Supplements For Footbag?

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Supplements For Footbag?

Post by Slowsis » 02 Apr 2012 10:06

Any supplements which can prevent or help heal joint and muscle injury?

I'm starting to feel a little old for a footbag player (late twenties) and I think a bit of prevention might be able to help me keep playing and improving for a few more years.

Any suggestions?
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Post by Muffinman » 02 Apr 2012 13:20

I took glucosamine and chondroitin for a few years when my knees were really bad, and my knees are a LOT better these days. I can't 100% conclusively attribute it to the supplements, since I've also had a lot of time off, wore knee braces for those same years, and was very careful aside from playing footbag, but it seems to be a popular one for joint pain and deterioration.

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Post by j_norton » 02 Apr 2012 19:37

I can 100% attribute my joint pain symptoms being relieved by glucosamine, chrondroitin and theres another one, MSM I think. I don't bother buying supplements individually, I just buy a supplement called Joint Juice that's made by this doctor in San Francisco apparently (I live here and I heard about it from my uncle in SoCal)

Anyway I buy the bottles, Walgreens almost always has them on sale for some reason, buy one six pack get one free. Great deal. I drink one a day and all my wrist pain and other joint pains go away, it's that simple. I stopped drinking them for a few weeks too and injured my wrist, and it took two days of drinking them again for a 90% recovery. I really swear by it.

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Post by Jazzkid » 12 Apr 2012 09:59

I am going to start taking vitamins for joint health too....

I also heard about supplements that help with specific tricks.....I havent hit flurry yet so I might buy this...

.[img][img] ... 289444.jpg[/img][/img]

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Post by rjadamson » 12 Apr 2012 17:17

I have a pretty abysmal diet that I'm taking baby steps to change for the better. Justin Dale has been very helpful in pushing me in the right direction.

I've been making a protein drink pretty regularly (most mornings) for a couple of months now. I think making one right after a session would be optimal, but I find the shakes are really good for giving your day (and metabolism) a healthy boost in the morning.

Over the last few weeks I've started adding glucosamine/MSM gel cap supplements for the very reasons everyone else here will mention. I think in the dietary supplements department they are pretty popular for maintaining/improving joint and muscle health.

Finally I have just started adding krill oil to this list. Krill oil has the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil and flax seeds. Joint and muscle health will usually be near the top of the list of alleged benefits obtained by proper omega-3 intake. There are lots of claims out there that krill oil is the best way to obtain omega-3's... I am not a nutritionist and therefore can't vouch for any of this hype, but I can say that krill oil won't make you burp up fish taste for hours (sometimes this happens with fish oil).

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Post by Muffinman » 12 Apr 2012 17:45

On that same note, when I would take the gel capsules of G&C without sufficient water, the capsule would often stick to the inside of my throat and keep coughing up the powder inside. Once it burst out in a cloud of dust. Weird. And terrible taste. So drink lots of water... (Or use the non-gel-encapsulated pills (but still drink lots of water anyway...))

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Post by Allan » 12 Apr 2012 18:54

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Post by Jeremy » 15 Apr 2012 17:12

I am opposed to supplements generally, on the basis that most have no evidence that they actually work (or faulty evidence), and some even have evidence suggesting they are harmful. It's hard to get good information on supplements, but a few books worth reading are;

Bad Science by Ben Goldacre
Denialism by Michael Shermer
Snake Oil Science by R. Barker Bausell
In Defence of Food by Michael Pollan

Glucosamine probably doesn't work, but what's clear from the evidence is that the difference between the studies showing it does work and doesn't work is tiny. If we accept the positive studies we'd have to conclude that it doesn't work for many people, and it only barely works for the rest. Of course the bigger and more rigorous studies all say that it just doesn't work.

R. Barker Bausell's book goes in to good details about why people *think* it works, so I think that book is especially useful and interesting. Certainly since reading that book I've noticed many examples of myself making the same misunderstandings about things that are essentially placebos.

In general with supplements, I think the thing to consider is typically with single nutrient studies on plants and animals you get a very serious negative consequences when a nutrient is deficient, and then a long period where the amount doesn't affect health, and then a decline in health when toxicity is reached. So unless you have serious specific symptoms (teeth falling out etc.) then taking nutrient supplements probably won't have any effect on your health, and if you do have those symptoms, you should go see a doctor.

In general I'd say - don't take supplements, eat a healthy balanced diet.

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Post by Bigfoot_bag » 18 Apr 2012 07:19

hmmm interesting thread. A lot of people trust in "legal drugs" but think a second, Why a substance that your body doesn´t produce (or in a small amount) is good? yeah, for the moment u are like Hulk but you will have problems in a future if u dont follow take it (j_norton).
EAT NATURAL FOOD. In USA, the companies use a product in their tomatoes, corn, potatoes fields to kill insects. I dont remember the name of this product but is TOXIC, here in europe is forbidden (people were infected and died for cancer or cardiac attack....).
The future is get back in the time and dont be so "intelligent" and dont put all confidence in people who only want to be rich. for all of u please: Eat natural food, do sport, fuck a lot and dont take this type of miracle drug.
Im not saying all medical stuff are liars !! I had problems on my left knee and they helped me a lot, now i can play (i took medicine but before exhaust all ways)

My english sucks!!! I hope u can understand me ;)

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Post by dasreen » 18 Apr 2012 09:22

I shred without any injuries since I drink my banana milk made with Asea water and 6 and a half bananas (best cal/fat ratio) twice a day.

Sometimes I first let my footbag soak in Asea overnight though, makes me feel more connected to the bag. For the best results, take one that is filled with lead.

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Post by Jeremy » 04 May 2012 18:50

This is a bit old, but I was reminded of it and thought I'd post it here; ... pplements/

It's a cool graphic of various supplements, along with the claim of how they're supposed to be helpful, and you can click on them to bring up studies as to whether they work as claimed or not. It's no substitute for doing real research on a supplement that you're thinking of taking, but it's a good starting point and well presented.

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