Kankeri Japan

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 29 Dec 2021 01:35

cammel wrote:
24 Sep 2021 20:04
Bought the app for iOS! Nice work, its fun to have this so handy.
Thanks! Sorry for the late reply. I really appreciate your support. I find it useful to. I will have some time to update this sooner than later.

It has been a minute since posting. I am now a parent! My daughter was born 16 November which is the main reason I haven't been posting. I have had a handful of kicks since then. I wrote some stuff down but am not sure where the notes are...ha.

In other news, we are getting ready to say farewell to Aotearoa and head to Japan! We are both excited and I can't wait to get back there. My original plan was to head to NZ from Japan (where I lived for 8 years), get a phd, then head back to Japan and find a tenured position. Life then happened and that goal got prolonged. At any rate, we are in the midst of packing things up and getting ready to head.

Needless to say, things have been busy. I have been really enjoying the sesssions I have gotten in. I come out of them reset and ready to take on the world.

My shreds have started with 4-7 minutes of just toe stalls, alternating and ss. Trying to work on my left toe.

Yesterday my session was about 45 mins to an hour:
28 December 2021
:arrow: ducking inside x10
:arrow: toe set spinning toe bsos
:arrow: smear > plo x 2
:arrow: pixies muted op clipper > gyro clip x2
:arrow: swirl x10 bs, not consec. lfs took about 15 tries.
:arrow: step op clip x2. NEEDS WORK.

My stepping sets need a lot of work. I plan on competing in Tokyo Shredder gathering, in April, and that means I should get a shred30 together. Stepping will really help with that.

I think my sessions are going to be more regular since baby life is starting to get more under control.
TJ Boutorwick

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by cammel » 05 Jan 2022 14:13

Congratulations on being a parent now and your upcoming move! Impressive you’re still able to find time for footbag! Hope all the travel goes well.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 05 Jan 2022 19:59

Big congrats on the baby, the move etc. Too bad the borders were not really open in recent times, would have been good to "pop over" for a kick. I think if you can carve out a space that's your regular time to kick, that can work really well to have that as a habit.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 09 Jan 2022 22:34

cammel wrote:
05 Jan 2022 14:13
Congratulations on being a parent now and your upcoming move! Impressive you’re still able to find time for footbag! Hope all the travel goes well.
Thanks and thanks! Having a child is incredible. All I want to do is play with her. I am still on parental leave for another month and curious as to how getting back into the swing of work is going to be.
boyle wrote:
05 Jan 2022 19:59
Big congrats on the baby, the move etc. Too bad the borders were not really open in recent times, would have been good to "pop over" for a kick. I think if you can carve out a space that's your regular time to kick, that can work really well to have that as a habit.
Thanks Daniel. Yeah it would have been sweet to be able to meet up for sure.

Yeah I don't think I will be stopping footbag anytime soon. It keeps my life in balance physically and mentally. Gonna have a kick tonight.

Since Japan is on the radar I have been starting to think about Tokyo Shredder Gathering, namely shred30. I feel out of practice, plus I have put on about 3-5 kg. Gotta stop eating so much. My partner buys the snacks, and I eat them. My next goal is to control myself so that I don't eat them even if they are in the house. Gotta get back into shape! I have had a couple of sessions since my last post. I'll update again maybe tomorrow; gonna kick tonight too.
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 09 Jan 2022 22:40

Will that be a real life event? Or are they doing in person things at the moment?

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 14 Jan 2022 15:45

boyle wrote:
09 Jan 2022 22:40
Will that be a real life event? Or are they doing in person things at the moment?
I just chatted with suekichi-san and he said they were planning on doing it in-person. I really hope that stays the case; I would love to catch up with everyone in person, not to mention some in-person shred!
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 15 Jan 2022 13:10

Yes, that would be great. Been a long time since I've had a kick with anybody else, especially at a tournament.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by SlashC » 13 Feb 2022 10:53

Congratulations on the baby! Also, very exciting news that you'll be moving back to Japan. It feels like a million years ago that we visited Tokyo at the same time for nationals. I am getting back into a video editing habit and hopefully will finally release some more of the videos from that trip sometime this year.
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 10 Mar 2022 04:12

SlashC wrote:
13 Feb 2022 10:53
Congratulations on the baby! Also, very exciting news that you'll be moving back to Japan. It feels like a million years ago that we visited Tokyo at the same time for nationals. I am getting back into a video editing habit and hopefully will finally release some more of the videos from that trip sometime this year.
Thanks! It is incredible.

Yeah it feels like another lifetime when we met in Japan. Let's hope for a repeat.

I would love to see some more videos! Looking forward to seeing more of your toe spins. Every time I do them I think of you.
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 10 Mar 2022 04:53

Ok so a bit of a backlog. I have been noting down the things I have been hitting, but haven' t been posting them here. Here are the entries from January 2022.

January 5 2022
22:00 -
:arrow: toe stalls for about 4 minutes
:arrow: tiltless, most clipper-set and mirage and atw
:arrow: shred 30 practice
:arrow: stepping practice
:arrow: whirl x2 bsos (rarely do whirls recently)
:arrow: blender practice
:arrow: torque bs
:arrow: vortex > osis x2
:arrow: ducking op toe x10
:arrow: pixie op pickup x2 > PLO x2 > smear > fear > PLO > smear > PLO > pixie op osis > handcatch

January 8 2022
22:12 - 23:00
:arrow: toe, atw, pendulum practice
:arrow: shred 30 practice
:arrow: stepping ss clipper > stepping op clipper x 2
:arrow: sidewalk > ripwalk x2 (left foot set sucks)
:arrow: whirl > p whirl x2
:arrow: blender > p blender bs
:arrow: pixie op legover x2 > PLO x2 > (smear > PLO) x2
:arrow: blink bs
:arrow: gyro osis x8 1st try

January 10 2022

:arrow: toe stalls + atw + muted ss toe stall practice (around 4 minutes)
:arrow: pixie ss swirl bs
:arrow: osis > gyro osis x8
:arrow: p blender bsos
:arrow: p whirl x2
:arrow: step ss clip > step op clipper x2

January 12 2022

:arrow: toe stall practice: i-o > o-i > op toe for 4 minutes
:arrow: stepping ss clip > step op clip x2 1st try
:arrow: whirl > p whirl x2
:arrow: blender x2 1st try

Jan 15 2022

:arrow: atw practice
:arrow: op legover practice
:arrow: op pickup x7 or x8
:arrow: smear > PLO x2 > run
:arrow: rfs magellan > PLO x2 > smear > PLO > wall too close so dropped
:arrow: lfs step ss clipper > step op clipper x2 (took 20 tries!)

January 17 2022

:arrow: ss mirage > i-o atw x8
:arrow: ss illusion > o-i atw x9
:arrow: pixie op toe x20 (with 1 drop)

January 20 2022
22:45 - 23:37
:arrow: lfs i-o atw practice 4 and a half mins
:arrow: rfs p mirage needs work
:arrow: op duck toe x10
:arrow: PLO x13 (need to stall, rebalance, then set on left foot)
:arrow: far legover > dimwalk x4
:arrow: blender bsos
:arrow: dyno x2
:arrow: far legover > pixie ss clipper x2 > far legover > dimwalk x2

January 22 2022
23:30 - 00:15
:arrow: lfs toe, atw practice
:arrow: magellan > PLO x2
:arrow: clipper set symp mirage > pixie ss clipper bs
:arrow: stepping practice
:arrow: toe set ducking shoulder delay > ss toe x3
:arrow: toe set ducking shoulder delay > ss legover x 2 ADD IN ROUTINE
:arrow: toe set weaving mirage x2
:arrow: whirl practice
:arrow: lfs whirl > stepping ss clipper bsos
:arrow: rfs whirl > stepping ss clipper bsos
:arrow: little toe stalls for about 4 minutes

January 26 2022
21:19 - 22:07
:arrow: atw practice
:arrow: op ducking toe x29
:arrow: gyro osis x7
:arrow: pixe op toe x7
:arrow: rfs stepping ss clipper x2
:arrow: lfs stepping ss clipper x2
:arrow: torque bsos
:arrow: toe set gyro toe x3
:arrow: stepping ss clipper > osis x9

January 27 2022
22:15 - 22:45
:arrow: atw practice
:arrow: i-o atw > duck toe x 2.5
:arrow: lfs 2-bag juggle x6, then x6

January 29 2022
23:30 - 00:05
:arrow: atw i-o practice to The Rippingtons' Indian Summer
:arrow: ss symp mirage x 4
:arrow: ducking mirage bsos
:arrow: ducking osis > spinning osis x2
:arrow: Butterfly swirl bsos

NOTE: need to drill lfs mirage and lfs clipper set mirage
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 10 Mar 2022 13:48

Videos with baby interfering in your runs please.

How many torques can you do in a row in each side? I remember playing with Andrew Grant many years ago, and he said that was a really good training drill to just to as many torques as you could on each side. How about butterfly swirl b2b?

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 29 Jan 2023 05:08

Another long break in between posts, perhaps the longest in years.

Kicking is down to a minimum, maybe once a week if that. It sucks, but there is not too much I can do about it; I am living in a rural area with no gym, at my in-laws with a one-year-old, and it is snowing outside. Really looking forward to getting back into shape. Not to say I am out of shape per se, but definitely not getting as much exercise as I would like.

The good news, great news in fact is that after a year of no work, I finally landed a position as an associate professor at a small, private university! This is great news for a number of reasons, but perhaps the biggest one is that the whole reason I left Japan back in 2013 was to get a PhD so that I could come back to Japan and get a tenured position. 10 years later, that mission has been accomplished. The position is technically tenure-track; I am on a three-year contract that will then become tenure, and as long as I don't do something stupid like get arrested, tenure is mine.

Another reason this is good news is because I will finally have the chance to start kicking more regularly. As it currently stands, and has stood since last March, I haven't had much of a schedule that allows for footbag (likely this is just an excuse and I could have probably kicked more). I'm on daddy duty until about 2pm, and after that I have been free, but usually that is when we go out and do other things, e.g., grocery shopping. Then comes dinner and after that, working on other projects and job hunting.

The not so ideal side to this new job is that I have to move about 1.5 hours from where I am now, solo. Maya is staying with her mom for the time being since she isn't confident she can take care of baby without family nearby. Fair enough, but I definitely would prefer to see them everyday. I will see them on weekends. The good side of that is that I will have time to kick and exercise. Going to be an interesting transition, not to mention the 10 or so syllabi I need to create within the next month or so!

Thinking about all of the above, I still think the best decision was to take the job; I need income, and the ideal job is one in Hiroshima, and my chances of landing a spot there increase greatly already having a tenure position (so I am told). That being said, there are definitely pros and cons to the position. I don't remember life being so tricky when I was younger. Ah youth...
boyle wrote:
10 Mar 2022 13:48
Videos with baby interfering in your runs please.
Will do.
boyle wrote:
10 Mar 2022 13:48
How many torques can you do in a row in each side?
Good question. My record probably is around 5-7. Not kicking as much as I have been recently, I have noticed my weaknesses getting even more pronounced, e.g., my left foot clipper set.
boyle wrote:
10 Mar 2022 13:48
How about butterfly swirl b2b?
I have done b2b, and maybe x3 but not sure about the x3.
TJ Boutorwick

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 30 Jan 2023 00:05

Great news to be getting a job. Too bad the family won't be immediately nearby, but at least it's not huge distances. I imagine the uni will have a gym etc so that will be something good.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 15 Mar 2023 04:15

boyle wrote:
30 Jan 2023 00:05
Great news to be getting a job. Too bad the family won't be immediately nearby, but at least it's not huge distances. I imagine the uni will have a gym etc so that will be something good.
Yeah not a huge distance, and as I think I mentioned, the job likely won't be permanent.

I assume there is a gym too which will be nice. I also get an office that is big enough for me to kick in, however it is on the 6th floor so may not be the best idea.

I have been kicking about once a week for 30-40 mins. I plan on increasing that by quite a bit come April since I will have more of a schedule (and less baby to worry about). I will be cycling to work which will be much needed exercise, too.

I kicked today for about 45 mins. Really just trying to do tricks on both sides. I hit gyro legover > pixie op sis x2 which was nice. Also hit spinning blender bs and p torque bs. It was quite warm today, about 18 degrees c, and I was comfortable in shorts and t-shirt. It felt so good to kick, must needed and I feel much more relaxed.
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Muffinman » 29 Mar 2023 11:03

Congrats on the job, that's so awesome! So much hard work and planning for yeeaars paid off must feel incredible! Congrats also on the family! I haven't been here in a while and that's news to me! I also didn't know that you were back in Japan until Dante mentioned it to me when we were chatting a while back.

My brother and his wife were in a very similar situation -- they were offered professorships at 2 different prestigious universities, but they were 4 hours apart from each other so they rented a place as half-way as they could, but it meant a 1-hour commute for my brother and a 3-hour commute (one way) for his wife. My brother's job was slightly better so he was hoping he could hold onto that or somehow convince them to hire his wife as well (he managed this multiple times over for previous work and universities where they studied), but eventually gave in and they both moved to the further city together). This ended up working way better for them even though it's a smaller town (and further from me D: ) They now also have a little babeh. That's all to say that I empathize with how sucky it must be to do that long distance. Is there no option to commute though? A 1.5 hour one-way commute to work in Toronto is super common -- I've done it myself, though it was miserable! Hopefully you can figure out that situation in a way that works for the whole family!

Also, it's great that you're able to play more now! Sounds like a lot of great news!

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 10 Apr 2023 17:46

Muffinman wrote:
29 Mar 2023 11:03
Congrats on the job, that's so awesome! So much hard work and planning for yeeaars paid off must feel incredible! Congrats also on the family! I haven't been here in a while and that's news to me! I also didn't know that you were back in Japan until Dante mentioned it to me when we were chatting a while back.
Thanks! Yes it does feel great. It likely won't be my final position (since I am trying to get back to Hiroshima) but it is definitely mission accomplished and a big foot in the door.

Thanks too about the family. I never thought I would have children, but there you go! And back in Japan! Yeah I need to catch up with Dante to see where he is at. I think he should be coming out sometime soon. For what it is worth, I just paused writing this post to email him. Will see what he says.
Muffinman wrote:
29 Mar 2023 11:03
My brother and his wife were in a very similar situation -- they were offered professorships at 2 different prestigious universities, but they were 4 hours apart from each other so they rented a place as half-way as they could, but it meant a 1-hour commute for my brother and a 3-hour commute (one way) for his wife. My brother's job was slightly better so he was hoping he could hold onto that or somehow convince them to hire his wife as well (he managed this multiple times over for previous work and universities where they studied), but eventually gave in and they both moved to the further city together). This ended up working way better for them even though it's a smaller town (and further from me D: ) They now also have a little babeh. That's all to say that I empathize with how sucky it must be to do that long distance. Is there no option to commute though? A 1.5 hour one-way commute to work in Toronto is super common -- I've done it myself, though it was miserable! Hopefully you can figure out that situation in a way that works for the whole family!
Glad to hear I am not the only one in these types of positions. I tried to convince them to let me commute, but I think the issue was that I was living in a different prefecture; they wanted me to move their prefecture. I think if I was living there already, they would have let me commute. At any rate, just going to keep on looking for positions in Hiroshima. It is only a matter of time. Gotta enjoy the struggle!
Muffinman wrote:
29 Mar 2023 11:03
Also, it's great that you're able to play more now! Sounds like a lot of great news!
Yes! Speaking of which, things are starting to settle down. The first week of work was really busy with orientation and tons of meetings. This week is the first full week of classes. Things are still busy admin-wise, but nothing like last week. This semester I teach 5 courses and have a Thursday research day. I teach one class each day except for Friday, when I teach two. Each course is 90-minutes so not that bad. Still learning about the uni, teaching at uni in Japan (it has been a decade since I have) and of course the students. But good stuff.

Since things are starting to settle down, I am finding more time to kick. I managed to kick once last week, and kicked yesterday as well. At this point, I am just getting my stamina back and making sure to get into the habit of doing everything both sides. Looking forward to starting to push harder. Gotta take it slow; I noticed that it is much easier to pull muscles, likely due to a combination of not being as young as I used to be, and my body not being used to so much exercise. Yesterday I kicked for about 40 minutes, and this morning before work I went to a nearby park and did some pull-ups. I managed to pull a muscle in my back so there is evidence of me NOT taking it slowly.
TJ Boutorwick

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 12 Apr 2023 03:28

Had another kick today for about 40 or 45 minutes. Was a bit tired going into the session but still managed to break a sweat. I worked on some basics, and finished the session with blender > p blender bs.

Feels great to kick! I have been using Quantums and really enjoying them. They are so light, and delays are nice. I hope that they last for a while, although I hear the soles are not heavy duty...
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 01 May 2023 22:44

Not a lot of action on Modified recently. Are people chatting in other places more often?

I have been working for about a month now. It is quite busy between prepping for classes, teaching, and admin and meetings. But it feels good to be working after not having work for over a year.

I have also been kicking about twice a week, and feel like things are starting to come back. I have only been kicking in Quantum, and really enjoy them. There are a few angles in them that I am still getting used to, but love how lightweight they are. I feel like my left toe stalls are getting control back, but still a long way to go to be where I would like to be. Love the progress I am making though; proximal goals.

This week is Golden Week in Japan, a series of 3 one-day holidays in a row. I just finished my last class (Tuesday), and have until next week off. We are going to Kobe for a couple days' vacation. Looking forward to it, although from yesterday I have sorta felt off somehow. Not sure I am coming down with something or not, but am taking down a lot of vitamin C just in case.
TJ Boutorwick

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 04 May 2023 02:58

I think the most "chat" (but to me there is very little anywhere) is on Youtube comments. Even still this will be like 3 people commenting on a video, and it's not set in any kind of thread. I notice quite a few of the Japanese players use Twitter - I saw the Tokyo Shredder Gathering was on last weekend.

There is the Facebook group also, which probably has the most discussion but there's not a whole lot in that either.

That sounds like a great week!

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Dio » 04 May 2023 06:24

Hey TJ, I'd say the Facebook group is the main venue for social engagement now. But as Daniel mentioned, it's not nearly as consistent or thoughtful as what you'll find on a forum like Modified. It can even end up on 'nostalgia' Facebook posts that are automatically prompted by the platform... remember when you hit this trick 12 years ago? Yeah let's bring that up again!

Maybe the diversification of platforms has been detrimental. I participate on Instagram posts and some players are posting regularly on there. But I never use Twitter. And here we are still on Modified.

Super glad to hear that the quantums are working for you. Coming from the Climas (which are built like tanks) I feel a little unsupported by the quantum design and materials. I love the lightweight and surfaces but need to adjust my balance and weight control when playing. I also haven't been playing a ton lately, mostly tennis.

I hope you enjoy your Golden Week stay in Kobe! I just watched Grave of the Fireflies which is set there (and I'm still an emotional wreck from it). Looking forward to seeing these places for myself as soon as I'm summoned by ECC.

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