pull down the filter for "Player"
2) Select "Filter by condition"
3) Select "Text contains"
4) Enter the name in the value field below (must be spelled correctly and in LAST, FIRST format)
Unfortunately one issue with Joulukalenteri videos is that some players want their videos offline, like Jorden, Dave, Anssi are picky about what is on YouTube. So even though I had bookmarked videos from people’s channels, they’ve been set to private. I ran into this a handful of times already while working on this
Yup, still kicking! Since taking up a new role at uni that is less stressful than teaching, I have moved kicking to three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I should start taking more vids and posting them.
Had my first session in almost half a year. Was glad ai could play a bit, though i pushed a bit too hard with tricks I shouldn’t’ve done. Also I have my first of 2 injections booked for a month from now, then the second a month after that-ish. Highlights:
-20 spinning clippers
-an 85-ish contact run
-bling blang BSOS
-a run with blurriest BSOS, stepping whip BSOS, dropped spinning whip BSOS
-some other stuff
-a run with spinning ducking clipper > spinning whip BSOS, stepping whip > ps whip BSOS, ending on gyro do > hand catch
I shouldve stuck to just BOPS and basic spinning and ducking. Next time I will stick to that. I hope. Oh also did double spinning clipper BS first try?
20x20 session #69:
First 20x20 in a while! Well, only second session in about half a year. Kept it a lot lower key this time and still my back is very weak. I had to sit down every couple runs, but I managed and I feel not too bad after. I mean I ache, but I may still be able to keep trying for weekly. We'll see.
Not really much else to say since I didn't do anything really notable. Just spinning and ducking. Felt really fun
Been a while.
Still injured. Daily life is hindered a lot by my back. Like I can't really go anywhere, do many things. It sucks and I miss physical activity. I can't even cycle right now, so that sucks. I'm gaining a lot of weight. So I'm also trying to crack down on my diet, but I have terrible self-control. I'm better at dieting when I'm able to workout too.
I had that cortisone injection test about a month ago and it didn't work. Well, it may have worked a little bit, but the doctor wanted me to push myself immediately after to ensure that I would have no pain, but I did and was crippled for close to a week after (from a lot of walking and then like 10-15 min of super light footbag). It's super helpful that I'm able to work from home when I need to. I rated pain scores and sent them back to the clinic and then got a call about 2 weeks after. The reception lady had a super thick accent though and I couldn't figure out exactly what comes next. I have a follow-up next Wednesday, but I'm not sure if it's just to speak with the doctor or have another go at the injection. I thiiink it's to have another test injection. Maybe they will add more cortisone to it this time? If the injections still don't work, then I have the option to get a procedure that athletes get, where they burn away the nerves to remove the pain. It sounds scary, but the doctor assured me it's normal and doesn't really have risks. Though I will get more info about that when/if we decide to go that route.
Since no activity, I've been playing a lot of video games.
I beat Dragon's Dogma a couple of times, and started a couple more playthroughs. I think this is one of my top 5 games ever now. It is incredibly good, though it took me multiple attempts of failing, over multiple years, and then not liking the game before coming around to its incredible combat mechanics. Apparently it's got a Netflix show in the works, but what doesn't... I tried the new God of War that was game of the year last year, and it's good, but not reeally my jam, so I played a few hours and will go back to it at some point. But I'm currently playing Detroit: Become Human, and it's great.
Oh yeah, also, I ordered Labo VR for Switch -- a cardboard VR set that I get to build myself, and that apparently has support for both Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey! I'm excited for that!
I also did a ton of research on backpacks recently, after seeing ads for a really nice one by Nomatic. Turns out that one is like $350 CAD, which is ridiculous. What I really liked about it was the sleek, practical look and the clamshell style main compartment, which I had never heard of in a backpack before (I've never really owned backpacks generally, so have no point of reference...) But after seeing the price tag, I went and did a ton of reading and watching to find a cheaper alternative, and I found one for about $100 CAD by Amazon, with good reviews, that I like the look of even better! It's the AmazonBasics Slim Weekender. I've needed a decent backpack for a long time, but have been making due with my late brother's hiking pack, which is suuuper small, and basically meant to carry a hydration pack. So I'm super stoked to get this in the mail next week and try it out. I go the next town over to visit my gf's mom every few weeks, and my older brother and his wife just moved a few towns further than that, so lots of reasons specifically to use this kind of bag in the near future. Strange that the second biggest criticism is it's appearance. But I absolutely love the grey exterior and neon orange lining. I think it looks so good!: Review + pictures:https://backpackish.com/amazonbasics-sl ... ck-review/ Video review:
That's cool. Am I right in saying Dylan recently had some back problems too? I think he had to get surgery. Dylan spent some time in Australia around 05-06, when I was starting to properly get into freestyle, he's a great player.
Yup, looking forward to seeing Dylan. I think I only met him a couple of times — Worlds 2007 and Worlds 2010. And, yeah he told me that he’s JUST getting over 7 years of back pain. He recommended a book to me that is basically fixing back pain with mind over matter. I’m listening to the audiobook with an open mind. Ironically for a long time my gf, a phd scientist, had been telling me that my negativity was contributing to my pain, so, I figured this is a sign. I’m not superstitious at all. We’ll see.
On that note I just came back from another back injection. This time they gave me a shot of cortisone along with an epidural, like what they give to pregnant ladies. I asked the doctor how long it would last and he said he doesnt know. Google says up to 3 months. I’ll know in a few days if it’s working or not. Currently feel okay. No exercise for a week, though I havent been exercising anyway, like I said above. But potential light footbag in a week if the epidural works? I got a crapload of meds. Pain meds, anti-inflammatories, and something else... I can’t keep up. My pharmacist knows me by name. My managers at work are super supportive too. They wanted me to get a doctor’s note so that they can have HR give me a full ergonomic assessment to pimp out my workstation with proper chair, foot rest, maybe adjustable desk, etc. So that’s really nice.
Will def get some footage when Dylan’s here. With or without me.
That's interesting about the mind over matter thing, I think there's some truth to it. Different part of the body, but just before we moved to Chile we were travelling in Asia, I ended up having to go to hospital in Thailand for some kind of abdomen area pain. It was giving me a lot of trouble still in Australia - I had gone to the doctor again a couple of times and then one guy said to me - the more you think about it, the more problems you will have. He told me that if it was a major problem I would be able to get it fixed in Chile, and otherwise it would go away on its own - he also told me that about half of those kind of problems were simply unknown, which I think was giving me the most stress.
My old neighbour had a similar injection, he was having a lot of back problems. I think they said the thing would last about 4-5 months. Sounds pretty similar, but it gave him a lot of relief - he had gone from basically stuck in bed to a lot more active.
I also agree with the mind over matter concept. I think we can get worked up over something to the point where we make it worse than it actually is. I hope you find some relief and can continue to kick!
Hopefully we get a short vid of you and Dylan kicking...
I haven't finished the book. I got like 3/4 of the way through and it was only him saying "People think they have a physical ailment that needs to be treated, but it's actually just pent-up "anger"/emotional turmoil 'causing the pain." He kept giving case studies for like 3 hours on the audio book. But didn't explain how his method works or what I have to do. I assume right at the end he'll just give a bunch of homework, but I lost interest because he just kept repeating the same thing over and over. We'll see. I may go back to it.
Just tried a few things for the first time since the second injection:
-Yoga yesterday (10 min, light)
-Cycling today (30 min, casual intensity)
-Footbag today (20 min, very light)
Cycling and footbag back-to-back wasn't wise, but I felt fine after the former. I just finished the footbag and I also still feel fine. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I play on a yoga mat so that I cushion the thumping for my downstairs neighbours, so I have very little room to navigate. My cat is inspecting my Climas.
Things I hit:
-(duck clipper > spin clipper > duck clipper > gyro clipper) repeat first try
-step mirage BSOS (and when I say BSOS, I mean (step mirage > butt) repeat)
-blurry legover BSOS
-(osis > far osis) repeat
-sidewalk > ripwalk > sidewalk
-blurry whip bs
I had a chat with Eli, asking if I could put up The Sickening and the commentary versions of Aggressive Grounds and Where the Ripwalk Ends. He said he'd put up The Sickening himself, but didn't wan the commentary up. So we may get The Sickening on his YouTube channel soon (I don't think it was ever up?) I wonder if it will be the censored version (there are some boobs and Brian McKenzie's ass).
Also, if anyone has an email address for Dave Holton, I'm trying to get a hold of him to get permission to release some more VHS tapes that I've been told are by him.
Going to stretch now a bit. I feel fine, but want to be careful.
EDIT: Feel mostly fine the next day. Nice! Though I don't think I'm fully ready for footbag yet. EDIT 2: Oh, also, Here's a spreadsheet for the progress of my VHS/DVD digitization project. If anyone has any leads on any of the blue-highlighted items, that would help a ton! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
I have just put together a footbag dictionary and released it on Android (It is being finalized by Google and should be available in a few days). Would you mind if I took some of the tricks from here and incorporated them into the app, in future versions?
Haven't played for over a year now. Met up with Alex and Dante on, like, November 30 and did some tiltless and pigbeaters for like 5 minutes and did something real bad to my back. I've been basically bed-ridden since, on a leave of absence from work. Suuucks. Dylan Fry's jam is next weekend here in Toronto though -- I may go and just sit and watch. Definitely won't touch a bag D:
Been doing physio every week, massage once per month, and still getting cortisone injections about once every 3 months (which still aren't doing anything). Gonna ask my injection doctor next time if we can just burn the nerves, which is a procedure he mentioned when I saw him for the very first time about a year ago. I think what is wrong is that the disc of goop between my vertebrae, one of those discs' outer layer of goop has been ruptured by too much pressure on only one side between the vertebrae, forcing an inner layer of goop to pass through the outer protective layer, and that inner layer is putting pressure on a nerve, which is causing pain. So the exercises I'm doing at physio are supposed to put less pressure on that side of the vertebrae, and moreso on the other side, to encourage the inner goop to go back in and for the outer goop to heal. It's been over a month now though and nothing seems to be improving. I can walk about half a block before I'm at a 9/10 pain. Anything but laying down hurts. I had one day where I walked a whole bunch and sat through 2 movies, but then the next day it was back to normal pain.
Also gaining tons of weight because there's nothing I can do about it D: Trying to eat healthy.