Stopped by a session today to just hang with my friends since Maciej is in town just for this week (he missed Dylan's jam by a day -- too bad). It was Maciej, Dylan Fry, and Alex (and Dylan's wife). All were playing great, and I just watched and chatted with Sonya. We all went for dinner after and that was nice since I'd only come to hang out anyway. Great to see Dylan, and since I'd only briefly met him at a handful of events over 10 years ago -- I don't think I ever had a conversation with him aside from, like, "Hi." He did some sick breakdance moves after footbag, and then his wife did a bunch of handsprings in a row -- apparently she was a professional gymnist years ago -- both were super impressive! Hopefully I'll be able to hang out again before they leave Toronto at the end of March. Alex, Dylan, and Tom Mosher all play regularly once per week, but Tom's shed is quite small so there isn't really room for me to just tag along, I don't think. Also, it's too bad that I didn't make it to Dylan's jam this past weekend, but they're having another in Hamilton (an hour away) next month, so maybe if I'm better enough I'll make the trek to hang. Also, apparently Jorden went to the jam on the weekend, which I found super surprising, considering the drama on Facebook, but I'm also glad he did, and I hope that helped smooth over some stuff for him. I heard that he didn't play so much, and rather spent time coaching others. Anyway... hacky:
Dylan was hitting long contact runs, super smooth obviously. Tons of torques. A nice run with spinning whirl > gyro whirl BSOS, vortexes, lots of mobiuses. Torque > pdx torque repeat. I missed him hitting a marius that he said he hadn't hit in like 10 years. He hit 23 dynos (I think he said his records years ago was like 50??)
Alex was playing solid with long runs. I asked what his butterfly record was, he said 50-ish, and then proceeded to hit 55! Also hit 9 drifters? Legeater BSOS. Some solid toe runs.
Maciej was on fire as always, though he says he doesn't really play that much back home in Poland, since there's nobody else in his city. He hit like 19 barflies? Or 16? Something like that. Like 14 contacts of plasticman. Janiwalkers, whirring swirls, pdx whirling swirls. You know, Maciej.
I've been drawing a lot and playing lots of games. Not much else I can do. Drawing every day since Jan 1 (my Instragram is Accctually, almost every day since Oct 1 last year, but I got really sick at Christmas and missed a day, so waited to start again on Jan 1 (an easier day to remember). Also doing an ATW each side once per day since Jan 1; previously I had a record of 2 years straight, but then also missed that when I got sick. For games, I spent a ton of hours 100%ing Witcher 3 -- so good. I'm inching through Pokemon Ultra Moon, which I started like 4 years ago. Also trying to pick up Death Stranding again -- it's so slow. And I just got Thronebreaker for Switch, which is a Witcher Gwent RPG -- heard great things about it and Gwent was my favourite part of Witcher 3!
EDIT: Oooh, I get to do a top post painting. Here's an artist I've been super into lately whose painting style is how I want to paint -- he's got a chunky angular lilt to his paintings, and that's how I work also. I've prepped a few paintings recently, so we'll see if mine come out anything like his brilliant work lol: