by acxel22 » 02 Sep 2023 12:38
East coasts!
Good times, I had not gone to an event for so long I cant remember!
I drived with Esteban from montreal, a net player who also can freestyle a bit.
The drive was smooth, we slept at Drew's on friday, was glad to see.him after so long this guy is always like a brother.
Saturday we went to the park early, had a croissant and watched net starting up as freestylers didnt arrive until much later. There was rain in early morning but the sun was massive and super hot so not a factor.
Players started arriving. We moved to the freestyle spot and quickly started playing.
Boats had a huge luggage and looked like a dad, until he explained the luggage was filles with gatorades. He made a super cool comic book for east coasts, everyone was reading it at the same time, so many good laughs
I had prepared a 1 min routine for the first time in the past month, not 100% ready as my play time was cut short in july. But i did not wany to save energy for routine like i have before as I want to play with everyone so much. Routines went okay. I had 2 drops in the first seconds but recovered the last 45-50 seconds dropless. A couple bails, but i felt satisfied with my current shape.
Then battles, my first round was against my eternal rival matt kemmer. We usually exchange wins against each other, this turn went in my favor, after I was facing the player i fear the most in battles, Boats! This guy is made for battles, such a unique style always impressing me. Ended up winning with good runs. The finals was boats again, because of a double elimitation bracket format, i think finals was more tight but we where both a little tired, i still had not have food beside a croissant in morning so it was getting rough running on water and gatorade!
Around 6-7pm drew , john and I went for some burritos, food was well deserved, and toped it with a fancy ice cream place
Sunday was a relax shred until 3pm, then awards ceremony and on the way back
They where short of 1 gold medal, so for routines I got the LEGEND necklace they used in this summers new york sess videos on instagram. I was very happy to get this as it had more meaning then a random medal to me!
Overall good weekend, nice to play with everyone, i am pretty sure I had good amount of playtime with everyone, and I come back home with more motivation to play then I had in a long time!
Thanks to the NY crew and see you all soon I hope
Mathieu Gauthier