So im gonna start working out soon and i have a few questions.
im going to start football like early september and its at like 4:30 to 6:00 and i was wondering if thats a good time to workout. we have the option of staying and lifting weights and ive actualy been wanting to start taking protein bulk up on muscle and lose some fat in the process. but is it bad to workout late like that and take protein or does it not matter? ive also been looking into a 1500 calorie diet for losing fat. so please can someone tell me? You may also leave opinions as always.
It may also depend what kind of protein you're using. The 2 most popular seem to be casein and whey. Whey is fast acting and gives your muscles a quick boost, while casein is slower acting and can help repair and grow your muscles over a nights sleep. I'm currently using a blend of the two and liking it.
NOTE: I am not a doctor, medical professional or supplement expert. I did some research to find what works for me and simply passing on what I remember.
NOTE: I am not a doctor, medical professional or supplement expert. I did some research to find what works for me and simply passing on what I remember.
ok i was just wondering because i thought it would be harder for some reason seeing as im trying to burn fat in the process.
yeah but im not sure about protein and stuff my parents would be like "DAM your big enough" haha seriously or" your too young." somthing like that. my dad used to be pretty yoked when he was younger though too soo maybe..
another thing; take protein before or after workout... or both? what works for you tony?
yeah but im not sure about protein and stuff my parents would be like "DAM your big enough" haha seriously or" your too young." somthing like that. my dad used to be pretty yoked when he was younger though too soo maybe..
another thing; take protein before or after workout... or both? what works for you tony?
~Tyler Cheas~ ... 60x375.jpg ... 60x375.jpg
i think im slowly turning their opinions to my favor. i want my body fat% to be more around 10 rather than 20 so i think taking protein would be good WHY does it have to be so damn expensive? a freakin thing of whey is like 22 bucks for a small tub and then like other stuff like creatine is freakin 40 bucks. and even mere protein drinks are like 4 bucks per 32g 8oz can! i think for my birthday instead of footbags, im gonna ask for some suppliments and a heart monitor like you have a nice fancy one haha. dam doing all this is like preparing for another year of school( wait it is actualy) im freakin stoked! 

~Tyler Cheas~ ... 60x375.jpg ... 60x375.jpg