Kankeri Japan

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Asmus » 28 Jul 2023 01:01

We are getting married June 8th next year. I think right now it is between Tanzania/Zanzibar and Japan. The honeymoon would probably be in August. I played yesterday with Frederik Mens and he was in Japan a couple of weeks ago. He had a great time and it sounded pretty amazing.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Muffinman » 31 Jul 2023 06:37

24 dynos?? :O
I think I've done the dyno > far dyno drill before, and I was super happy with that, lol. 24 is insane! Would love to see recent footage of you.

Congrats, Asmus! That's so exciting!! :D

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 07 Aug 2023 20:15

Muffinman wrote:
31 Jul 2023 06:37
24 dynos?? :O
I think I've done the dyno > far dyno drill before, and I was super happy with that, lol. 24 is insane! Would love to see recent footage of you.
I may have got the number wrong, but I think it is somewhere around there...but could have been 14? Ha.

Thanks for the footage request. It has been way too long since I recorded, and managed to get some footage from my last session. I am likely kicking today to so will try to get some more, then find some video-worthy strings and make a video. I forgot how different kicking while being recorded is. I definitely push myself harder when I know I am being recorded. Need to do it more!
TJ Boutorwick

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 12 Sep 2023 14:56

So I still haven't gotten to editing that footage...but have been playing about 2 times a week. I think last week I played 3 times (2 days in a row), and this week so far I have played twice. I won't kick today but will likely kick tomorrow. The 5 English teachers that make up my department are currently doing a one-week intensive English course. There are only 7 students that turned up this year, and they are all good students so things are going well.

Other than that things are moving at the speed of life. Way too much to do and not enough time to do it. That, coupled with the occasional midlife crisis. So I suppose things are normal.
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 28 Sep 2023 12:40

I'm hoping to get to Japan in the next year or two. We have started putting a little bit more thought into it and the idea seems to be getting some traction within the family.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 28 Sep 2023 15:34

That's great news! As I think I mentioned, I would try to avoid the hot months, so maybe July, August, September. It is so hot and humid here that it is not fun travelling around.

When were you thinking of coming? Where would you likely visit?
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 04 Oct 2023 16:19

I really haven't put any thought into it as yet haha. My wife has visited before and my Dad said he is interested to go - he has also visited before. I'm sure we would go to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka. I imagine if we go in the school holidays we can probably do about a ten day trip so we will just see what is what.

I would certainly like to meet some of the footbag players there also. Might even look at the timings of the Tokyo Shredder Gathering or the Japanese champs.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Muffinman » 06 Oct 2023 18:40

Sounds like things are pretty good. Great that you're playing so consistently. I hope I have the body to be able to do 2 days in a row again one day. 2 sessions per week is really pushing it for me right now, and they're super short.

Oh no! I hope you can get the mid-life thing under control. I'm probably due for one too. It's certainly super weird being middle-aged D: D: D:

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 07 Nov 2023 15:40

Thanks Erik, things are fine; nothing I can't deal with. :)

Over the last month I have played fairly consistently, about twice a week. Last week I think I only found the time to play once though. Yesterday I kicked in the gymnasium while the volleyball team was practicing. It's great to exercise around other people who are also exercising. I finally remembered to take a pen and paper so I could write down notes from the session.

November 7 2023

:arrow: drifter > gyro muted osis x2
:arrow: p drifter > gyro muted osis bsos
:arrow: spinning swirl bs
:arrow: p drifter > vortex bs
:arrow: blender x3
:arrow: torquescrew bs :arrow: New trick!
:arrow: dyno > stepping op clipper > stepping op clipper > dyno

I had some less-than-decent attempts at blender > stepping op clipper > stepping op clipper > blender
I also had a few good attempts at mobius screw. I need to remember to set slower and straighter, and keep good posture; the set was too fast and too far from my body.

Really happy to hit a new trick, and have it be torquescrew! I have stayed away from that trick, and also whirling swirl, out of fear; I have smashed my ankles and knees trying both of those tricks in the past.
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 08 Nov 2023 03:24

Nice one on the torquescrew, the drifter/vortex combos I imagine are pretty smooth too. Great you're playing pretty regularly.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 13 Nov 2023 15:30

boyle wrote:
08 Nov 2023 03:24
Nice one on the torquescrew, the drifter/vortex combos I imagine are pretty smooth too. Great you're playing pretty regularly.
Thanks Daniel. Yeah I'm glad I get to play as much as I do. I would like to have more time to kick...once classes finish in a couple months I should have a couple months of being a bit more free until the next semester starts up. Recently my sessions have been about 40 minutes max. I would like to increase that to an hour.

I think I have kicked twice since my last post. Here are some notes I took from my last sesh.

November 10 2023
:arrow: gyro refraction bsos. I saw Lon hit this in a recent vid.
:arrow: toe spinning toe bsos
:arrow: stepping muted op clipper x3
:arrow: left foot two bag x10 > right foot two bag x10 > one on each foot x10
:arrow: outside kicking ducking osis bsos
:arrow: p torque bsos

One of my first-year students I think has fallen in love with footbag. He even bought one! It's not the best at all, but it will be fine for kicking. He showed me after class last week. I was so happy. Then a day or two later when I was going home, I saw him and a couple other students kicking in the courtyard. That made my day to see people circle kicking on campus. I played with them for a bit but had to cut it short since I was on my way home.

We are all meeting today after class to kick for a while.
TJ Boutorwick

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Asmus » 16 Nov 2023 00:43

Gyro Refraction is sexy. I like the oldschool flavour of outside kicking ducking osis bsos as well. Stylish highlights in general.

How did the kick with the newcomers go?

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 16 Nov 2023 15:15

Asmus wrote:
16 Nov 2023 00:43
Gyro Refraction is sexy. I like the oldschool flavour of outside kicking ducking osis bsos as well. Stylish highlights in general.

How did the kick with the newcomers go?

Yeah; If I wasn't married I would get so much ass doing those moves...

The kick went fine. Only one student ended up coming, but he is the one who bought the bag, so all is good. There was one more student too, but she was cold so didn't kick. We played for about 40 minutes. He's got the sense; I can see it. we spent about 25 minutes hacking. It was so good for me; I got to play pretty much normally and he was able to send it back most of the time. We spent the rest of the time trying tricks. He hit ATW! He was also close to leggier, and less close to mirage. I gave him one of my bags so he could practice, and told him next week we should meet again. He said maybe. I also found out he is 23 and a first year student because he was sick for a long time (better now, thankfully), and then worked at his uncle's business for a while. He thought university looked interesting so decided to study. So interesting eh?

I hope he comes back Tuesday for another kick.

Yesterday was my daughter's 2nd birthday! I took yesterday and today off and we came to Himeji. There is a safari park here where you can drive through in your car and see Lions, tigers, giraffes, buffalo, etc. up close without cages or anything. You can then park and walk around another section and see smaller animals. It was our second time and everyone loved it.

I am at the hotel's morning buffet, trying to get some coding done. I just ate one of my favorite things; Natty (fermented soy beans) and rice. Yum.

I'll have a kick Monday I reckon.
TJ Boutorwick

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 19 Nov 2023 00:13

Happy birthday to your little one. Sounds like a good trip to celebrate. I like those kind of unusual surface kicking combos, do you do anything else from the outside kick?

How about:

outside kick paradox whirl
outside kick diving butterfly
outside kick swirl

for a couple of other ideas.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 20 Nov 2023 17:04

boyle wrote:
19 Nov 2023 00:13
Happy birthday to your little one. Sounds like a good trip to celebrate. I like those kind of unusual surface kicking combos, do you do anything else from the outside kick?

How about:

outside kick paradox whirl
outside kick diving butterfly
outside kick swirl

for a couple of other ideas.
Thanks Daniel. I don't normally do much with unusual surface stuff, although I have hit outside kicking gyro clipper and outside kicking spinning clipper and spinning osis before, both sides (not sure if any were bsos, but some probably were).

I managed to hit all of your requests yesterday bsos, but no video...the outside kick swirl took the longest.

November 20 2023
:arrow: outside kick paradox whirl bsos
:arrow: outside kick diving butterfly bsos
:arrow: outside kick swirl bsos
:arrow: gyro legover > ss symp mirage bsos
:arrow: atomic muted clipper > pdx tap (forgot the name of this, if there is one?)

Another one of my other students asked if I was playing footbag sometime and we will kick today. I love being asked when I will be playing. I am so happy some students are taking an interest in footbag.
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 29 Nov 2023 16:45

I have kicked I think three or four times since my last post. The first time was just before I met with my students, last Tuesday. I got in a cheeky 30 minutes before we met. In total there were four students who showed up! Two of my quieter female students showed up, along with the guy who I think is addicted, and then Mi, the girl who is on the volleyball team who has good potential. She came halfway in to our session, and only by chance as she was leaving uni but was happy to play. I think everyone had at least 2 contacts (i.e., kicked it twice before passing) and we even got a 5-person hack! I tried to get everyone to play again yesterday but I had a meeting so couldn't make it. I will set up a chat group with them so we can communicate easier.

I also played last Friday, Monday and again yesterday (Wednesday), each time for about 30 minutes. I have been thinking of a routine for a song I found and have some parts fleshed out. It is way too hard for my current ability though, but think that having that as a goal will help shape my practice so that I work up to that level.

I didn't bring any paper to make notes during the sessions so can't remember highlights. I need to stop not bringing paper; the session feels more productive when I write things down. I do know I had a run with both p blenders and motions. That was probably the best highlight.

If I have time after my seminar today I will likely kick again. As we go into winter, and with me not commuting via bicycle to work, I have been steadily gaining weight and I don't like it. Kicking more will help burn some of this fat I don't want on my body. Additionally, my family hasn't had the best health, with my dad passing from cancer and my mom from obesity. I don't want to follow a similar path, but my increasing weight is telling me that I am on that path. Of course, I am only talking about gaining a couple kgs, but nonetheless, gotta be mindful because I know how easy it can be to gain, and how hard it is to lose it.
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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by boyle » 05 Dec 2023 00:08

It's great these students are getting right into - probably good for you too as I think you are new to that area so probably a good way to meet more people etc.

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Re: Kankeri Japan

Post by Tjuggles » 12 Jan 2025 03:37

It's crazy how things can be so consistent, then something happens which causes it to stop completely. I'm really lucky that that something hasn't been injury. In my case, it has been welcoming my second child. He is 4 months now and is sleeping longer, but still rare that he makes it through the night without waking at least once. That makes it difficult to have a schedule. As a result, I have only kicked maybe three times since he was born, a record for me (that I wish I didn't have) in as long as I can remember. I do know that I am definitely happier in general when I am kicking regularly. As soon as we get back on a schedule...oh boy!
TJ Boutorwick

"You can do anything" -Greg Nelson

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