Booya. I am a happy camper today. Not true for the last few sessions because I am drilling infinities again and oh boy do I suck at those. But enough about that, because today I am all about pixie ducking!
I remembered recently that my third five add was actually spinning DLO, though I only did it once. It also struck me that I've never hit any of my fives flipside.
No videos this time, sorry. There's some footage from when I shredded with Anton and Christian a couple weeks ago in Kalamazoo, MI, but I've been lazy about sifting through it. Maybe next time.
I'm still practicing regularly but it's been brutal. For like the billionth time, I'm re-learning clipper with what I hope is the right goddamn form for fuck's sake. I hate it and it sucks and doing it makes me not want to play but I'm drilling it anyway because I have had it up to fucking here with clipper holding back my level of shred. I love Derek Littlefield and I want his toe game but I also want Matt Kemmer's clipper delays. Is the best of both worlds too much to ask?
Maybe this is the time I fix clippers once and for all. I'll give it at least half a year before I go full Littlefield. One thing working in my favor is that I'm more often watching footbag videos with an analytical mindset and comparing my form to the experts. Kinda stupid that I haven't been doing that for the past seven years, but my focus and frustration have finally met in the middle to motivate a change in my habits. It helps that Ivan recently uploaded two amazing videos in HD 60fps.
Everybody is invited to New Years Jam, December 28-30 in Detroit, MI. Come early, stay late. I'll be in a better mood by then, maybe. I think I'm also going to go to USO, even though it is annoyingly close to NYJ again.
I would love to come to NYJ sometime. Not this year though.
I think on watching the experts, there's room for watching, and room for learning from your own mistakes. Spinning DLO is quite hard, great work on that one. I've only hit it a couple of times. What about spinning symp mirage?
This is a good one for clipper training, I think it was another of Erik's ideas, I believe I copied it from his posting here, but someone else might have though of it. Start with one clipper, then do one clipper on the other side, then 2, 3, 4, 5, go up to 10, then come back down doing 9, 8, 7 and so on. It's actually really hard to get back to 1 (obviously start out going up to say 5 and then back down). This is a really good warm up drill and if you keep doing that it will improve your clipper game.
I'm the opposite actually, my toe game needs so much more improvement, but I've been plugging away at it bit by bit.
Start with one clipper, then do one clipper on the other side, then 2, 3, 4, 5, go up to 10, then come back down doing 9, 8, 7 and so on.
What I find most useful about this drill is when you get into the high numbers on flipside you're really forced to focus on breathing and cushioning that stall, because if you let your crank stiffen from fatigue you're gonna drop.
I am running this year's Joulukalenteri! Consequently, I have become mad with power and demand that you all produce videos for this most wonderful time of year.
But seriously, it would be super cool to see videos of you all. Dan has already promised one, so many thanks to you, sir! Ken sent me raw footage, which is an option for those who don't have the time or tools to edit it themselves. I only have eight videos scheduled at the moment, including three of my own making, so any contribution to the calendar would be sincerely appreciated!
I also just wanted to throw out a public kudos to you for taking on the J-Lo Karen Terry. It's one of the cooler traditions in the footbag world for sure.
Also thank you for taking that Kat/Wenner footage off my hands. Hopefully it helps fill a day on the calendar.
I'm excited to see what you come up with. It's a lot of work, but it's so great that this is something that is still going. It's also nice that you have someone else running the link of the day as well. Saves one thing to think about. I'm definitely up for one, but if things go well I might even be able to do a second one.
I had two sessions this weekend with Adam. Both of them went really well! spinning ducking pdx mirage (new 5 add!) flipside spinning ducking clipper for the first time dimwalk > ducking pdx mirage rpt pixie muted pickup > pixie ss mirage rpt
A couple weeks ago I hit all four pixie LIMP drills in one session, including pixie ss illusion > smudge rpt, another first for me. Pixie Everything is definitely on my mind. I don't think I'll be able to hit it by the end of the year, but I'm making it a goal for 2019. ... _copy_link
Joulukalenteri planning is going well. Thanks, Erik Chan, for being the first to submit not just one, but three videos! Every day in December is accounted for and I have a few backup videos in progress There are some really exciting things on this year's calendar, including some names that are not on the schedule I shared on Facebook
If anybody here has cool songs they like, I would love to hear them! I am looking for tunes I can use in videos but also just cool things to listen to. Here's a song I've been obsessed with lately:
To no one's surprise, the weather is getting cold and miserable. Winter always negatively affects my mood (I think they call it SAD?) but it seems particularly potent this year. I've been especially crabby and unmotivated to kick, but the two sessions with Adam helped a lot.
I am much more underway now, though something went wrong with the file and I will have to redo a bunch of stuff. However, I have realised I've probably got enough stuff to get the video done, so happy with that.
Hacky Kicksgiving! Today I'm thankful for all the good people who signed up to make Joulukalenteri videos, especially Dan and Erik who have already finished theirs! You guys are champs!
I'm also thankful for frustrating sessions that turn out all right: ... de1qfrrs3o pixie ss mirage rpt x7, a new personal best! probably the most pixie tricks I've ever done in one string
Great stuff! You are making great progress and I love seeing it. I particularly enjoy watching your rhythm develop. You are starting to get that smoothness that those from D-town seem to have. Ima have to start shredding harder (or smarter)...