Stress Fracture Recovery/Prevention

The exercises & techniques to keep your body healthy for footbag.
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Egyptian Footgod
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Stress Fracture Recovery/Prevention

Post by h0ag3yb3atZ » 22 Feb 2011 15:26

Am I the only footbagger who gets stuck with these nasty fuckers?

I'm on my second tibial fracture and have missed 7+ months and counting of footbag in the past year.

I'm in a brace currently but looking to make sure I don't get a third when i start to play again.

anyone got any good suggestions for shin strengthening or general recovery/prevention?
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Post by Muffinman » 22 Feb 2011 17:06

I don't think I've had stress fractures before, but recurring shin splints have been one of my worst injuries. I've only recently started owning them. I used to stretch half-assedly maybe after every session. Now I stretch around 30 minutes before and after every session. I have specific stretches and strengthening exercises for my shins:

1) Sitting with knees bent, feet under bum, top of feet against the floor. Lean back with pressure from bum on heels for stretch of the shin.
2) Toe taps. Sit in chair with legs bent at 90 degees. Tap toes semi-rapidly [with heels always planted on ground] until fatigued to strengthen shins.
3) Standing on steps with heels hanging down, body weigh redirected to heels for stretch in calf (to create less tension/tightness in shin)
4) Standing on steps with heels hanging off, raising whole body up so heel is above toes and stairs, then lower down to below toes/stairs. I do about 10-15 reps. Strengthen shins.

There's also the calf stretch where you put your foot up against the wall and push into your toe. And sometimes I do one where I just stand on one leg and bend down with my knee so that I feel a stretch kind of in the achilles, and switch feet after.

I'm far from very knowledgeable on this stuff, but these have been helping me a lot, doing them before and after every session.

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Post by drillbit » 22 Feb 2011 17:30

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Rekordy Polski
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Post by C-Fan » 28 Feb 2011 09:29

I do toe-taps at work, and that solved any shin splint issues I had. Just wait til shin splints are healed, and then strengthen those muscles by doing toe taps til you feel a slight burn. Worked for me.

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