Capital Eyes Vlog 20-30

You can see the first 20 vlogs on this post.

Each of the vlogs is just about some general life stuff, so there’s pretty much always footbag inside. Sometimes they are about music, travel, the fortunes and misfortunes of the Canberra Raiders or going on bushwalks around the local Canberra area.

Vlog 20 – Sydney Visit

This was a great chance to catch up with some friends I hadn’t seen in a while, as well as to catch a ferry in Sydney. There’s actually fairly minimal footbag in this one.

Vlog 21 – New Shoes – Quantums

This one has plenty of footbag, it’s about receiving some new pairs of Quantums. The Swiss crew were getting rid of their final stock, so I got a few pairs at a pretty good price. With a little Swiss chocolate inside the box as well.

Vlog 22 – Out Past The Airport

This is from a bike ride around the Canberra area. Had a few stops for footbag along the way and brought a picnic.

Vlog 23 – Skating With Ferrit

This was a bit of a blast from the past, hanging out with a good friend of mine. We visited four skateparks in the one day and that was pretty tiring. There is a bit of footbag in here through the course of the video.

Vlog 24 – Down the Coast

This was a trip where I took Nico with me to visit my parents. We had a good time at the Pambula Rivermouth as well as the skatepark nearby.

Vlog 25 – Road to Melbourne

We went down for a visit to Melbourne a little while ago, this is from the trip down and then I made a follow up for the action inside Melbourne itself. A few stops for footbag, some with a background of a big waterfall near Beechworth.

Vlog 26 – Melbourne

This has some definite footbag action, got to catch up with Albert Hua from Vietnam and we had a fun footbag and freestyle football session. This was great as I didn’t even know he played footbag.

Vlog 27 – Culburra Callala

This was an express daytrip down to the coast, visiting areas I hadn’t been to since I was a teenager. I wouldn’t mind to go to that area again and spend a bit more time there, pretty amazing views.

Vlog 28 – Shepherd’s Lookout

This one is a bushwalking vlog and didn’t start out great with the footbag, I dropped the bag into a very difficult to reach location. It improved though, I was able to retrieve the bag without falling off a cliff and then got some cool footage near the river.

Vlog 29 – Return to Mt Painter

A few of the recent vlogs have been returns to places I went in the early days of the vlog. The last time I visited this area I was caught in a storm and got soaked. This time was not so bad. I actually went up to the top twice.

Vlog 30 – Mt Ainslie Ride

Another hill in the local area and this one I was on my bike. It was actually the first time I rode up Mt Ainslie. At the top I went straight into footbag and got some good runs.

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