Science today provides a number of ways to fight against smoking. Hypnosis, laser acupuncture etc are methods which Help to stop smoking . Only medications might not help always. These are methods which supplement medication.
Hypnosis is a concentrated state of relaxation. It helps a person to relax over a particular problem or a desired result. During hypnotherapy, a person comes in contact with the subconscious mind. Sub consciousness is a state of mind where a person doesn’t recognize the difference between reality and imagination. It accepts whatever is given to it. Hypnosis is thus a key to get past the conscious mind and talk to the subconscious mind.
Hypnosis for Smoking cessation is a scientific method practiced by trained professionals. It needs to be methodically implemented. When administered step by step the patient progresses gradually. Initially the patient needs to be made to understand that smoking is a poison for his body. The harmful effects of smoking are explained to the patient. He is made to realize that he has been committing a mistake repeatedly by smoking. Next he needs to understand that his body is important for him. Without his health he would not be able to lead a happy life. He needs to understand that he owes respect and protection to his body. Various alternatives are given to the patient to get rid of smoking. He is made to realize that he can excel in all his initiatives even without smoking.
Once this process is completed, the smoker loses the emotional attachment with cigarette and understands that he had been destroying himself by smoking. Hypnosis thus helps the smoker to turn his mind against smoking.