GoErie – Footbag a Kick for Erie Players (2017)

This is a local news report about the Lake Erie footbag tournament, which is becoming a regular event on the East Coast of the USA.

The second annual Lake Erie Footbag tournament recently took place at Griswold Park.

Anthony Ritz of Erie was 9 years old when he kicked a Hacky Sack for the first time. At 27, he’s still kicking and has no plans to slow down.

Ritz competes in footbag net, a sport in which participants must use only their feet to get a foot bag over a 5-foot net. Scoring is similar to volleyball.

“When you find something that you really enjoy it goes right to your heart,” said Ritz, who recently organized the third Lake Erie Footbag tournament at Griswold Park.

Read the full article here.