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Should Gollum (or an animated actor) be nominated for best actor?

Total votes: 26

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Post by Jeremy » 19 Jan 2003 01:44

ToeGuiltless wrote:...no-one here has the right to bag on it.
Things might be different in the US but in Australia we have this thing called freedom of expression that means you can express your views on any topic you like. Why does no one have the right to bag on it?

Fourth Reich culture - Americana (ok, so not all Americans are facist, but supressing alternative views is about as facist as you can get)

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Post by bob » 19 Jan 2003 03:47

i don't see why a cg character couldn't win this award, however i will disagree with one things said, most people who read the book are pleased over all with the movie, but are mad about the intellectual straying from the books. i mean....gimbly was my favorite character in the book and they took away all of his depth and made him a cartoon. i do like the movies - i just think they strayed too much. (plus the fact that you can tell with the second that the third is going to have to be different as well).


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Post by Dohovenus » 26 Jan 2003 21:11

Tolkien was a brilliant man. He was linguistically gifted, and besides LoTR, he did much useful work as a philologist. Little preface there.
It seems that no one has learned from the example of Bakshi and whoever made the Hobbit movie--LoTR cannot be portrayed visually. The best non-textual rendition of LoTR is in a radio play, and even the radio plays (Minds Eye, BBC) do not hold up with the actual work, and diminish much of Tolkien's genius.
Peter Jackson's FoTR and TTT, besides the gross inaccuracies with respect to the storyline, ridiculed Tolkien with melodrama and cheap romances. Jackson took Tolkien's epic work and reduced it into something that large crowds can digest and make out to (heh, nothing intended, FootbagginBum). The lack of a better rendition (I think that an animated version would be the best) does not make Jackson's a good one. The special effects and costumes are intriguing, but the score, directing, acting, and screenplay suggest that the film should be retitled, "Die Hard 12: Mordor Madness," starring Jean Claude van Damme as Aragorn, Sylvester Stallone as Boromir, and Arnold Schwartzeneger as Sauron.
I realize that this sounds about as high-minded and arrogant as possible, but I'm just a man whose circumstances are beyond his control... I like Tolkien.
Oh, yeah, Jeremy--calling someone a fascist and throwing around the term "Fourth Reich" in an online forum on a thread about LoTR is just idiotic. That's my use of free speech.



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Post by FootbagginBum » 26 Jan 2003 21:57

lol, its cool, I laughed when I got to the make out part even before I saw the mention of me, I forgot I made that post.
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Post by Jeremy » 27 Jan 2003 16:21

Dohovenus wrote: Oh, yeah, Jeremy--calling someone a fascist and throwing around the term "Fourth Reich" in an online forum on a thread about LoTR is just idiotic. That's my use of free speech.


"Fourth Reich culture - Americana" is a quote from No Shleter - Rage Against the Machine.

I never ignore fascist or extreme authoritarian comments on any forum and the comment that we had no right to bag the movies was exactly that. I always comment on things I disagree with, the only way to improve the world is through making an effort to change it. Perhaps educating ToeG on the link between his comments and other people with those views might not make much change but I believe in "Think globally, act locally" and it's pretty clear that authoritarianism is becoming more and more common around the world and it would be impossible to change anything without first changing the people that vote.

I didn't call ToeG a fascist, I find it very hard to believe that he would be. I just said that supressing alternative views was fascist. A recent survey showed that something like 60% of americans believe that they fought in WW2 with the Germans against the Russians. How can the rest of the world expect the US to act in a globaly inclusive manner when such a large portion of the population is so ignorant of the rest of the world?

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Post by QuantumBalance » 27 Jan 2003 16:23

We are so ignorant.... god damn. That's why we are being led by a moron puppet. We didn't even care that the person who we voted to be president isn't president.

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